Fragmentation and Reassembly Example
If an audio message is broken into two pieces, the first piece might look something like this:
X-Weird-Header-1: Foo From: Bill@host.com To: joe@otherhost.com Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 12:59:38 -0500 (EST) Subject: Audio mail (part 1 of 2) Message-ID: <id1@host.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: message/partial; id="ABC@host.com"; number=1; total=2 X-Weird-Header-1: Bar X-Weird-Header-2: Hello Message-ID: <anotherid@foo.com> Subject: Audio mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: audio/basic Content-transfer-encoding: base64 ... first half of encoded audio data goes here ... (… 符号化された音声データの前半はここに …)
and the second half might look something like this:
From: Bill@host.com To: joe@otherhost.com Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 12:59:38 -0500 (EST) Subject: Audio mail (part 2 of 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <id2@host.com> Content-type: message/partial; id="ABC@host.com"; number=2; total=2 ... second half of encoded audio data goes here ... (… 符号化された音声データの後半はここに …)
Then, when the fragmented message is reassembled, the resulting message to be displayed to the user should look something like this:
X-Weird-Header-1: Foo From: Bill@host.com To: joe@otherhost.com Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 12:59:38 -0500 (EST) Subject: Audio mail Message-ID: <anotherid@foo.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: audio/basic Content-transfer-encoding: base64 ... first half of encoded audio data goes here ... (… 符号化された音声データの前半はここに …) ... second half of encoded audio data goes here ... (… 符号化された音声データの後半はここに …)
The inclusion of a "References" field in the headers of the second and subsequent pieces of a fragmented message that references the Message-Id on the previous piece may be of benefit to mail readers that understand and track references. However, the generation of such "References" fields is entirely optional.
2番目のヘッダーでの「References」フィールドの包含、前の断片の参照メッセージ-IDが分かる読者に郵送するためには利益のものであるかもしれないという断片化しているメッセージ、およびその後の道の参照。 しかしながら、そのような「References」フィールドの世代は完全にオプションです。
Finally, it should be noted that the "Encrypted" header field has been made obsolete by Privacy Enhanced Messaging (PEM) [RFC-1421, RFC-1422, RFC-1423, RFC-1424], but the rules above are nevertheless believed to describe the correct way to treat it if it is encountered in the context of conversion to and from "message/partial" fragments.
5.2.3. External-Body Subtype
External-Body サブタイプ
The external-body subtype indicates that the actual body data are not included, but merely referenced. In this case, the parameters describe a mechanism for accessing the external data.
When a MIME entity is of type "message/external-body", it consists of a header, two consecutive CRLFs, and the message header for the encapsulated message. If another pair of consecutive CRLFs appears, this of course ends the message header for the encapsulated message. However, since the encapsulated message's body is itself external, it does NOT appear in the area that follows. For example, consider the following message:
Content-type: message/external-body; access-type=local-file; name="/u/nsb/Me.jpeg" Content-type: image/jpeg Content-ID: <id42@guppylake.bellcore.com> Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary THIS IS NOT REALLY THE BODY! 【これは本当はボディではありません!】
The area at the end, which might be called the "phantom body", is ignored for most external-body messages. However, it may be used to contain auxiliary information for some such messages, as indeed it is when the access-type is "mail- server". The only access-type defined in this document that uses the phantom body is "mail-server", but other access-types may be defined in the future in other specifications that use this area.
「phantom body」と呼ばれるかもしれない終わりのエリアはほとんどの外部ボディメッセージのために無視されます。しかし、実にそれが、アクセスタイプが「メールサーバ」である時である時に、それは、いくつかのそのようなメッセージのために補助の情報を含むように使われるかもしれません。phantom bodyを使うこの文書の中で定義された唯一のアクセスタイプは「メールサーバ」であるけれども、他のアクセスタイプは、このエリアを使う他の仕様の中の未来に定義されるかもしれません。
The encapsulated headers in ALL "message/external-body" entities MUST include a Content-ID header field to give a unique identifier by which to reference the data. This identifier may be used for caching mechanisms, and for recognizing the receipt of the data when the access-type is "mail-server".
