I created this place as a central hub to share my favorite bits of human culture, mainly media from the 90s and 2000s. This is a safe space for undercover aliens everywhere, so zip out of your human skin and hang out with your squiddly bits out!
latest updates:
Almost finished on the optical archive, fixed some mobile-friendliness stuff too.
Completely reworked the portfolio to work with grid instead of flexbox. Fixed tabs!
Finished updating all of the 3D, also added some fun glitchies to the TV!
Big index overhaul! Improved many 3D models, fixed some viewport scaling issues, moved some things around.
Added my manifesto to the index page :)
Remade the diary page! Now you can find previous "status reports" there along with the already existing entries.
Fixed some issues with the phone / notif board code. Also added... *gulp* a ko-fi link @_@
Added the first few pages of the Vita Hacking guide! Still very much not finished though.
Renewed the Inuyasha shrine :)
Tidied up my portfolio page and fixed scaling issues
Remade the about page from the ground up lol its all matrix-y now
Fixed scaling on desk page and also finally got my shit together and implemented a stylesheet
Updated the index page to be more responsive to viewport scaling. Also this noticeboard was added!
to-do list:
- general clean-up on older pages
- consistent go-back button and favicon
- rework the important videos page
- create the optical archive
- link movie page to letterboxd API
-fix scaling on all other pages
site button:
click to copy!
currently playing:
Ace Attorney 1 (replay)
Silent Hill 3
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
Harry Potter PS1
status report:
I had to make the rough decision of cancelling my graduation project. As with everything you spend a number of years working up to which suddenly doesn't happen anymore, it always comes as a shock to find that you don't just stop existing afterwards. This hard switch however also unintendedly kick-started a process of acceptance surrounding autism, a process I had no idea was still necessary. I had been comfortable with calling myself autistic for quite some time, but what I hadn't accepted was the actual 'disability' part of autism. The fact that regular activities require much more energy for me to process is a fact I've been trying to prove wrong my entire life. Growing up with the "gifted kid" label has been documented to have fucked up many a undiagnosed autistic child. For me, it was internalising the idea that I had to succeed just that little bit better than the people around me, because that's how I got validation from adults, a.k.a. the crack cocaïne to a child's developing brain. Looking back, now knowing my needs a lot better, it's a miracle I've managed to survive alongside my non-autistic peers for so long. I'm so proud of myself, but it's okay to stop pushing now. I don't have to be the best to survive, I don't even have to be good, I'll keep existing either way. I'm going to make work that impresses only me and the other terminally online autistic creatures in my computer screen. I'm much happier that way. 18-03-25
latest image saved on pinterest funny board:
latest favorites:
- Black & White (2001)
- Cuddling a biblically gorgeous computer nerd
- Waking up at 7
- Cinnamon sugar in my morning coffee