Ancient Egyptian Hair and Makeup

A research of ancient Egyptian hair and makeup and how it has been portrayed in films and television over the past 100 years. Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River - geographically Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, in the place that is now occupied by the countries of Egypt and Sudan. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology)[1] with the political unificationof Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer).[2] The history of ancient Egypt occurred as a series of stable kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Predynastic period Early Dynastic Period (c. 3050–2686 BC) Old Kingdom (2686–2181 BC) First Intermediate Period (2181–1991 BC) Middle Kingdom (2134–1690 BC) Second Intermediate Period (1674–1549 BC) and the Hyksos New Kingdom (1549–1069 BC) Third Intermediate Period (1069–653 BC) Late Period (672–332 BC) Ptolemaic period (332–30 BC) Roman period (30 BC–641 AD)
55 Pins
Theda Bara portrait from Cleopatra by Albert Witzel Studio 1917
Theda Bara portrait from Cleopatra by Albert Witzel Studio 1917 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Cleopatra, Theda Bara, 1917 by Everett
Theda Bara, Cleopatra. 1917. (Colorized Photo).
Diadem of Senebtisi | Middle Kingdom | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Circlet of Senebtisi, Middle Kingdom, ca. 1850-1775 B.C. Excavated from the Tomb of Senwosret, Pit 763. Memphite Region, Egypt.
My Ear-Trumpet Has Been Struck By Lightning
Theda Bara as Cleopatra (hand-colored silver gelatin photograph, 1917) – Albert Witzel The photograph is signed by the actress for silent film cowboy actor Tom Mix.
Maudelynn's Menagerie: Photo
Theda Bara, in Cleopatra , c.1917 photo by Witzel
Theda Bara in the original silent Cleopatra full length portrait 720-20
Theda Bara in the original silent Cleopatra full length portrait 720-20
18th Dynasty (1500-1300 BC), Thebes, Egypt: Human Hair Wig to protect from lice.
History of Hats
History of Hats | Gallery - Chapter 1 - Village Hat Shop