Note that, as specified here, the tokens that describe external-body data, such as file names and mail server commands, are required to be in the US-ASCII character set.
If this proves problematic in practice, a new mechanism may be required as a future extension to MIME, either as newly defined access-types for "message/external-body" or by some other mechanism.
As with "message/partial", MIME entities of type "message/external-body" MUST have a content-transfer-encoding of 7bit (the default). In particular, even in environments that support binary or 8bit transport, the use of a content- transfer-encoding of "8bit" or "binary" is explicitly prohibited for entities of type "message/external-body".
「message/partial」と同様に、タイプ「message/external-body」のMIME実体は7ビット(デフォルト)のコンテンツ転送エンコーディングを持たなければなりません。特に、二進または8ビットのトランスポートをサポートする環境の中で、「8ビット」または「2進です」のコンテンツ転送エンコーディングの使用はタイプ「message/external-body」の実体のために明示的に禁止されています。 General External-Body Parameters
一般 External-Body パラメータ
The parameters that may be used with any "message/external- body" are:
ACCESS-TYPE -- A word indicating the supported access mechanism by which the file or data may be obtained. This word is not case sensitive. Values include, but are not limited to, "FTP", "ANON-FTP", "TFTP", "LOCAL-FILE", and "MAIL-SERVER". Future values, except for experimental values beginning with "X-", must be registered with IANA, as described in RFC 2048. This parameter is unconditionally mandatory and MUST be present on EVERY "message/external-body".
ファイルまたはデータが得られるかもしれないサポートされたアクセスメカニズムを示しているワード。このワードはケースで敏感でありません。値は「FTP」、「ANON-FTP」、「TFTP」、「LOCAL-FILE」、および「MAIL-SERVER」を含みます。RFC 2048の中で説明されるように、将来価値は、「X-」から始まっている実験値を除いて、IANAと登録されなければなりません。このパラメータは無条件に義務的で、EVERY「message/外部ボディ」上に存在しなければなりません。
EXPIRATION -- The date (in the RFC 822 "date-time" syntax, as extended by RFC 1123 to permit 4 digits in the year field) after which the existence of the external data is not guaranteed. This parameter may be used with ANY access-type and is ALWAYS optional.
外部データの存在が保証されていない日付(年のフィールドで4桁を許すためにRFC 1123によって拡張されるようなRFC 822「日付時間」構文の中)。このパラメータはどのようなアクセスタイプによってでも使われるかもしれず、いつもオプションです。
SIZE -- The size (in octets) of the data. The intent of this parameter is to help the recipient decide whether or not to expend the necessary resources to retrieve the external data. Note that this describes the size of the data in its canonical form, that is, before any Content-Transfer-Encoding has been applied or after the data have been decoded. This parameter may be used with ANY access-type and is ALWAYS optional.
PERMISSION -- A case-insensitive field that indicates whether or not it is expected that clients might also attempt to overwrite the data. By default, or if permission is "read", the assumption is that they are not, and that if the data is retrieved once, it is never needed again. If PERMISSION is "read-write", this assumption is invalid, and any local copy must be considered no more than a cache. "Read" and "Read-write" are the only defined values of permission. This parameter may be used with ANY access-type and is ALWAYS optional.
The precise semantics of the access-types defined here are described in the sections that follow.
ここで定義されたアクセスタイプの精密な意味論は、続いているセクションの中で説明されます。 The 'ftp' and 'tftp' Access-Types
'ftp' と 'tftp' アクセスタイプ
An access-type of FTP or TFTP indicates that the message body is accessible as a file using the FTP [RFC-959] or TFTP [RFC- 783] protocols, respectively. For these access-types, the following additional parameters are mandatory:
NAME -- The name of the file that contains the actual body data.
