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creative strategist lead

Hi, I'm Ana, a creative lead with a background in copywriting and art-based research. Over the past 10 years, I have developed campaigns for brands like Ford, Coca-Cola, and KitKat, co-founded a small creative consultancy, and an experimental architecture studio. I've also run a weekly newsletter (a love letter to Wikipedia), researched the end of the world on top of a mountain in Switzerland, and my work as an artist has been exhibited in Brazil and abroad. Additionally, I'm a proud certified electrician, in case you need one. After reading too many Sherlock Holmes books as a child, I grew passionate about problem-solving, and I believe that creative hands-on work is an awesome tool for that.

You can find me here:
+55 11 98086 9899

︎︎︎ instagram
︎︎︎ linkedin


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︎︎︎ Email
︎︎︎ Instagram
︎︎︎ Twitter

galapagos.ooo was founded by Dindi Coelho and I in 2016, and closed its doors in 2018. It was born from the love story between our deisre of having more time for things other than work, and a gut feeling that with some small proccessual changes, creative work could be done in a much better way. 

It didn't take long to realize we wouldnt be spending a free afternoon at the park anytime soon - but we were right about the processes part. 

As a creative duo and, later, assembling and coordinating small teams, we developed full campaigns from raw data to creative concepts to deliverables, wrote scripts, translated international campaigns, participaed on the development of new products by major companies, created the brand voice guide for iFood, managed budgets & schedules, met a lot of awesome people, outlined creative content strategies and, most of all,  learned a lot. 

We were also invited to speak at YouPix 2018 for a small group of creators. I will forever remember this day as the one I  finally found an excuse to keynote the story of how a man was trying to turn pee into gold and accidentaly invented the first version of matches.

Here are some of our clients and partners:

︎ iFood
︎ KitKat
︎ Mutato
︎ American Express
︎ Correios
︎ Cachaça 51
︎ 51 Ice
︎ Live
︎ Maria SãoPaulo
︎ Sephora
︎ Árvore.ag
︎ Protex
︎ Scoop
︎ Havaianas
︎ Andovar