Human Rights Committee - Members
Born: 15 March 1934 , at Zinvié ( Benin , formerly Dahomey )
Marital status: Married with four children
Mother tongues: Fon, Yoruba
Working languages: French, English
Academic qualifications and practical training courses:
Secondary studies at the Lycée Van Vollenhoven in Dakar
Preparation at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris for the competitive examination for entrance to the Ecole Nationale de la France d'Outre-Mer.
Bachelor in law, diploma of higher studies and State doctorate in law at the Paris Faculty of Law (Panthéon), 1967
Three years of specialist practical courses at the Ecole Nationale de la France d'Outre-Mer as follows:
One year in the Office of the Prefect of Calvados
Six months of practical training at the Conseil d'Etat in Paris (fourth section: disputes)
Three months in the French Embassy to the Federal Republic of Germany (Mr. François Seydou de Clausonne)
Summer course at the International Law Academy in The Hague (June 1961)
Diplomas and university degrees:
Baccalaureate (Classics A series: Latin and Greek)
Diploma of the Ecole Nationale de la France d'Outre-Mer (Class of 1958)
Bachelor of Law; Doctor of Law (1967)
Lecturer (agrégé), Faculties of Law (Public Law and Political Science: 1974 examination)
Works and publications:
(a) Published works:
Naissance d'un État noir (l'évolution politique et constitutionelle du Dahomey, de la colonisation à nos jours), LGDJ, Paris, 1968.
La République du Dahomey, Série Encyclopédie Politique et Constitutionnelle, Editions Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1970.
Le Danxome, du pouvoir Adja à la Nation Fon, Nubia, Paris, 1975.
Religion, culture et politique en Afrique Noire, Economica, Présence Africaine, Paris, 1981. Award received from the Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer (Prix M. et Mme Louis Marin (1982)).
Introduction à l'Organisation de l'Unité Africaine et Organisations Régionales Africaines, LGDJ, Paris, 1986.
"Le Vieillard et le Cocotier", in Les droits de l'homme à l'aube du XXIè siècle, Karel Vasak, Amicorum Liber Bruylant, 1999.
Le Renouveau Constitutionnel du Bénin: Une Enigme?, in Liber Amicorum de Michel Alliot, Paris, 1999.
Pour une Culture de la Démocratie, in Federico Mayor, Amicorum Liber Bruylant, Brussels, 1995.
(b) Miscellaneous studies:
"Droit public disciplinaire: le secret fiscal peut-il être opposé à l'Administration?" Commentaire d'arrêt: note sous Conseil d'Etat 8 février 1967, Recueil Dalloz Sirey, 14 février 1968.
"Le recours contre une décision administrative négative" (doctrinal study), l'Actualité Juridique, Droit Administratif , 20 janvier 1970.
"L'Administration au-dessus de la loi?" (doctrinal study).
"Théorie et pratique des droits de l'homme dans l'Afrique contemporaine" (Dakar Symposium on teaching and research in international law, Dakar, 11-13 December 1985).
"La Commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples" (Symposium organized by the International Commission of Jurists, Dakar, 17-18 July 1987, introductory report by M. A. Glèlè).
"La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples: Ses virtualités et ses limites", Revue de Droit Africain (Association des juristes africains), January-February-March 1985.
"Pour une OUA opérationnelle", Revue Juridique et Politique - Indépendance et Coopération , Nos. 3-4, 1985.
"La Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples: spécificité et universalité", Symposium on Justice and Peace, Vatican City, Rome, November 1988.
(c) Collective works:
Pour un droit des peuples , Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1978.
"Le Modèle constitutionnel français et son influence sur les Etats Africains liés à la France", La Politique Africaine du Général de Gaulle (1958-1969) , Pedone, Paris, 1981.
Co-director of volume 1 (l'Etat et le Droit: Chapitre 1er: La Constitution comme loi fondamentale), Encyclopédie Juridique de l'Afrique , Editions Nouvelles, Editions Africaines, Istra, Paris, 1983.
"La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples", Mélanges C.A. Colliard, Pedone, Paris, 1984.
"La Charte des Nations Unies - Commentaire article par article (art. 26: le régime de tutelle)", under the direction of J.P. Cot and A. Pellet, Economica, Paris, 1985.
"Pour un Etat de Droit en Afrique", Mélanges offerts à P.F. Gonidec: "l'Etat moderne à l'horizon 2000, aspects internes et externes" , under the direction of M.A. Glèlè, LGDJ, Paris, 1986.
"Cultures, religions, idéologies", in "Pouvoirs Africains", Revue Pouvoirs , PUF, Paris, 1983.
