
27 Pins
Creating a Mandala to Manifest Your Intention
'Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life.' ~ Pema Chodron “Mandala” comes from the Sanskrit word ‘circle’. Mandalas have been used as a ritual tool in many cultures and religions around the world - Native American Indians, Tibetan Buddhists, Taoists - who believed mandala represented the universe and the life cycle. The mandala, through its intricate layers has
Benefits of Mandalas by Mandala-Jim on DeviantArt
Mandalas: How the Sacred Circle Helps Us Reconnect With Ourselves
Mandalas: How the Sacred Circle Helps Us Reconnect With Ourselves via @lonerwolf