Steven Seagal Movies

seagal 222222Want to know the best Steven Seagal movies?  How about the worst Steven Seagal movies?  Curious about Steven Seagal box office grosses or which Steven Seagal movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Steven Seagal movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.
Steven Seagal (1952-) is an American actor, film producer, screenwriter, film director and martial artist. During the 1990s, Seagal was one of the most popular action stars working in Hollywood.  Since 2000 he has mostly appeared in straight to home entertainment movies.  His IMDb page shows over 70 acting credits since 1998.  Seagal’s straight to home entertainments movies were not included in the rankings. Drivel part of the page:  This Steven Seagal page was requested by Anym and Hot Ham. seagal 111111

Steven Seagal Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Steven Seagal Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Steven Seagal movies by co-stars of his movies
  • Sort Steven Seagal movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Steven Seagal movies by yearly box office rank
  • Sort Steven Seagal movies by Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Walter Wagner movie received.
  • Sort Steven Seagal movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie
  • Sort Steven Seagal movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR)Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

Taron Egerton Adjusted World Wide Box Office Grosses

Steven Seagal in Under Siege

Possibly Interesting Facts About Steven Seagal

1. Steven Frederic Seagal was born in Lansing, Michigan in 1952. 2. Steven Seagal is a 7th-dan black belt in Aikido.  As a marital arts instructor, Seagal was the first foreigner to operate an Aikido dojo in Japan. 3.  Steven Seagal worked as a martial arts instructor on 1983’s Never Say Never Again; accidentally breaking actor Sean Connery’s wrist during production. 4.  Steven Seagal was 36 when he made his acting debut in 1988’s Above the Law. 5. Steven Seagal is an accomplished guitarist; having released two studio albums and performed on a number of film scores.  Stevie Wonder and Tony Rebel both performed on his debut album). 6. Steven Seagal owns a very large collection of guitars and samurai swords. 7. Steven Seagal was married four times.  He has six children.  Three of his children are with his Hard To Kill co-star, Kelly LeBrock. 8. When it was time to film a sequel to Under Siege….Steven Seagal only agreed to do the movie if Warner Brothers would allow him to direct 1994’s On Deadly Ground. 9. Steven Seagal has been working as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana for almost 20 years now.
10. Check out Steven Seagal ‘s career compared to other UMR movie subjects.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time. Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.
(Visited 5,757 times)

28 thoughts on “Steven Seagal Movies

  1. Hi, I enjoyed Steven Seagal in his movies. I have seen quite a few of them. I liked that he was a good guy in his movies. Lots of action/violence but it got your attention that he was for law and order even though he went around and around but ended up getting the bad guys. Interesting that he is in law and order now. Thanks for this interesting site and personal information.

    1. Hey Bern1960. Thanks for checking out our Steven Seagal movie page. Seems he has been taking on more bad guy roles as he gets older. Glad you enjoyed the interesting facts part of the page. Thanks for the visit and the comment.

  2. BRUCE (Good evening our time):
    1 I was pleased to see your Steven Seagal page. For some reason that mystifies me Box Office Mojo which specialises in adjusted grosses for modern films and stars excludes Seagal and Van Damme from their adjusted charts.

    2. The Numbers lists their films but not adjusted of course and anyway I am never totally confident of the figures produced by The Numbers.

    3 For some reason I always tend to bracket Steven and Jean Claude together as action heroes and if you ever got around to a Van Damme page that would be nice.too.

    Best Wishes


    1. Hey Bob….I was surprised that Box Office Mojo did not have a Seagal page….I know it has been awhile since his hay days….but still the man is making 5 movies a year. I feel 100% confident in our adjusted numbers for movies made after 1982….between mojo’s numbers and the wife’s program….the only thing that changes is average movie ticket cost.

      I have noticed that the Numbers is using more adjusted grosses lately…seems they are seeing the light…lol. I got a huge kick out of my Bing research the other day….I was looking for some info on one of his 1939 movies….I went to wikipedia….and found some good numbers for 1939…..when I went down to find the source….it was from some website called…… Seems my box office system is gaining a little steam.

      You are not the only one that puts Seagal and JCVD together. JCVD is on the request list as well….thinking I will have to do that page the same way as this one….have one table with movies with box office and a second table with his straight to DVD movies.


  3. FLORA
    My own personal Bond fav song is A View ti a Kill even though the great Sean was not in that one.
    but that would not have suited your verse so within that context | am pleased you used Goldfinger.



    1. My favourite Bond song is actually from a Roger Moore film: “Nobody Does it Better” from The Spy Who loved Me.

  4. I have seen 23 of the films listed, as well as an additional 11 that you don’t have listed [The Patriot (1998),Ticker (2001), The Foreigner (2003), Out for a Kill (2003), Out of Reach (2004), Submerged (2005), Black Dawn (2005), Attack Force (2006), Flight of Fury (2007), Kill Switch (2008), Against the Dark (2009)] and 2 more waiting to be watched.

    One of the funniest movie-related books I’ve ever read was “Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal” by Vern.

    1. I need to read this book, LawrenceA!

      Like I said, I am not familiar with his acting, but I am having great fun with my songwriting skills about him and Connery.

    2. Hey Larry….Tally count….you 23. Steve 17, me 11 and Flora 4. I included a 2nd table in this one…and it lists all of Seagal’s straight to DVD releases. Seagalogy sounds like a funny book indeed. As always…thanks for stopping and sharing your movie knowledge.

  5. Bit of silliness here.

    Regarding Bond movie where Steven broke Sean’s arm.”

    To the tune of GOLDFINGER:

    Bond’s finger
    Sean’s the man,
    The man with the Midas touch
    The James Bond touch

    Such a cold linger
    Don’t touch Sean,
    Don’t ever hurt Sean again
    Never ever again

    Steven step away from James Bond now
    Step away from Connery right now!

    For A James Bond film
    Is very expensive
    It’s the kiss of death
    For Steven Seagal’s career
    If he does not step away from our star!
    Our James Bond Star!

    Step away from our Sean!
    Don’t ever hurt Sean!
    We love Sean!
    We only love Sean!
    We love Sean!

    1. FLORA:

      1 This is not ‘silliness’ It’s good to be able to mix humour with the serious stuff. We’d all become morbid otherwise. Anyway it’s quite clever and very funny.

      2. Anyway it reminds me to say that Sean’s broken wrist will be the least thing on Seagal’s mind right now I read that he’s talking about suing the FBI for ruining his career by linking him to organised crime.

      1. LOL, Bobby!

        I was actually going to do this to the tune of Never Say Never Again, but then again, Goldfinger has a better song.

    2. Writing a reply here so that people can find the song I wrote by the fact that I will be one of the most recent comments. It is above my comment here that you can find my Bond song.

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