Lego Movie

Double decker couch :)
47 Pins
Deirdre Jernigan
"I know it sounds like a cat poster, but it's true!" - Vitruvius' Ghost, Lego Movie
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Warner Brothers - "I think I got it, but just in case, tell me the whole thing again. I wasn't listening." This is me about 98 percent of the time.
THE LEGO MOVIE Emmet - See best of PHOTOS of the 2014 Animation Movie
Check out the family's review of The Lego Movie here:
DE LEGO® FILM 2™ personages – Maak kennis met de supergeweldige Emmet Brickowski!
EMMET: Een doodgewoon, braaf LEGO minifiguur dat zich altijd netjes aan de regels houdt wordt per ongeluk beschouwd als een hele bijzondere pe...
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Lego Movie Emmet Light Switch Plate Cover room by ComicRecycled, $7.99
Check out the family's review of The Lego Movie here:
The 10 Best Things from February 2014
The Lego Movie - "GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" lol when you finally figure out what it is
SPACESHIP! AhahahHAHAHAHAHAHA OHHMYGOODNESS I CANNOT EVEN. If you've seen The Lego Movie (and Frozen!) You will know why this is so bloody amusing.
Okay, so I am a teenager but i have to be honest.....i REALLY want to see this movie! Is that weird?
Batman. Like the best character in the whole darn movie.