SITE -- A machine from which the file may be obtained, using the given protocol. This must be a fully qualified domain name, not a nickname.
Before any data are retrieved, using FTP, the user will generally need to be asked to provide a login id and a password for the machine named by the site parameter. For security reasons, such an id and password are not specified as content-type parameters, but must be obtained from the user.
In addition, the following parameters are optional:
DIRECTORY -- A directory from which the data named by NAME should be retrieved.
MODE -- A case-insensitive string indicating the mode to be used when retrieving the information. The valid values for access-type "TFTP" are "NETASCII", "OCTET", and "MAIL", as specified by the TFTP protocol [RFC- 783]. The valid values for access-type "FTP" are "ASCII", "EBCDIC", "IMAGE", and "LOCALn" where "n" is a decimal integer, typically 8. These correspond to the representation types "A" "E" "I" and "L n" as specified by the FTP protocol [RFC-959]. Note that "BINARY" and "TENEX" are not valid values for MODE and that "OCTET" or "IMAGE" or "LOCAL8" should be used instead. IF MODE is not specified, the default value is "NETASCII" for TFTP and "ASCII" otherwise.
情報を検索する時に使われるモードを示しているケースインセンシティブストリング。アクセスタイプ「TFTP」のための有効な値は、TFTPプロトコル[RFC-783]のため指定されるように「NETASCII」、「OCTET」、および「MAIL」です。アクセスタイプ「FTP」のための有効な値は、「n」が10進の整数、一般に8である「ASCII」、「EBCDIC」、「IMAGE」、および「LOCALn」です。これらは、FTPプロトコル[RFC-959]のため指定されるように表現タイプ「A」「E」「I」および「L n」と一致しています。「BINARY」と「TENEX」がMODEのための有効な値ではなく、「OCTET」または「IMAGE」または「LOCAL8」が代わりに使われるべきであることに注意してください。IF MODEは指定されなく、規定値は違った形でTFTPと「ASCII」のための「NETASCII」です。 The 'anon-ftp' Access-Type
'anon-ftp' アクセスタイプ
The "anon-ftp" access-type is identical to the "ftp" access type, except that the user need not be asked to provide a name and password for the specified site. Instead, the ftp protocol will be used with login "anonymous" and a password that corresponds to the user's mail address.
ユーザが、指定されたサイトに名前とパスワードを明かすように頼まれる必要がない以外、「そのうち、ftpします」アクセスタイプは「ftp」アクセスタイプに同一です。代わりに、ftpプロトコルは、ログイン「匿名です」とユーザのメール・アドレスと一致しているパスワードによって使われるでしょう。 The 'local-file' Access-Type
'local-file' アクセスタイプ
An access-type of "local-file" indicates that the actual body is accessible as a file on the local machine. Two additional parameters are defined for this access type:
NAME -- The name of the file that contains the actual body data. This parameter is mandatory for the "local-file" access-type.
SITE -- A domain specifier for a machine or set of machines that are known to have access to the data file. This optional parameter is used to describe the locality of reference for the data, that is, the site or sites at which the file is expected to be visible. Asterisks may be used for wildcard matching to a part of a domain name, such as "*.bellcore.com", to indicate a set of machines on which the data should be directly visible, while a single asterisk may be used to indicate a file that is expected to be universally available, e.g., via a global file system.
マシンのためのドメイン規則子またはデータファイルにアクセスできると知られているマシンのセット。この任意パラメータは、データ(すなわちサイトまたはファイルが、可視であることを期待されているサイト)にリファレンスの局所性を記述するために使われます。アスタリスクは、データが直接可視であるべきであるマシンのセットを示すために「*.bellcore.com」などのドメインネームの一部にワイルトカード照合のために使われるかもしれない一方、1つのアスタリスクは、一般的に使用可能で、例えばグローバルファイルシステム経由でであることを期待されているファイルを示すために使われるかもしれません。 The 'mail-server' Access-Type
'mail-server' アクセスタイプ
The "mail-server" access-type indicates that the actual body is available from a mail server. Two additional parameters are defined for this access-type:
SERVER -- The addr-spec of the mail server from which the actual body data can be obtained. This parameter is mandatory for the "mail-server" access-type.
