Papers by Scott Midgley
This paper is an examination of the effect that the New Haven Trials had on the rapid decline of ... more This paper is an examination of the effect that the New Haven Trials had on the rapid decline of the Black Panther Party
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Book Reviews by Scott Midgley

With Talk at the Brink, David Gibson has taken a different approach to one of more studied events... more With Talk at the Brink, David Gibson has taken a different approach to one of more studied events of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis. Countless pages have been devoted to analysing and interpreting the back-and-forth diplomatic chess match between Kennedy and Khrushchev, with the possible fate of the world hanging in the balance, but Gibson's work is the first book to utilise the secret audio recordings of President Kennedy to explore these events from a sociological perspective. It is through these recordings that Gibson looks to prove his contention that the decisions made were not the result a "clash of factions…or a clear-sighted assessment of the risks," (xi) nor was it a product of a singularly-focused president forcing his will on his advisers. Instead, from a broad perspective, the decisions were the result of how talk is normally conducted within a group dynamic, only in this case against the backdrop of potential disaster. The book provides a fresh take on the American decision makers' perspective to the evolving crisis.

From the time that college students Bobby Seale and Huey Newton armed themselves and announced th... more From the time that college students Bobby Seale and Huey Newton armed themselves and announced that they were going to patrol the police and fight police brutality, a cultural match was lit that sparked a revolution. In a matter of months, the organization that they helped to found, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, managed to make enemies of the United States government, frighten 'White America', and fan the flames of racial tension and 'black power.' The Black Panther legacy has been largely misunderstood; the idealistic notion of self-reliance and selfdetermination that was at the core of the Panthers beliefs was too often lost in the public persona of an organization that was perceived as violent, racist, and anarchical, and the Black Panthers themselves did seemingly little to dispel that perception. Interpretations and reflections in subsequent years of recollection have often yielded uneven results, with varying accounts rife with bias and inaccuracy, leaving their legacy and impact incomplete.
Papers by Scott Midgley
Book Reviews by Scott Midgley