Text Link av Piro (piro_or)
Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.
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Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.
Without this extension, when you discover an URI text not linked, like "http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/", you have to do following steps to load the page:
1. Select the URI text completely. (It may be a hard work if the page is rendered with a propotional font. This operation always chafes me.)
2. Copy it. (press "Ctrl-C" or use "Copy" from the "Edit" menu)
3. Paste it to the location bar.
4. Press "Enter". Then, Firefox loads it.
1. Select the URI text completely. (It chafes me again!)
2. Drag the selection string to the tab bar and drop it. Then, Firefox loads it.
With this extension, you can load the URI only following one step:
1. Double-click on the URI text. Then, Firefox loads it. I'm happy.
Without this extension, when you discover an URI text not linked, like "http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/", you have to do following steps to load the page:
1. Select the URI text completely. (It may be a hard work if the page is rendered with a propotional font. This operation always chafes me.)
2. Copy it. (press "Ctrl-C" or use "Copy" from the "Edit" menu)
3. Paste it to the location bar.
4. Press "Enter". Then, Firefox loads it.
1. Select the URI text completely. (It chafes me again!)
2. Drag the selection string to the tab bar and drop it. Then, Firefox loads it.
With this extension, you can load the URI only following one step:
1. Double-click on the URI text. Then, Firefox loads it. I'm happy.
Vurder opplevinga di
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Dette tillegget treng å:
- Inndata til utklippstavla
- Les teksten på alle opne faner
- Tilgang tiil dataa dine frå alle nettsider
Meir informasjon
- Lenker for tillegg
- Versjon
- 6.1.9
- Storleik
- 127,74 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 2 år sidan (24. mars 2023)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Personvernpraksis
- Les personvernpraksisen for denne utvidinga
- Versjonshistorikk
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Versjonsnotat for 6.1.9
6.1.9 (2023.3.25):
- Optimize reaction for modifications of text selections: early termination of DOM traversing on not visually inline container.
Fleire utvidingar av Piro (piro_or)
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
* URIs which are split in multiple text-nodes, like "http://www.< em >mozilla< /em >.org/".
* URIs written with multi-byte characters. In Japan, an website of a major news uses this rule.
* This doesn't defile appearance of webpages, because this doesn't modify webpages.
See testcases in my site:
Text LInk can recognize all of them completely.