[SC02] シチュエーション別 Active Directory デザインパターンde:code 2017
Active Directory を中心としたアイデンティティ プロバイダはオンプレミスからハイブリッドやクラウドまで様々な構成が実現され飛躍的な進化を遂げています。
Windows Server 2016 の認証新機能から Azure AD、Azure Active Directory Domain Services まで、それぞれの特徴を理解し企業にとっての Best Practice を見極めましょう!
受講対象: Active Directory の設計に携わるエンジニア
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/Windows Server/アーキテクチャ/アイデンティティ (AD/Azure AD)/セキュリティ/クラウド
宮川 麻里
Microsoft MVP
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Serverの準備と監視 _ Preparing and monitoring AKS on...Norio Sashizaki
- ウィルス対策における、AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server の除外パス
- Kubernetes クラスターの追加準備 – AD との SSO
- Get-AksHciCredential と kubectl.exe
Kubernetes クラスターのリソース確認
- サービス アカウント ベアラー トークン/サービス アカウント トークン認証 で Azure Arc の Kubernetes クラスター を確認
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes クラスターのモニター
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI 内でログを表示して、データを収集、確認する
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server のアップグレード
- Exclusion path for AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server in antivirus
- Prepare to add Kubernetes cluster - SSO with AD
- Get-AksHciCredential and kubectl.exe
Check Kubernetes cluster resources
- Check Kubernetes cluster in Azure Arc with Service Account Bearer Token / Service Account Token Authentication
- Monitor AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes clusters
- View logs, collect and review data within AKS on Azure Stack HCI
Upgrade AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server
Reference material
WebAssemblyとBlazor 、WebAssembly System Interfaceでコンテナライズの設計を解説Takao Tetsuro
WebAssembly(WASM)とWebAssembly System Interface(WASI)は、コンテナライゼーションのアーキテクチャのひとつです。DockerやWSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)と同じく、皆さんの業務ロジックにモビリティとスケーラビリティを与えてくれます。モビリティとスケーラビリティを考慮したプログラムを作る一例として、Rust、Nodeなどの技術を交えコンテナライゼーションを解説します。
“Metadata is king!” Thus proclaimed Steve Kearns of Basis Technology, Platinum Sponsor of Lucene Revolution, at the start of this standing-room-only session on Day 1 of the conference. Why? Because it provides a way to enhance otherwise unstructured data with a considerable amount of structure.
Test Driven Relevancy, Presented by Doug Turnbull at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
Doug discusses challenges with collaboration between search developers and content experts when optimizing search relevancy. The current process of developers making changes and experts having to wait a week for results is inefficient. Doug proposes applying test-driven development principles to search by having experts continuously test search results and provide feedback on changes in real-time. This allows developers to get immediate feedback and ensures changes are improving search quality. Doug's company built a tool called Quepid that implements this approach to enable better collaboration between experts and developers when optimizing search.
[SC02] シチュエーション別 Active Directory デザインパターンde:code 2017
Active Directory を中心としたアイデンティティ プロバイダはオンプレミスからハイブリッドやクラウドまで様々な構成が実現され飛躍的な進化を遂げています。
Windows Server 2016 の認証新機能から Azure AD、Azure Active Directory Domain Services まで、それぞれの特徴を理解し企業にとっての Best Practice を見極めましょう!
受講対象: Active Directory の設計に携わるエンジニア
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/Windows Server/アーキテクチャ/アイデンティティ (AD/Azure AD)/セキュリティ/クラウド
宮川 麻里
Microsoft MVP
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Serverの準備と監視 _ Preparing and monitoring AKS on...Norio Sashizaki
- ウィルス対策における、AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server の除外パス
- Kubernetes クラスターの追加準備 – AD との SSO
- Get-AksHciCredential と kubectl.exe
Kubernetes クラスターのリソース確認
- サービス アカウント ベアラー トークン/サービス アカウント トークン認証 で Azure Arc の Kubernetes クラスター を確認
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes クラスターのモニター
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI 内でログを表示して、データを収集、確認する
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server のアップグレード
- Exclusion path for AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server in antivirus
- Prepare to add Kubernetes cluster - SSO with AD
- Get-AksHciCredential and kubectl.exe
Check Kubernetes cluster resources
- Check Kubernetes cluster in Azure Arc with Service Account Bearer Token / Service Account Token Authentication
- Monitor AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes clusters
- View logs, collect and review data within AKS on Azure Stack HCI
Upgrade AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server
Reference material
WebAssemblyとBlazor 、WebAssembly System Interfaceでコンテナライズの設計を解説Takao Tetsuro
WebAssembly(WASM)とWebAssembly System Interface(WASI)は、コンテナライゼーションのアーキテクチャのひとつです。DockerやWSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)と同じく、皆さんの業務ロジックにモビリティとスケーラビリティを与えてくれます。モビリティとスケーラビリティを考慮したプログラムを作る一例として、Rust、Nodeなどの技術を交えコンテナライゼーションを解説します。
“Metadata is king!” Thus proclaimed Steve Kearns of Basis Technology, Platinum Sponsor of Lucene Revolution, at the start of this standing-room-only session on Day 1 of the conference. Why? Because it provides a way to enhance otherwise unstructured data with a considerable amount of structure.