"Variations sur l'Unité africaine", Mélanges offerts à A. "Tevoedjre, compagnon d'aventure" , B. Levrault, Paris, 1988.
"Le Renouveau démocratique au Bénin", Symposium on Democratic Transition in Africa (University of Paris I, 12 and 13 December 1990).
"L'Etat de droit dans l'espace francophone", International Symposium of French-speaking Countries: Cotonou, August 1991, General Rapporteur: M. Glèlè Ahanhanzo.
"Les Parlements dans l'espace francophone: ces nouveaux parlements du renouveau démocratique", Bicentenary of the Quebec Parliament, Quebec, 1992.
"Le Droit à la différence", The United Nations: A family of Nations? , A Seminar on the Address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 8 May 1996.
Professional activities:
International official responsible for relations with French-speaking African States, Department of Relations with Member States, UNESCO, Paris, 1961-1962.
International official, Legal Adviser and Director of Inter-African Technical Cooperation, Secretariat General, African and Malagasy Union, Cotonou, Dahomey, 1962-1963.
Secretary-General of the Government from May 1963 to December 1965.
Chargé de Mission in the Cabinet of General Soglo, Head of State, from December 1965 to 1966.
Head, Public Assistance Legal Office, Paris (June 1966 to August 1967).
International official, Administrator of programmes for the study and dissemination of African cultures, Culture and Communication Sector, UNESCO, 1967-1989, responsible for the UNESCO General History of Africa in 8 volumes.
Tutor at the Faculty of Law, Paris, in international law and international institutions and administrative law.
Lecturer in constitutional law and political institutions and public international law, Legal and Economic Studies Department, University of Dahomey, academic years 1964/65, 1972/73, 1973-1989.
Lecturer at the University of Paris I (Panthéon - Sorbonne) since 1975; visiting lecturer, Faculty of Legal and Economic Science, Dakar (Senegal) and National University of Benin (Cotonou), 1973 to 1992.
Visiting lecturer, International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis, "Monitoring the Constitutionality of Laws in Black Africa". Tunis , 1986 and July 1992: elected Vice-President of the Academy and Member of the Scientific Council. Lecturer on Political Parties in Black Africa (Constitution/State and Political Parties).
Member of the board of examiners for:
Agrégation examination in public law organized by France for Côte d'Ivoire (1980);
First agrégation examination in public law and political science organized by the African and Mauritian Council on Higher Education (CAMES) in 1983;
Chairman of the Board of Examiners, Public Law and Political Science Section, and Coordinator of all the boards, Third CAMES Examination, Dakar , November-December 1987.
Appointment at UNESCO, 1967-1992, Director, Division of Cultural Studies and Policies, and since 1989, Director, Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (Legal Counsellor). Personal promotion to Assistant Director-General. Legal Counsellor in 1992.
One of the drafters of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.
Co-director with Professors Conac and Gauduson of "La Justice en Afrique", Afrique Contemporaine - La Documentation Française, Paris , December 1990.
Director of research and theses - member of many examining boards in law, history and anthropology ( Paris , Dakar ).
Chairman, Constitutional Commission of Benin, and member, High Council of the Republic (period of transitional government: 1 March 1990-1 April 1991).
Chairman of the Constitutional Commission which drafted the Constitution of 11 December 1990 .
Vice-President, High Council of the Republic sitting as the Constitutional Court (April 1991-June 1993).
Member, Committee of Eminent African Personalities entrusted by the Heads of State of West Africa with the revision of the Treaty of the Economic Community of West African States.
Member, International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis ; Vice-President and member, French Comparative Law Society; Member, French Association for International Law.
At present Member of the Constitutional Court , Benin , and President of the Institute for Human Rights and Promotion of Democracy: Democracy in Everyday Life.
United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva , 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999: Reports on:
United States of America (1994);
Brazil (1995);
Germany (1995);
France (1995);
United Kingdom (1995);
Colombia (1996);
South Africa (1997);
Czech Republic , Romania and Hungary (question of the Roma) (1999);
Mandate renewed for three years in July 1999.
Vice-President of the Administrative Tribunal of the African Development Bank.
Member of the International Advisory Committee for the Culture of Peace and Non-violence.
Forthcoming publications:
"Du Dahomey au Bénin: de la colonisation à 1975".
Manuel de droit constitutionnel et des institutions politiques de l'Afrique (Série Francophonie) "Le renouveau démocratique en Afrique: l'experience du Bénin".
Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France)
Officier de la Légion d'honneur française
Member, French Comparative Law Society
Member, French Association for International Law
[This profile can be found in the document CCPR/SP/56]