Primary singing time

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A Child's Prayer Primary Singing Time Ideas
February Doctrine & Covenants Primary Songs List
February Doctrine & Covenants Primary Songs List 1
Song: Reverence is a Feeling - Black and White
Teach and review the LDS primary song "Reverence is a Feeling" using these primary song visuals. Primary Children enjoy helping hold Song Visuals as they practice songs for the Primary Program.
Dare to Do Right Picture Match
Use this fun Dare to Do Right Picture Match activity based on the classic game of "Memory" and correctly match each picture pair as you review this song in primary! #LDS #Primary #Singingtime #Musicleader #Bookofmormon
Dare to Do Right Musical Arrangements
Use this Dare to Do Right Musical Arrangements singing time idea and share music video or play an arrangement of this song for a unique way to introduce or review in primary! #LDS #Primary #Singingtime #Musicleader #Bookofmormon