SUBJECT -- The subject that is to be used in the mail that is sent to obtain the data. Note that keying mail servers on Subject lines is NOT recommended, but such mail servers are known to exist. This is an optional parameter.
Because mail servers accept a variety of syntaxes, some of which is multiline, the full command to be sent to a mail server is not included as a parameter in the content-type header field. Instead, it is provided as the "phantom body" when the media type is "message/external-body" and the access-type is mail-server.
メールサーバが、さまざまなシンタックス(それのいくつかがマルチ行です)を受信するので、メールサーバに送信される完全なコマンドはContent-Typeヘッダーフィールドのパラメータとして含まれません。代わりに、メディアタイプが「message/external-body」であり、アクセスタイプがメールサーバである時に、それは「phantom body」として提供されます。
Note that MIME does not define a mail server syntax. Rather, it allows the inclusion of arbitrary mail server commands in the phantom body. Implementations must include the phantom body in the body of the message it sends to the mail server address to retrieve the relevant data.
MIMEがメールサーバシンタックスを定義しないことに注意してください。むしろ、それはphantom bodyィの中で任意のメールサーバコマンドの含意を許します。インプリメンテーションは、phantom bodyを、関連データを検索するために、それがメールサーバアドレスに送信するメッセージのボディに含めなければなりません。
Unlike other access-types, mail-server access is asynchronous and will happen at an unpredictable time in the future. For this reason, it is important that there be a mechanism by which the returned data can be matched up with the original "message/external-body" entity. MIME mail servers must use the same Content-ID field on the returned message that was used in the original "message/external-body" entities, to facilitate such matching.
他のアクセスタイプと違って、メールサーバアクセスは非同期で、未来の予期不能の時に起こるでしょう。この理由にとって、戻ったデータがオリジナルの「message/external-body」実体によって調和することができるメカニズムがあることは重要です。MIMEメールサーバは、そのような照合を容易にするためにオリジナルの「message/external-body」実体の中で使われた戻ったメッセージの上の同じContent-IDフィールドを使わなければなりません。 External-Body Security Issues
External-Body セキュリティ問題
"Message/external-body" entities give rise to two important security issues:
Accessing data via a "message/external-body" reference effectively results in the message recipient performing an operation that was specified by the message originator. It is therefore possible for the message originator to trick a recipient into doing something they would not have done otherwise. For example, an originator could specify a action that attempts retrieval of material that the recipient is not authorized to obtain, causing the recipient to unwittingly violate some security policy. For this reason, user agents capable of resolving external references must always take steps to describe the action they are to take to the recipient and ask for explicit permisssion prior to performing it.
The 'mail-server' access-type is particularly vulnerable, in that it causes the recipient to send a new message whose contents are specified by the original message's originator. Given the potential for abuse, any such request messages that are constructed should contain a clear indication that they were generated automatically (e.g. in a Comments: header field) in an attempt to resolve a MIME "message/external-body" reference.
MIME will sometimes be used in environments that provide some guarantee of message integrity and authenticity. If present, such guarantees may apply only to the actual direct content of messages -- they may or may not apply to data accessed through MIME's "message/external-body" mechanism. In particular, it may be possible to subvert certain access mechanisms even when the messaging system itself is secure.
It should be noted that this problem exists either with or without the availabilty of MIME mechanisms. A casual reference to an FTP site containing a document in the text of a secure message brings up similar issues -- the only difference is that MIME provides for automatic retrieval of such material, and users may place unwarranted trust is such automatic retrieval mechanisms.
