cake pops

59 Pins
Chocolate Covered Oreos - Gender reveal - Baby shower treats
We use real Oreos All individually wrapped Sprinkle colors can be changed.
Arrows Variety - Silicone Mold
You can give full play to your imagination and create a variety of arrows in different colors for your Indian, boho chic, and Valentine-themed sweet treats, jewelry, or resin art.Works with resin, wax, fondant, gum paste, etc.Each cavity is between 1 and 2.25 inches in length.Photo credit: @coco_peony_
Back to School Cakesicles
Fun teacher and back to school theme cakesicles/cake pops! #cakesicles #backtoschool #teachercakepops #cakepops #teachertheme #backtoschooltheme #backtoschooltreats #cakesicleideas #cakesiclesinspiration