Debutante Gown 1895-1910

References for my debutante ball gown, b/w 1895-1910. Most of the images fall into this time period, those that don't are more for general inspiration about debuntantes.
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„Ele se inclinou e deu um beijo de leve nos lábios dela. – Eu tenho você – murmurou –, e não vou desperdiçar nem um segundo que temos juntos. Os lábios de Kate se abriram num sorriso. – O que isso significa? – Significa que o amor não tem nada a ver com o medo de que tudo acabe, mas com encontrar alguém que o complete, que faça de você um ser humano melhor do que jamais sonhou ser.“ — Julia Quinn
This is the famous male impersonator, Vesta Tilley, who began her stage career as a boy at about five years old and had success on both sides of the Atlantic. From her teens onward she apparently impersonated dandies, fops and swells with great aplomb and became a favourite of women in her audiences because her songs and skits tended to gently poke fun at the foibles of the male sex. Her manly mannerisms were the result of weeks of study. I'd have stuck to dresses had I been her. Text by Fio...
A Studio portrait of NYC's Consuelo Vanderbilt in her Wedding Gown. Consuelo was a "Cash For Title" Bride & was married off to England's 9th Duke of Marlborough. .....1895