A Study in Sakuga

A Study in Sakuga

By Lexi Tucker and Holden King

A podcast about two friends uncovering the mysteries of anime together. Join the Sherlock (Lexi Tucker) and Watson (Holden King) of anime as they dive through the many and various anime you know and (maybe) love.

For questions and information about the podcast please contact sakugapod@gmail.com
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Case 100: My Hero Academia 88

A Study in SakugaAug 08, 2024
Case 100: My Hero Academia 88

Case 100: My Hero Academia 88

IT'S OVER. DONE WATCHING THIS SHOW. Thank you everyone for listening to us complain about it for 44 episodes.

Aug 08, 202457:53
Case 99: My Hero Academia 86 & 87

Case 99: My Hero Academia 86 & 87

The end is in sight for MHA. Can our detectives finish out this season before throwing in the towel? (yes they can, and have, sorry for late uploads)

Jul 17, 202401:31:54
Case 98: My Hero Academia Episodes 84 & 85

Case 98: My Hero Academia Episodes 84 & 85

Going out for rope is the new going out for cigarettes.

May 29, 202401:33:18
Case 97: My Hero Academia Episodes 82 & 83

Case 97: My Hero Academia Episodes 82 & 83

This is the episode that breaks Holden.

May 06, 202401:13:43
Couch Talk 14

Couch Talk 14

Wow over an hour of Holden and Lexi just shooting the shit.

Apr 04, 202401:11:15
Case 96: My Hero Academia Episodes 80 & 81

Case 96: My Hero Academia Episodes 80 & 81

Wait there's academia in this show?

Mar 27, 202401:29:21
Case 95: My Hero Academia 78 & 79

Case 95: My Hero Academia 78 & 79

Fuck them kids.

Mar 12, 202401:16:52
Case 94:My Hero Academia 76 & 77

Case 94:My Hero Academia 76 & 77

We finish the fight with overhaul and then we see how Real villains do shit

Feb 22, 202401:11:34
Case 93: My Hero Academia Episodes 74 & 75

Case 93: My Hero Academia Episodes 74 & 75

Oh lovely, another fight in a grey room, and more almost making an interesting point.

Feb 01, 202401:18:30
Case 92: My Hero Academia 72 & 73

Case 92: My Hero Academia 72 & 73

More weirdly paced flashbacks, a boring fight in a boring room, and the villains continuing to be the most interesting part of this show

Jan 19, 202401:19:56
Case 91: My Hero Academia Episodes 70 & 71

Case 91: My Hero Academia Episodes 70 & 71

The Raid begins! and then it actually happens! This show might have pacing issues.

Jan 10, 202401:18:31
Couch Talk 13

Couch Talk 13

Woahey Holidays might be over but our schedules still arent fixed!

Jan 03, 202427:31
Case 90: My Hero Academia Episodes 68 & 69 (nice)

Case 90: My Hero Academia Episodes 68 & 69 (nice)

Holden are visited by three ghosts, the ghosts of episodes good, the ghost of episodes bad and technical ghosts that ruin audio quality ooooooooooo.

Dec 21, 202301:36:43
Case 89: My Hero Academia Episodes 66 & 67

Case 89: My Hero Academia Episodes 66 & 67

Lessons in morality and mortality

Dec 08, 202301:19:57
Case 88: My Hero Academia 64 & 65

Case 88: My Hero Academia 64 & 65

An end and a beginning. Fighting and talking. The Mirio's ass and The Device.

Nov 23, 202359:47
Confidential 1: Spy x Family Episodes 1 & 2

Confidential 1: Spy x Family Episodes 1 & 2

Lexi has gone missing and the anime Watson is driven into hiding where he must enlist allies to help him covertly watch some anime without her. Remember, the best way to get out of an embarrassing situation is to leave no witnesses.

Nov 08, 202301:31:38
Case 87: My Hero Academia Episodes 61 & 62

Case 87: My Hero Academia Episodes 61 & 62

We talk a lot about rivalry and romantic tension, how the two are often the two are entwined and then the faint hints of actually interesting themes that is then muddied by bad representation.

Nov 02, 202301:17:31
Case 86: My Hero Academia Episodes 59 & 60

Case 86: My Hero Academia Episodes 59 & 60

Our hosts rush to the finish of the hero licensing arc

Oct 25, 202301:14:01
Case 85: My Hero Academia episodes 57 & 58

Case 85: My Hero Academia episodes 57 & 58

Okay so i guess there are crisis actors now, and none of the characters really learned anything. Also theres a really dumb whodunnit.

Oct 25, 202301:21:42
Couch Talk 12

Couch Talk 12

I'm aware one of the clips is a bit desynched. No i cannot fix it.

Sep 27, 202347:01
Case 84: My Hero Academia Episodes 55 & 56

Case 84: My Hero Academia Episodes 55 & 56

Will class 1-a pass the battle royal? Does MHA have pacing issues? Does Bakugo stink? These and other questions answered in this episode!

Sep 13, 202301:15:29
Case 83: My Hero Academia Episodes 53 & 54

Case 83: My Hero Academia Episodes 53 & 54

The test begins, we see a slew of new characters to challenge and compete with our heroes and then it gets weirdly horny.

Sep 06, 202301:22:41
Case 82: My Hero Academia Episodes 51 &52

Case 82: My Hero Academia Episodes 51 &52

Lets look at some gd rooms!!!!! We indulge in all of the characterization we get in one episode and switch gears in preparation for the provisional licensing exam

Aug 30, 202301:20:47
Case 81: My Hero Academia 49 & 50

Case 81: My Hero Academia 49 & 50

The fight between All Might and All for One comes to a conclusion and the world is changed by it's consequences. Hope you like comics talk.