この問題がMIMEメカニズムにとって有益であるかどうかにかかわらず存在していることは注目されるべきです。文書を安全なメッセージのテキストに含んでいるFTPサイトへの偶然のリファレンスにより同様な問題が提出されます -- 唯一の違いは、MIMEがそのような素材の自動的な検索に備えることであり、ユーザは不当な信頼を置くことができます そのような自動的な検索メカニズムです。 Examples and Further Explanations
When the external-body mechanism is used in conjunction with the "multipart/alternative" media type it extends the functionality of "multipart/alternative" to include the case where the same entity is provided in the same format but via different accces mechanisms. When this is done the originator of the message must order the parts first in terms of preferred formats and then by preferred access mechanisms. The recipient's viewer should then evaluate the list both in terms of format and access mechanisms.
With the emerging possibility of very wide-area file systems, it becomes very hard to know in advance the set of machines where a file will and will not be accessible directly from the file system. Therefore it may make sense to provide both a file name, to be tried directly, and the name of one or more sites from which the file is known to be accessible. An implementation can try to retrieve remote files using FTP or any other protocol, using anonymous file retrieval or prompting the user for the necessary name and password. If an external body is accessible via multiple mechanisms, the sender may include multiple entities of type "message/external-body" within the body parts of an enclosing "multipart/alternative" entity.
However, the external-body mechanism is not intended to be limited to file retrieval, as shown by the mail-server access-type. Beyond this, one can imagine, for example, using a video server for external references to video clips.
The embedded message header fields which appear in the body of the "message/external-body" data must be used to declare the media type of the external body if it is anything other than plain US-ASCII text, since the external body does not have a header section to declare its type. Similarly, any Content-transfer-encoding other than "7bit" must also be declared here. Thus a complete "message/external-body" message, referring to an object in PostScript format, might look like this:
From: Whomever To: Someone Date: Whenever Subject: whatever MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <id1@host.com> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=42 Content-ID: <id001@guppylake.bellcore.com> --42 Content-Type: message/external-body; name="BodyFormats.ps"; site="thumper.bellcore.com"; mode="image"; access-type=ANON-FTP; directory="pub"; expiration="Fri, 14 Jun 1991 19:13:14 -0400 (EDT)" Content-type: application/postscript Content-ID: <id42@guppylake.bellcore.com> --42 Content-Type: message/external-body; access-type=local-file; name="/u/nsb/writing/rfcs/RFC-MIME.ps"; site="thumper.bellcore.com"; expiration="Fri, 14 Jun 1991 19:13:14 -0400 (EDT)" Content-type: application/postscript Content-ID: <id42@guppylake.bellcore.com> --42 Content-Type: message/external-body; access-type=mail-server server="listserv@bogus.bitnet"; expiration="Fri, 14 Jun 1991 19:13:14 -0400 (EDT)" Content-type: application/postscript Content-ID: <id42@guppylake.bellcore.com> get RFC-MIME.DOC --42--
Note that in the above examples, the default Content-transfer-encoding of "7bit" is assumed for the external postscript data.
Like the "message/partial" type, the "message/external-body" media type is intended to be transparent, that is, to convey the data type in the external body rather than to convey a message with a body of that type. Thus the headers on the outer and inner parts must be merged using the same rules as for "message/partial". In particular, this means that the Content-type and Subject fields are overridden, but the From field is preserved.
Note that since the external bodies are not transported along with the external body reference, they need not conform to transport limitations that apply to the reference itself. In particular, Internet mail transports may impose 7bit and line length limits, but these do not automatically apply to binary external body references.
Thus a Content-Transfer-Encoding is not generally necessary, though it is permitted.