Test Driven Relevancy, Presented by Doug Turnbull at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
Doug discusses challenges with collaboration between search developers and content experts when optimizing search relevancy. The current process of developers making changes and experts having to wait a week for results is inefficient. Doug proposes applying test-driven development principles to search by having experts continuously test search results and provide feedback on changes in real-time. This allows developers to get immediate feedback and ensures changes are improving search quality. Doug's company built a tool called Quepid that implements this approach to enable better collaboration between experts and developers when optimizing search.
The document discusses the impact of open source search on the intelligence community. It covers how open source search presents challenges like dealing with large amounts of digital data from various sources and languages, as well as breaking down silos within and between organizations. However, it also presents opportunities to more quickly analyze and act on information. Examples are given of how open source search tools could be incorporated into intelligence platforms and applications. Concerns about adopting open source solutions are addressed, such as procurement processes and lack of formal support, but policy statements and examples from the US and Europe support considering open source options.
Presentation to the Old Dominion University (ODU) MBA Association, 3/20/13Marty Kaszubowski
The document discusses several key points about entrepreneurship and new venture formation:
1) Entrepreneurship and new ventures are the primary drivers of economic growth, not small or large existing companies. High-growth startups create the most jobs.
2) Starting a new venture can be a rewarding career path that allows one to create something from nothing, take control of their career, and potentially make a big impact.
3) Successful new ventures focus on proving their business model and solutions before attempting large-scale growth ("Nail it, then scale it"). Having the right founding team and understanding customers are also important success factors.
4) While starting a venture involves significant risks and effort
1. Organizational behavior is the study of how individuals and groups act within organizations and how their behaviors impact organizational effectiveness.
2. Managers work in organizations and perform functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve goals through others.
3. The field of organizational behavior draws from multiple disciplines including psychology, sociology, and anthropology to understand workplace behaviors and relationships.
Trulia is a real estate search company that helps customers find homes for sale or to rent and provides them with information to help them make better decisions in the process. It is also a hub for real estate professionals to market their listings, view real estate data and promote their services.
Video is becoming more prevalent in enterprises as it provides a richer communication experience than other media. As video usage grows, new tools are needed to search, discover, and consume large volumes of enterprise video content. Emerging technologies like speech recognition, facial recognition, and semantic analysis can extract metadata from video to enable more powerful search and discovery capabilities. The network will play a key role in processing and distributing video data and associated metadata.
The document discusses search analytics, which involves analyzing query and click data from search to generate reports. It provides examples of common report types like top queries, zero hit queries, and low click-through rate queries. The purpose is to measure search performance, understand user intent, and identify opportunities to improve search relevance, navigation, and the user experience.
Apache Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform; it uses
Lucene as its core search engine. Solr’s major features include powerful full-text search, hit
highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and complex queries.
Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the
search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.
This card from a daughter to her mother expresses love and appreciation for her mother on Mother's Day. It reflects on how their bond began at birth and has remained unbreakable through ups and downs. While one day is not enough to show appreciation, the daughter is grateful that her mother has always been there for her with love regardless of circumstances. She wishes her mother a love-filled Mother's Day.
Exploration of multidimensional biomedical data in pub chem, Presented by Lia...Lucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses the development of a new search system for PubChem to allow for exploration of multidimensional biomedical data. The new system was needed to address the challenges of handling large and heterogeneous datasets with many relationships between data types in a way that allows for fast querying. The system leverages Apache SOLR to provide features like full text search, faceting, molecule structure searching and joining of related data. It includes backend components like SOLR, SQL and specialized search engines as well as web APIs and frontend interfaces like reusable widgets and a new search interface.
The document summarizes the song "Is This Love" by Bob Marley. It includes the lyrics of the song, which expresses Marley's feelings of love and desire to be with his partner. It provides historical context, noting the song was inspired by Marley's beginning relationship with his wife Rita. It also includes a video of Marley performing the song.
Got data? Let's make it searchable! This interactive presentation will demonstrate getting documents into Solr quickly, will provide some tips in adjusting Solr's schema to match your needs better, and finally will discuss how showcase your data in a flexible search user interface. We'll see how to rapidly leverage faceting, highlighting, spell checking, and debugging. Even after all that, there will be enough time left to outline the next steps in developing your search application and taking it to production.
The document discusses the future of educational technology and openness. It argues that while e-journals and e-textbooks currently have limited openness due to costs and restrictions, moving towards more open access and open learning could help address these issues by providing anywhere, anytime access to searchable and shareable information. However, challenges around collaboration and changing existing models would need to be overcome to fully realize this more open future of educational technology.
どっちの VS ショー / 伝統の Visual Studio 2019、人気の Visual Studio CodeTakashi Okawa
Microsoft de:code 2019 のセッション番号 DT06 にてご案内した内容の補足資料です。セッション中にお見せしていないスライドもありますので、是非ご一読くださいませ!
Visual Studio 2019 と Visual Studio Code、どちらもいいところがありますので、適材適所にて、是非ご活用いただければ幸いです!
2021年7月17日開催「.NETラボ 勉強会 2021年7月」でのセッション スライドです。
Windows 11 が今年年末にリリースされると発表されました。
Windows 10 からのアップグレードも来年早々には開始されます。
これに向けて企業や組織の IT 管理者が準備すべきこと、リプレースやアップグレードをどう判断すべきか、解説します。