Papers by bambang surya adji syahputra
Philippine Agricultural Scientist, 2016
Red chili (Capsicum annum L) is a kind of horticulture that has been high economic and nutrient v... more Red chili (Capsicum annum L) is a kind of horticulture that has been high economic and nutrient value, so it’s impotent to increase the yield. With the modern technology in agriculture, many farmers have been planting without using soil such as aquaponics, especially for vegetables. This study aims to determine the most suitable planting media for the growth and yield of 3 red chili varieties. This research was used a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replicates, which first factor was used 4 growing media (Cocopeat, husk charcoal, tankos and a combination of all) and the second factor was used 3 varieties of red chili (Kirana, pasemah and terano). Parameters measured; plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of fruits and weight of fruits. Tankos media and terano variety have a significant effect on plant height and leaf number, during the 4 weeks of observation. The number of branches and number of fruit, for both the treatments of the ...
Prodikmas , 2020
Tujuan Pengabdian (KKN-PPM) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan peternak kambing etawa peng... more Tujuan Pengabdian (KKN-PPM) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan peternak kambing etawa penghasil susu melalui pemberdayaan istri-istri peternak berbasis kelompok di desa Paya Geli Kecamatan Sunggal Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Dengan memberdayakan dan menswadayakan istri-istri peternak dalam membantu suami mengelola pakan hijauan, diharapkan para istri mampu meningkatkan produksi susu kambing etawa. Selama ini lahan terbiar yang ada di desa belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimum untuk penanaman pakan hijauan. Metode pelaksanaan berupa ceramah dan praktek langsung di lapangan berupa penanaman pakan hijauan. Setiapkelompok peternak kambing terdiri dari 3-4 orang untuk mengelola satu kapling tanah terbiar desa. Tanah tersebut ditanami dengan berbagai jenis hijauan oleh satu kelompok dan mereka bekerjasama dalam mengelola lahan terbiar tersebut sehingga tenaga dan biaya untuk produksi pakan hijauan dapat diefisensikan serta bisa menurunkan biaya produksi peternak. Hasil akhir dari KKN-PPM...
Padi merupakan makanan pokok utama di dunia setelah gandum dan kentang. Khusus untuk Asia Tenggar... more Padi merupakan makanan pokok utama di dunia setelah gandum dan kentang. Khusus untuk Asia Tenggara padi menjadi pilihan utama terutama untuk masyarakat Indonesia. Konsumsi beras di Indonesia untuk tahun 2018 sekitar 127,55 kg/kapita/tahun. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan swasembada pangan, perlu dilakukan kebijakan khusus pada komoditi padi khususnya dalam penggunaan lahan. Saat ini banyak lahan sawah yang telah berubah fungsi menjadi lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Walaupun sudah beralih fungsi, lahan tersebut masih bisa dipergunakan untuk menanam padi di antara gawangan kelapa sawit.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh PBZ terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi.Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang, menggunakan Rancangan petak terpisah (RPT) dengan 4 ulangan. Petak utama (PU) yaitu varietas padi Inpari Sidenuk dan Mekongga sedangkan anak petak (AP) adalah konsentrasi PBZ (0, 200, 400 dan 600 ppm) dan diaplikasi pada saat inisiasi m...
The main problem in ricefields on North Sumatra has been changing function of this area to oil pa... more The main problem in ricefields on North Sumatra has been changing function of this area to oil palm plantations which continuities every year, on the other hand, we need foods are increase with following the increase of population from year to year. Although the North Sumatra food data’s shown that it has been fulfilling in self-sufficiency food, instead of rice production surplus for the region, but the program to increase production must be continuously, in order to survive with the surplus or more increase for the future. Some of efforts are, like using marginal land, planting rice under oil palm plants and rubber as well as using the house roof to planting the rice. This research was used a Split Plot Design (RPT) with 5 replications. As Main Plots (PU) are rice varieties (Inpari Sidenuk and Mekongga) and Sub Plots (AP), namely application time (one week before IM, during IM and one week after IM). PBZ was applied at concentration 400 ppm evenly distributed to plants. Fertilizer...
The study was initiated to observe the effects of paclobutrazol (PBZ) as foliar spray on growth, ... more The study was initiated to observe the effects of paclobutrazol (PBZ) as foliar spray on growth, lodging resistance and yield of direct seeded rice. The study consisted of two field experiments and one glasshouse experiment. The field trials were conducted in MADA, Kedah and IADA, Seberang Perak, Perak over two rice growing seasons. The first field trial was designed to obtain the optimum paclobutrazol concentration for increased lodging resistance in one variety of field grown rice, namely MR 219. Paclobutrazol at varying concentrations (0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 mg/L) was applied to rice plants at panicle initiation stage (56 DAS). In the second trial, the best concentration obtained in experiment 1 was used to obtain best time of application. Plants were sprayed at one week before (B) Panicle initiation (PI), during (D) PI and one week after (A) PI. The third experiment was conducted at glass house Ladang 2 UPM to understand the relationship between bending resistance and the abil...
Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is one of the hormone that acts by inhibiting activity of biosynthetic pathwa... more Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is one of the hormone that acts by inhibiting activity of biosynthetic pathway of GAs, resulting in retardation if internodes in paddy. The aim of this experiment to find out concentration of Paclobutrazol (PBZ) suitable application in paddy with planting rice-oil palm system. This research was conducted using Split Plot Design factorial in four replicated which main plot were varieties IR 64, Mekongga, Inpari Sidenuk and Ciherang, whereas sub plot were used to concentration of PBZ with 0, 200, 400 and 600 ppm and was applied at panicle initiation (PI). Paddy varieties were planted with transplanting after 3 weeks in the seedling. Measuring plant height was conducted at three times, before application, two weeks after application and at harvesting. The result was shown that plant height before application was no signifant for among varieties and concentration, unlike plant height at two weeks after application and harvest time, following increase of concentratio...
AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 2021
Walaupun produksi beras setiap tahun bertambah tetapi masih belum mencukupi kebutuhan para konsum... more Walaupun produksi beras setiap tahun bertambah tetapi masih belum mencukupi kebutuhan para konsumen, khususnya di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia berupaya meningkatkan produksi padi dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang sudah berubah fungsi tetapi masih bias digunakan untuk menanam padi, seperti lahan sawah yang beralih fungsi menjadi kebun sawit. Desain Penelitian ini adalah RPT (Rancangan Petak Terbagi), dimana Petak Utama (PU) adalah varietas (IR64 & Ciherang), sedangkan Anak Petak (AP) yaitu saat pemberian PBZ (sebelum 7 hari, saat Inisiasi Malai dan 7 hari setelah inisiasi malai (IM)) serta 5 ulangan. larutan PBZ yang diberikan yaitu 400 mg/L dan dosis yang diberikan dengan standar merata kesemua permukaan daun. Pemberian pupuk yaitu, Phospat (TSP) dan Kalium (KCl) diberikan sebagai pupuk dasar, dan 3 kali pemberian untuk N (Urea). Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPM), dan gulma dikelola dengan pemakaian racun kimia jika sudah mencapai ambang batas ekonomi. Parameter yang diamati adalah luas daun, tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa tinggi tanaman yang paling rendah yaitu saat aplikasi seminggu sebelum IM, sedangkan diameter batang yang terbesar diperoleh pada pemberian tujuh hari sebelum IM juga, begitu juga dengan luas daun, dimana daun bendera yang terluas ditemukan pada aplikasi 7 hari setelah IM. Untuk ketiga parameter, tidak dijumpai interkasi antara perlakuan waktu aplikasi PBZ dengan varietas yang diuji. Kesimpulannya, dari 3 waktu aplikasi PBZ dapat dilihat bahwa pemberian yang terbaik adalah tujuh hari sebelum IM.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This paper describes the assessment and ranking of the performance of the lectures of Universitas... more This paper describes the assessment and ranking of the performance of the lectures of Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB). The assessment system is based on guidelines that have been passed by the chancellor. The ranking is done to produce a position where the ability of each lecturer is based on the amount of scientific work produced by the lecturer. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis by using the support data of lecturers' performance in Science and Technology Index. The results of the assessment and ranking explain the value categories, such as lecturers with excellent, good, moderate, low and without performance. The impact of the assessment is that most or 100 UNPAB lecturers were rewarded leaving for Penang in 2017.
The objective of this study was to determine the level of plant hormone gibberellic acid (GA3) in... more The objective of this study was to determine the level of plant hormone gibberellic acid (GA3) in paddy due to the treatment of Paclobutrazol (PBZ) treatment using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV-vis detection at 208 nm. The ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2012
Sinniah, U. R., Wahyuni, S., Syahputra, B. S. A. and Gantait, S. 2012. A potential retardant for ... more Sinniah, U. R., Wahyuni, S., Syahputra, B. S. A. and Gantait, S. 2012. A potential retardant for lodging resistance in direct seeded rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 13–18. Yield losses in rice are heavy, particularly when lodging occurs after heading. A major contributing factor towards lodging is the tall phenotypic characteristic of the plant. In rice, application of growth retardant can reduce plant height by means of internode retardation. In this study, paclobutrazol at 50, 100 and 200 ppm was applied as a foliar application at panicle initiation on MR 219 and MR 84 cultivars and its effects on growth, lodging resistance and yield were studied. Foliar-applied growth retardant inhibited plant growth and retarded internode and culm length but increased culm diameter. All treated plants had higher bending resistance compared with the control. A significant positive correlation was observed between increased culm diameter and stem bending resistance (r=0.885). Histo...
Papers by bambang surya adji syahputra