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Curiano Quotes Life - Quote, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote, and Letting Go Quotes. Visit this blog now
I love this. He played himself. I can find a hundred guys like you but you can't find another me.
yup and the truth has already come out, i have had so many people come to me…
Oh gosh yes haha. I'm so happy where I stand now and everything thing that happened already happened… I'd also love to give all those people a big thanks for making me strong :))))
Sad how some people believe their own lies and the stories they make up in their heads. Picture Quotes.
ANA - AfterNarcissisticAbuse on Twitter
Narcissists are opportunists that put on a fake mask/persona. If you are "real" and authentic, your chances of being the narcissists target are very high.
Lol riot points
All the lies.. The messages that I have saved.. One click and I would destroy your fake ass life!!