Tech Packs

112 Pins
Katiaguzun: I will make fashion flats, spec sheets, tech packs for $15 on
Make fashion flats, spec sheets, tech packs by Katiaguzun | Fiverr
Katiaguzun: I will make fashion flats, spec sheets, tech packs for $15 on
Adhikaram: I will design next lingerie fashion collection with tech packs for $5 on
Design next lingerie fashion collection with tech packs by Adhikaram | Fiverr
Katiaguzun: I will make fashion flats, spec sheets, tech packs for $15 on
女式内裤的裁剪图 服装设计与剪裁技术交流(男装、女装、童装、衣服等相 手工交流区 - 我骄傲我自豪,我上DIY手工俱乐部! | Syning, Mønster, Tøj
How I write out a spec sheet for a brief — Van Jonsson Design
How I write out a spec sheet for a brief — Van Jonsson Design