Spielberg vs Cameron

Spielberg vs Cameron..who has the best stats?
Spielberg vs Cameron..who has the best stats?

The question is Spielberg vs Cameron ….who is the best?  Steven Spielberg and James Cameron are two of the most successful directors of all time. So I figured it would be fun to compare these two legendary directors.

Combined they have directed 38 movies. Those movies have grossed over $12 billion in adjusted box office in North America and over $25 billion in Worldwide adjusted box office grosses. Their movies have earned 163 Oscar® nominations and 52 Oscar® wins. Those wins include a Best Picture Oscar® for Schindler’s List and Titanic.  Spielberg has two Best Director Oscars® for Schindler’s List and Saving Private Ryan while Cameron won the Best Director Oscar® for Titanic

The following Spielberg vs Cameron table looks at all of their movies.  The tables ranks Spielberg and Cameron movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information.

Harrison Ford in Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Harrison Ford in Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

This Spielberg vs Cameron Table Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort by who directed the movie
  • Sort Spielberg or Cameron movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Spielberg or Cameron movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Spielberg or Cameron movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Spielberg or Cameron movie received.
  • Sort Spielberg or Cameron movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

Michael Biehn in Cameron's Aliens (1986)
Michael Biehn in Cameron’s Aliens (1986)

Possibly Interesting Stats From Our Spielberg vs Cameron Question

1. Movies directed: Steven Spielberg has directed 28 movies.  James Cameron has directed 10 movies.  Edge goes to Speilberg.

2. Box Office Comparison:  James Cameron movies average $304.03 million in adjusted domestic box office gross and $943.60 million in adjusted worldwide box office.   Steve Spielberg movies average $290.28 million in adjusted domestic box office gross and $545.07 million in adjusted worldwide box office.   Edge goes to Cameron.

3. Critics/Audience Rating:  An average Steven Spielberg has a 77.00% rating…while James Cameron’s movies average 76.42% rating according to critics and audiences.  Slight edge to Spielberg.

4. Oscar® nominations in any category:   Steven Spielberg movies have picked up 118 Oscar® nominations or 4.06 per movie.  James Cameron movies have picked up 41 Oscar® nominations or 4.10 per movie.  Slight edge to Cameron.

5. Oscar® wins in any category:  James Cameron movies have picked up 21 Oscar® wins or 2.10 per movie.  Steven Spielberg movies have picked up 31 Oscar® nominations or 1.10 per movie.  Edge to Cameron.

6. Best Picture Oscar® nominations:  Steven Spielberg has directed 9 movies that received a Best Picture nomination or 31.03% of his movies.  James Cameron has directed 2 movies that received a Best Picture nomination or 20.00% of his movies.  Edge to Spielberg.

7. Best Director Oscar® nominations:  Steven Spielberg has received 7 Best Director nominations….winning twice.  James Cameron has received 2 Best Director nominations….winning once.  Edge to Spielberg.

8.  Average Cogerson Movie Score:  A Steven Spielberg movie has a average Cogerson Movie Score of 63.30.  A James Cameron movie has a average Cogerson Movie Score of 58.95.  Edge to Spielberg.

So those are the stats…who do you think is the best Spielberg or Cameron?  As for me?  Gotta go with Spielberg.

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences. Golden Globes® are the registered trademark and service mark of the Hollywood Foreign Press.

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103 thoughts on “Spielberg vs Cameron

  1. If Cameron had made as many movies as Spielberg, he would be on top easily. Cameron’s movies are much better, and the total gross is far beyond compared to Spielberg. That says it all.

    1. Really? Because Cameron hasn’t made a great film since Terminator 2. True Lies, was simply a French spy comedy. Titanic was Romeo and Juliet aboard the doomed vessel and Avatar 1 & 2 are simply Pocahontas/Ferngully mixed with Apocalypse Now.

      Spielberg has directed for nearly 60 years with timeless classics like Jaws, Close Encounters, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, Lincoln, etc.

      Plus the fact that Stanley Kubrick handpicked Spielberg to direct A.I. says something.

      Cameron can make blockbusters but he hasn’t really proven to make much else.

      Adjusted for inflation, it’s not even close, Spielberg has made BIGGER films for over five decades over the OVERRATED Cameron. FACT!

  2. Hi again Cogerson wow i didnt know that I havent read the book. Yes if spielberg would have go by the book that Hooper started an affair with Brodys wife it would indeed be a different movie. I think it would have been good but it doesnt matter the movie turned out great anyway despite all the problems they had during filming. About Cameron I think after Avatar 3 if he continiue to make movies I hope he will but I doubt it. I think he should leave the Avatar franchise and focus on something else. For Spielberg I think he should do less prestige films I enjoy his prestige films but if he get his 3 Oscar with the Fabelmans which I think he will he should start focus on blockbusters. Its not that he need to prove anything with those movies even if I dont think thats what he is trying to do. We know what he can do with blockbuster movies. Do you think he will focus more on blockbusters? Even at 76 I think Spielberg will continiue to do movies as long as he can. It seems that way as he has said he has no plans on retiring and at this age he still hasnt lost his magic. I really think Bullit can be very good if you look at the great car chases in Raiders of the lost Ark and the awesome tv movie Duel. I have high hopes for that movie. We will se I am curious about your thoughts what do you think? Good site keep up the good work.

    1. Hey Movie Fan. Glad to read that the Hopper/Brody affair was a pretty wild bit of trivia too. My wife was not impressed, but she is not a huge Jaws fan. She has only seen it once, but she did notice some goofs with the amount of barrels on the ship. I agree with you on the future of Spielberg and Cameron. Good stuff.

  3. Hi Cogerson Nice to hear from you again I have kelpt track on this site since i last posted here. I agree with you about Cameron that i think Avatar 3 Will be his last movie. Maybe one more movie and i think thats it. Spielberg is one of my favorite directors with Jaws maybe his best movie what a great movie that is after almost 50 years its still holds up. Se ya take care.

    1. Hey Movie Fan….glad you returned so quickly this time. Funny you mentioned Jaws…I just got through listening to a podcast (The Rewatchables) on that classic movie. The most mind blowing fact I got from that movie? In the book in which it was based….the Richard Dreyfuss character (Hooper)….not only comes to town to get the shark…..but started an affair with Brody’s wife. Now that would have made the movie way different. Good feedback.

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