dConstruct 2015 podcast: Josh Clark

On Monday, I launched a new little experiment—a podcast series of interviews with the lovely people who will be speaking at this year’s dConstruct. I’m very much looking forward to the event (it presses all my future-geekery buttons) and talking to the speakers ahead of time is just getting me even more excited.

I’m releasing the second episode of the podcast today. It’s a chat with the thoroughly charming Josh Clark. We discuss technology, magic, Harry Potter, and the internet of things.

If you want to have this and future episodes delivered straight to your earholes, subscribe to the podcast feed.

And don’t forget: as a loyal podcast listener, you get 10% off the ticket price of dConstruct. Use the discount code “ansible”. You’re welcome.

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Related links

dConstruct : dconstruct2015 on Huffduffer

All the audio from dConstruct 2015 is now available for your huffduffing, podcasting, listening pleasure.

The conference was on Friday. Today is Monday. Drew knows what he’s doing.

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iTunes - Podcasts - dConstruct : dconstruct2015 on Huffduffer

You can now subscribe to my dConstruct 2015 podcast directly in iTunes so you can have my natterings with the lovely speakers delivered straight to your ocular orifices.

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Previously on this day

12 years ago I wrote August in America, day three

Alexandria, Virginia.

13 years ago I wrote Noon

Brighton SF just got even better.

13 years ago I wrote Countdown to September

Preparing for the Brighton Digital Festival.

15 years ago I wrote Hypertext history

A-wwilfing we will go…

17 years ago I wrote Geek out and about

Say it loud and say it proud.

19 years ago I wrote V for Vendetta

The film of the graphic novel.

19 years ago I wrote Happy Birthday, WWW

Many happy returns.

20 years ago I wrote Robin Cook

I just heard that Robin Cook died today. I have to say I’m somewhat shocked.

21 years ago I wrote Definite article

I finally put together some of my slides from the SkillSwap talk I gave with Richard and turned them into an article.

23 years ago I wrote Free Online Barcode Generator

Ever wondered how your name would look as a bar code?