Simon and Paul

Simon and Paul have finished giving their presentation and very good it was too. They covered a lot of ground in a short time but they did it in a clear, easy to follow way.

As is now mandatory, the presentation was illustrated with Flickr pics including one of mine, which I wasn’t expecting.

he guys did a good job of showing how useful APIs are from inside a huge company and from the evangelism they were doing, I expect to see Hack Days starting at other companies soon.

The talk flowed nicely into my presentation where I talked about APIs from the viewpoint of someone on the outside looking in. That’s no accident, of course: we planned the schedule that way. I think it worked out well.

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Previously on this day

20 years ago I wrote Storm chasing

If, like me, you have recently acquired hurricane fever, there’s a handy little freeware OS X application you might like. MegaTrack shows the current and projected paths of tropical storms using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminst

21 years ago I wrote Things To Do In Brighton When You're Dead

Make some coffee.

22 years ago I wrote The Farmer's Market

There’s a farmer’s market once a month in the centre of Brighton.