Story Structure

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102 Pins
I’ve been using these same 10 plot points to plot every book and story I’ve written for the past 15 years.

Get them for free!
10 Universal Plot Points to Craft Any Story
I’ve been using these same 10 plot points to plot every book and story I’ve written for the past 15 years. Get them for free!
Planning an Entire Series?
Planning an entire fiction series isn't terribly different than planning just one book, but it must be done intentionally. In this episode, I discuss: 1) How to Plan Events Over a Series 2) How to deal with different types of series and stories 3) Examples of how other authors have done it 4) And more! So give this episode a watch, and tell me in the comments how you go about planning your series arcs!
Plot Development: Charts and Tips for Outlining and Plotting a Novel
Plot development can be one of the greatest challenges when you're working on writing a novel. If you're plotting a novel, these plot development charts and tips will help you with writing plot structure, outlining and more.
How to Properly Plan a Dynamic Book Series — Read Blog — Ignited Ink Writing, LLC | Book Editor | Website/Blog Content Editor/Writer
If you’re the type of author who loves to make things happen in your stories, a dynamic book series might be for you. These plot-based books are driven by events, but you do need to make sure you have enough plot for a series and can learn to love the middle of a story. Learn how.
3 Ways To Write A Book Outline | Tips for Authors
Creating a book outline is often the difference between a successful author and one who flounders against the waves of creative inspiration. In this article, you'll find 3 easy ways to write a book outline that will save you time, help you organize your thoughts and focus on what matters, and even let you write much faster. Save this post for your next writing session!
Worried About Writing to a Cliche? 4 Ways to Prevent Your Story Structure From Being Formulaic
The truth is, every story has the POTENTIAL to be formulaic in the worst way. It's simply something we must guard against. And that's what I'm talking about in today's episode. I give you 4 ways to prevent your story structure from being formulaic. They include: 1. Understanding all parts of Story Structure 2. Know the difference between genre conventions and genre cliches 3. Embrace the emotional expectations of your readers 4. Use Creative Discover to explore YOUR unique story.
Where Should You Start Plotting Your Story?
Structuring your story the easy way ⋆ Protagonist Crafts
Mastering novel story structure is one of those things that all new writers should learn about. If writing your own book feels daunting, these story structure tips will help you with your novel planning and plot development. Even if you’ve written books before, understanding story structure can help you become a better writer. Save this pin on your best outline writing tips board and follow Protagonist Crafts for more storyline tips for authors.
The First Plot Point: The Story Structure Series Part Three - The Novel Smithy
The Story Structure Series Pt 3: The First Plot Point | The Novel Smithy