外部のボディが外部のボディリファレンスとともに輸送されないので、それらが、リファレンス自身にあてはまる制限を輸送するために対応する必要がないことに注意してください。 特に、インターネットメールトランスポートは7ビットを課し、長さ限界に線を引くかもしれないけれども、これらは自動的に2進の外部のボディリファレンスにあてはまりません。従って、それが許されるけれども、Content-Transfer-Encodingは一般に必要でありません。
Note that the body of a message of type "message/external-body" is governed by the basic syntax for an RFC 822 message. In particular, anything before the first consecutive pair of CRLFs is header information, while anything after it is body information, which is ignored for most access-types.
タイプ「message/external-body」のありのメッセージのボディがRFC 822メッセージのために基本のシンタックスによって制御したことに注意してください。特に、それの後の何でもボディ情報である間、複数のCRLFの最初の連続的なペアの前の何でもヘッダー情報です(それはほとんどのアクセスタイプのために無視されます)。
5.2.4. Other Message Subtypes
他の Message サブタイプ
MIME implementations must in general treat unrecognized subtypes of "message" as being equivalent to "application/octet-stream".
Future subtypes of "message" intended for use with email should be restricted to "7bit" encoding. A type other than "message" should be used if restriction to "7bit" is not possible.
Eメールによって使用のために意図されていた「メッセージ」の未来のサブタイプは「7ビット」エンコーディングに限定されるべきです。 「7ビット」への制限が可能でないならば、「メッセージ」以外のタイプは使われるべきです。
6. Experimental Media Type Values
A media type value beginning with the characters "X-" is a private value, to be used by consenting systems by mutual agreement. Any format without a rigorous and public definition must be named with an "X-" prefix, and publicly specified values shall never begin with "X-". (Older versions of the widely used Andrew system use the "X-BE2" name, so new systems should probably choose a different name.)
In general, the use of "X-" top-level types is strongly discouraged. Implementors should invent subtypes of the existing types whenever possible. In many cases, a subtype of "application" will be more appropriate than a new top-level type.
一般に、「X-」トップレベルのタイプの使用は強くやめさせられます。作成者は可能である時はいつでも既存のタイプのサブタイプを発明するべきです。 多くの場合に、「application」のサブタイプは新しいトップレベルのタイプより適切になるでしょう。
7. Summary
The five discrete media types provide provide a standardized mechanism for tagging entities as "audio", "image", or several other kinds of data. The composite "multipart" and "message" media types allow mixing and hierarchical structuring of entities of different types in a single message. A distinguished parameter syntax allows further specification of data format details, particularly the specification of alternate character sets. Additional optional header fields provide mechanisms for certain extensions deemed desirable by many implementors. Finally, a number of useful media types are defined for general use by consenting user agents, notably "message/partial" and "message/external-body".
5種類の離散的なメディアタイプは提供し、実体を、「オーディオ」、「イメージ」、またはいくつかの他の種類のデータと名付けるための標準化されたメカニズムを提供します。 複合の「multipart」と「message」メディアタイプは1つのメッセージの中の違うタイプの実体の混合と階層の構造化を許します。 区別されたパラメータシンタックスはさらにデータフォーマット詳細の仕様、特に文字セット切替機構の仕様を許します。多くの作成者によって望ましいと考えられている一定の拡張のために追加のオプショナル・ヘッダ・フィールドはメカニズムを提供します。 最終的に、多くの有益なメディアタイプは一般の使用のために同意ユーザエージェント、特に「message/partial」、および「message/external-body」によって定義されます。
8. Security Considerations
Security issues are discussed in the context of the "application/postscript" type, the "message/external-body" type, and in RFC 2048. Implementors should pay special attention to the security implications of any media types that can cause the remote execution of any actions in the recipient's environment. In such cases, the discussion of the "application/postscript" type may serve as a model for considering other media types with remote execution capabilities.