Aug 16, 202301:16:57
Case 80: My Hero Academia Episodes 47 & 48

Case 80: My Hero Academia Episodes 47 & 48

Things are coming down to the wire as we see how the raid on the League of Villains is subverted and a battle between All Might and All for One pops off.

Aug 09, 202301:06:44
Case 79: My Hero Academia Episodes 45 & 46

Case 79: My Hero Academia Episodes 45 & 46

In the aftermath of the League of Villain's attack on the UA summer camp everyone is asking, Will Deku Try to Save Bakugo?

Aug 02, 202301:12:49
Couch Talk 11

Couch Talk 11

The Flash, Medication Shortages, OH NO, and Tsuchinoko Real.

Jul 19, 202354:40
Case 78: My Hero Academia Episodes 43&44

Case 78: My Hero Academia Episodes 43&44

REVELRY IN THE DARK! We meet more villains and see some side characters in action.

Jul 12, 202301:09:35
Case 77: My Hero Academia Episodes 41 &42

Case 77: My Hero Academia Episodes 41 &42

Things are really heating up at summer camp, we've got villains, training, complex views on heroism and......Trans Representation.

Jul 05, 202301:28:53
Case 76: My Hero Academia Episodes 39 & 40

Case 76: My Hero Academia Episodes 39 & 40

Deku is back and he has clip shows, unsavory women and so much god damn Mineta. Kinda wished he would have stayed gone

Jun 28, 202301:14:57
Case 75: Cardcaptor Sakura Finale With Dana Callista Lexa

Case 75: Cardcaptor Sakura Finale With Dana Callista Lexa

We are finally done with Cardcaptor Sakura and are here to talk about it with magicalgirl expert Dana Calista Lexa as we go over the hgighs and lows of this iconic show.

Dana can also be found on SuperIdols RPG at: https://bio.link/superidolsrpg

Jun 14, 202301:37:29
Case 74: Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie

Case 74: Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie

On good dubbing but bad translation and grief.

May 31, 202301:47:44
Couch Talk 10

Couch Talk 10

oh boy howdy do i have a story to tell yall when we get back to regular episodes

May 24, 202326:48
Case 73: Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 35

Case 73: Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 35

On finales, Christmas and merchandising

May 10, 202301:01:30
Case 72: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 33 & 34

Case 72: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 33 & 34

On skating and riddle relays

Apr 26, 202301:01:43
Case 71: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 31 & 32

Case 71: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 31 & 32

On books and bodyswapping

Apr 19, 202301:22:16
Case 70: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 29 & 30

Case 70: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 29 & 30

On baking and conflicting emotions

Apr 05, 202357:47
Experimental Case: Lexi and Erin watch Kiznaiver episodes 1 & 2

Experimental Case: Lexi and Erin watch Kiznaiver episodes 1 & 2

Okay this is a weird one, if we do it again it wont be like this exactly, but we had fun making it, maybe you'll find something to like as well.

Mar 22, 202350:32
Couch Talk 9

Couch Talk 9

Lexi dysfunctions and Holden's journey with Eastward

Mar 15, 202333:35
Case 69: Card Captor Sakura Episodes 27 & 28

Case 69: Card Captor Sakura Episodes 27 & 28

On sacred trees and Fake cards

Mar 08, 202349:34
Case 68: Card Captor Sakura 25 & 26

Case 68: Card Captor Sakura 25 & 26

On dark reflections and mysterious teachers

Mar 01, 202351:18
Case 67: Cardcaptor Sakura 23 & 24

Case 67: Cardcaptor Sakura 23 & 24

On singing and shortness

Feb 22, 202349:26
Case 66: Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 21 & 22

Case 66: Cardcaptor Sakura Episode 21 & 22

Lexi, sleep deprived somehow made the podcast more energetic and breezy this week as the detectives enter a new era of CCS

Feb 08, 202346:18
Couch Talk 8

Couch Talk 8

Woah we went more than 3 episodes without putting one of these out. Extra bits!

Feb 01, 202326:08
Case 65: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 19 &20

Case 65: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 19 &20

Holden gets exactly what he asks for and Lexi does not appreciate the horrible little girl

Jan 25, 202301:13:07
Case 64: Cardcaptor Sakura 17 & 18

Case 64: Cardcaptor Sakura 17 & 18

It's summer vacation baby, who's ready for a chill totally not heated time?

Jan 18, 202301:05:01
Case 63: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 15 & 16

Case 63: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 15 & 16

We really didnt think Sakura's dad could get any worse but we are alway s proven wrong

Jan 11, 202301:12:50
Case 62: Card Captor Sakura Episodes 13&14

Case 62: Card Captor Sakura Episodes 13&14

A weird energy to this one our detectives were excited when recording, for a trip to the zoo you ask? No. It's time to talk about those boys, and how gay they are. 

Dec 21, 202201:10:02
Couch Talk 7

Couch Talk 7

Lexi is Holiday Stressed and couldn't record, so have some holiday bits!

Dec 14, 202227:02
Case 61: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 11 & 12

Case 61: Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 11 & 12

This episode probably break our record for off topic chatter, breezing through an episode that spends too much time on Sakura's dad before really digging into a miniature time loop episode.

Dec 07, 202201:00:11