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100 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of All Time! (108)
When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.
Love this. I don't owe anyone anything for being female except my fabulous self.
Live Your Truth & Don't Ever Stop !
40 years old this year. It's about time I stop feeling like I have to justify anything to anyone.
Perfect quote...👌 uploaded by Ivona Petreska on We Heart It
Perfect quote...
Fill the world with the kindness you've curated within. | Skirt the Ceiling | http://skirttheceiling.com
Literally true, this is why prayer, meditation, self-esteem, personalities are so important http://www.loaspower.com/what-else-is-preventing-you-from-success/