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Community & Business Groups

Inclusive Design for the Immersive Web Community Group

Following on the W3C Inclusive Design for the Immersive Web standards Workshop held in November 2019, the Inclusive Immersive Web Community Group tracks and promotes progress on accessibility issues identified across the many relevant W3C and Khronos groups working on aspects of XR (virtual reality and augmented reality), and ensures progress towards a consistent set of guidance, technologies and techniques to make the Immersive Web accessible to people with disabilities.

The group also acts as a liaison with the XR Access Initiative and its relevant sub-groups.

Work Mode: The primary work modes for the group will be to track and respond to accessibility issues logged in the group's repo. The group will endeavor to have a representative from each of the groups identified as relevant to the progress of the said issues and will meet a minimum of quarterly to review progress on all issues including those which have been logged but have not been actively taken up in order to ensure that there is a coordinated view of issues raised.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.