「OS XのOpenCL GPUドライバには不具合がある」としてレンダリングシステムLuxRender TeamがTim Cook氏へ公開状を送ったそうです。詳細は以下から。

今回 OpenCLの不具合を指摘しているのは3Dグラフィックツール「Blender」の元開発者で現在Blender財団の会長を務めるオランダのTon Roosendaalさんや、Paolo Cicconeさんで内容は「我々はOS XのOpenCL GPUドライバが壊れておりレンダリングできないことを発見しました。同じシーンをWindowsやLinuxをインストールした全く同じハードウェア(Mac)で、レンダリングした場合美しく出力されるので、これはAMDやnVidiaのソフトやGPUの不具合ではなくOS Xのドライバの問題です。OS XのOpenCLはOSの一部となっておりApple以外このドライバーをアップデート出来ません。AppleはOpenCL不具合のプライオリティを新しい絵文字より低く扱っているようだ」というもので、
Letter to Tim Cook from LuxRender team. Blender suffers same problems. Apple ignores their creative users. http://t.co/KjYqkiJjO6 #b3d
We have found out that the OpenCL GPU drivers for OS X are broken and are unable to render but the simplest of scenes. With anything barely complex the driver simpy crash. CPU rendering works fine.
This is not a problem of the GPU or even the software expertise of AMD or nVidia. It’s a mater of old drivers shipped with OS X. The same scenes with the same exact hardware render on Windows and even on Linux. Beautifully. This is because, on those other OSes, it’s possible to update the drivers independently. On OS X OpenCL is part of the OS and the drivers can only be updated by Apple. Apparently OpenCL is not at the same level of priority than providing new Emoji and so we are stuck with broken drivers.
[OS X users unite! – Preta3d Blog]
この不具合についてレンダリングエンジン「LuxRender」を開発しているPaolo Cicconeさんが、LuxRender開発チーム代表として以下の公開状を送ったそうで「このOpenCLの不具合は我々が解決することは出来ず、この問題はOS Xをメインに使用する開発者にとっては非常に問題だ」と訴えています。
Dear Mr. Cook.
I’m sorry to bother you but we have tried all other channels and nothing worked.
I’m part of a group of developers of a physically-based renderer called LuxRender. LuxRender has been written to use OpenCL to accelerate its enormous amount of computation necessary to generate photo-realistic scenes. You can see some of the images generated by Lux at http://luxrender.net. Lux is an Open Source program.
Apple has defined OpenCL and we have adopted this API instead of the proprietary CUDA in order to be able to work with all kind of hardware on all major platforms. It made sense for an OSS to use an open standard.
The reason why I’m writing to you is that, after waiting for years, we still have broken GPU drivers on OS X. Scenes that render perfectly well on Windows and even on Linux simply abort on OS X. This is happening with both AMD and nVidia GPUs.
The problem is unsolvable from our side. We need updated, fixed drivers for OS X. The problem is so bad hat our main OS X developer has announced, today, that he is giving up OS X. He simply can’t do his job.
I kindly request that you look into this and give us working AMD and nVidia drivers in an upcoming, possibly soon, update of OS X. We are more than willing to work with your engineers, if you need any kind of specific help in identifying the problem.
Thank you for your attention.
Paolo Ciccone
[OS X users unite! – Preta3d Blog]
Thomas Berglund@thomasberglund
@tonroosendaal Hi! 16 months since last tweet. Any chances of seeing Cycels with OpenCL on the Mac Pro AMD D300/D500/D700? 🙂 #b3d @amd_roy
@thomasberglund @amd_roy Apple needs to fix their OpenCL… the OpenCL split kernel from AMD runs fine in Linux/Windows.
— Ton Roosendaal (@tonroosendaal) 2015, 5月 1
Thomas Berglund@thomasberglund
@tonroosendaal @amd_roy I just submitted a bug report to Apple, bug ID #602688. Please help by giving them a nudge from your end too 🙂
昨日公開された開発者向けノートにはOS Xプラットフォーム向けのBlenderの保守を行っているJens Verwiebeさんが「OS Xを放棄する」とコメントしており、理由として「性能が高いGPUが無いこと」「腹立たしいYosemiteの不具合」を挙げており、Martijn BergerさんがOS XのBlenderの保守を引き継ぐかが注目されています(追記:日本語訳のノートも公開されました)。
New post: Blender Developer Notes: May 3, 2015 http://t.co/STo8CAwLVx http://t.co/4hXi6SqBcg
Our very active OS X platform maintainer for many years, Jens Verwiebe – had a suprising statement. He’s going to abandon OS X as a serious 3D/graphics development platform. This, he said, because of lack of quality GPU support (OpenGL, OpenCL) and annoying Yosemite glitches. It makes this platform too painful to keep using seriously. Jens will stay around for at least the 2.75 release. Martijn Berger volunteered to
take over duties.
[Blender Developer Notes: May 3, 2015]
・OS X users unite! – Preta3d Blog
・OpenCL for OS X – Apple Developer
・Blender Japanese Website– Blender.jp
Open Sourceにはこういう献身的な人が非常に大切なのに…頼むぜAppleさん。
Cyclesの大きなOpenCLカーネルがAMDドライバで動かない (NVIDIAでは動くけど、CUDAの方が速いため無効状態)
→ 最近、AMDがCyclesのOpenCLカーネルを分割してAMDで動作するようにするパッチを貢献 (これが記事にあるsplit kernel)
→ パッチを当てても、Mac OS Xでのみ動かない
→ LuxRenderでも同じことが起きていて、AMDと共に作業したり、Apple従業員に話したりしたけど、未解決だった
→ LuxRenderの開発者がAppleのTim Cookに向けてオープンレターを提出 ← いまここ
ちなみに、split kernelパッチは、まだマージされていない。
何言ってるの? Apple発案だぞ、デマ流さないで
“「OpenCL 1.0」が公開–アップル提案のAPI仕様が業界標準に”でググってみろ