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Katie | GregsChicks • Backyard Farm on Instagram: "I’m sure you’ve seen several videos about securing your chicken run. I thought this was a great visual as to the why behind it, if you haven’t actually seen rat tunnels, or predator tunnels, or the evidence of something trying to get in. The other option is to go 3 or 4 feet digging down if you don’t want to do the entire floor. For me, it was easier and made more sense to just do the floor. My entire run is wrapped with hardware cloth, which is not cheap but it’s the most secure. I’ve actually found the best deal on hardware cloth on Amzn because my local hardware stores only carry the small rolls instead of the hundred foot rolls. Ask me any questions, share comments, or tell me your experience with securing your chicken run and coo
Fermented Chicken Feed: Chicken Probiotics
Fermented Chicken Feed: Chicken Probiotics - this beautiful farm life