セキュリティ問題はRFC 2048「application/PostScript」タイプ(「message/external-body」タイプ)のコンテキストの中とRFCの中で議論されます。作成者は、受領者の環境の中でどのような行動のリモート実行でも起こすことができるどのようなメディアタイプのセキュリティ含意にでも特殊な注意を払うべきです。そのような場合に、「application/PostScript」タイプの議論は、リモート実行能力によって他のメディアタイプを考慮するためにモデルとして役立つかもしれません。
9. Authors' Addresses
For more information, the authors of this document are best contacted via Internet mail:
- Ned Freed
- Innosoft International, Inc.
1050 East Garvey Avenue South
West Covina, CA 91790
Phone: +1 818 919 3600
Fax: +1 818 919 3614
EMail: ned@innosoft.com - Nathaniel S. Borenstein
- First Virtual Holdings
25 Washington Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone: +1 201 540 8967
Fax: +1 201 993 3032
EMail: nsb@nsb.fv.com
MIME is a result of the work of the Internet Engineering Task Force Working Group on RFC 822 Extensions. The chairman of that group, Greg Vaudreuil, may be reached at:
MIMEはRFC 822拡張の上のインターネット技術特別調査委員会作業グループの作業の結果です。そのグループの会長、Gregory Vaudreuilに次で連絡することができます:
- Gregory M. Vaudreuil
- Octel Network Services
17080 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75248-1905
EMail: Greg.Vaudreuil@Octel.Com
Appendix A -- Collected Grammar
付録 A -- 収集された文法
This appendix contains the complete BNF grammar for all the syntax specified by this document.
By itself, however, this grammar is incomplete. It refers by name to several syntax rules that are defined by RFC 822. Rather than reproduce those definitions here, and risk unintentional differences between the two, this document simply refers the reader to RFC 822 for the remaining definitions. Wherever a term is undefined, it refers to the RFC 822 definition.
しかし、単独ではこの文法は不完全です。RFC 822によって定義されるいくつかの構文規則に、それは名前によって差し向けます。ここでそれらの定義を複写し、両者の故意でない違いを思い切ってやってみるというよりも、この文書は単に残存定義のためにリーダをRFC 822に差し向けます。 たとえ、項がどこで不確定でも、それはRFC 822定義を参照します。
boundary := 0*69<bchars> bcharsnospace
bchars := bcharsnospace / " "
bcharsnospace := DIGIT / ALPHA / "'" / "(" / ")" /
"+" / "_" / "," / "-" / "." /
"/" / ":" / "=" / "?"
body-part := <"message" as defined in RFC 822, with all
header fields optional, not starting with the
specified dash-boundary, and with the
delimiter not occurring anywhere in the
body part. Note that the semantics of a
part differ from the semantics of a message,
as described in the text.>
; <RFC 822中で、指定されたダッシュバウンダリによって起動している
; ことではなくオプションのすべてのヘッダーフィールドによって、どこにも
; ボディ部分に存在していないデリミタによって定義されるような「message」。
; テキストの中で説明されるように、部分の意味論がメッセージの意味論と
; 異なることに注意してください。>
close-delimiter := delimiter "--"
dash-boundary := "--" boundary
; boundary taken from the value of
; boundary parameter of the
; Content-Type field.
; Content-Typeフィールドのバウンダリパラメータの値からとられたバウンダリ。
delimiter := CRLF dash-boundary
discard-text := *(*text CRLF)
; May be ignored or discarded.
; 無視されるか、処分されることができます。
encapsulation := delimiter transport-padding
CRLF body-part
epilogue := discard-text
multipart-body := [preamble CRLF]
dash-boundary transport-padding CRLF
body-part *encapsulation
close-delimiter transport-padding
[CRLF epilogue]
preamble := discard-text
transport-padding := *LWSP-char
; Composers MUST NOT generate
; non-zero length transport
; padding, but receivers MUST
; be able to handle padding
; added by message transports.
; コンポーザーは非0の長さトランスポート充てん文字を生成しては
; ならないけれども、レシーバは、メッセージトランスポートによって
; 追加された充てん文字を処理することができなければなりません