Sterling Silver Women's Jewelry

Sophisticated American crafted 925 sterling silver jewelry for women who dare!
41 Pins
The new Valkyria Band is infused with the spirit of Odin’s Shieldmaidens. As beautiful and as they were dangerous, these demi-goddesses were charged with determining the outcomes of heroic battles—and from the fallen warriors, choosing who was worthy of Valhalla. Formidable mythic figures, the Valkyries are the essence of the modern woman warrior.
The Valkyria Ring by NightRider Jewelry
It’s easy to spot the modern warrior woman. She is a woman of strength. A force of nature in and of herself, she’s harnessed the storm within. But beneath that calm exterior beats a heart as fierce as fire. This is a modern Valkyrie, and a warrior you want both at your side…and at your back. #valkyrie #valkyries #valkyriering #valkyria #valkyrias #925sterlingsilver #shieldmaiden #warriorwomen #femalewarrior #warriorwoman#virago #vikingwoman #modernwarrior #warriorwomanrising
The New Valkyria Band and Ring by NightRider Jewelry. For the modern woman warrior.
This may contain: a black and white photo of a woman's face in the shape of a mask
Valkyria Woman Warrior Pendant by NightRider Jewelry
She who has walked through fire leave sparks of light wherever she goes. The Valkyria Woman Warrior Pendant |

It’s the little things.

See the Unhinged Earrings in our Holiday Gift Guide here:
It’s the little things. See the Unhinged Earrings in our Holiday Gift Guide here:
Valkyria Band Viking Valkyrie Woman Warrior Ring by NightRider Jewelry
It’s easy to spot the modern Valkyrie. She is a woman warrior for the new age. A force of nature in and of herself, she’s harnessed the storm within. But beneath that calm exterior beats a heart as fierce as fire. She is the warrior you want both at your side…and at your back. #warriorjewelry #valhalla #viking #vikingring #valkyrie #valkyries #valkyriering #shieldmaiden #vikingjewelry #warriorwomen #femalewarrior #warriorwoman #fightlikeawoman #norseknotwork #vikingstyle #virago #vikingwoman
Unique Gifts For Her
At Nightrider, we believe that strength and elegance aren’t mutually exclusive. Our women’s pieces are crafted with the same robust spirit that defines our entire line—no dainty designs here. Which piece is your favorite? ________________________ #WomensJewelry #SterlingSilverJewelry #SterlingSilverRing #SterlingSilverBracelet #GiftsForHer #GiftGuideForHer #JewelryGiftGuide #GiftForGirlfriend #GiftForWife #womensring #womensnecklace #UniqueJewelry #MadeInTheUSA
Mother's Day Gift Guide from NightRider Jewelry
This is not a drill. *Mother’s Day* is coming. Everyone’s minds are elsewhere at the moment, we know. But no one wants to be the guy who forgot Mom’s big day. #nightriderjewlery #wearnightrider #thisisnotadrill #mothersdayiscoming #may10 #may10th #momsrule #mothersday #mothersdaygift #mothersdaygiftideas #mothersdaygifts #mothersdaygift #mothersdaygiftguide #mothersday2020 #momstyle #momsrock #coolmoms #giftsforher #giftsformom #bestgift #giftsforher #mothersdayjewelry #mothersdayideas
Medusa reimagined. From sketch to striking ring. This Medusa ring is all about jaw-dropping details and bold design. Check her out at #NightRiderJewelry #Medusa #Patrona #AmericanMade #MedusaArt #MedusaTattoo #MedusaJewelry #MedusaRing #defiantluxury #handcraftedjewelry #madeinusa
No delicate flowers. Just women warriors. NightRider Jewelry
No delicate flowers. Just women warriors. Check out the Valkyria Ring, Band, Pendant, and all our Women’s Jewelry here: NightRider Woman|
Heart of Valhalla
Just in time for Valentines! From the delicate curve of the Valkyrie wings to the setting of the marquise-cut gemstone, our artisans pour their heart into every step. Creating a Sterling Silver Heart Necklace like never before! #WomensJewelry #womensnecklace #GiftForHer #ValentinesGift #silverjewelry #sterlingsilverjewelry #sterlingsilverpendant #silverjewellry #silvernecklace #silverpendant #ValentinesNecklace #heartpendant #heartjewelry #Valkyrie #Valhalla #silverheart
NEW CHAIN!! Introducing our new Avery Toggle Box Chain. The epitome of less is more. It's uncomplicated, it's sleek, and it goes with everything. The new 3mm Box Chain is available as a bracelet or necklace. Crafted in America with a lifetime guarantee, this piece comes in both Silver and Luxe editions. #NightRiderJewelry #boxchain #womensnecklace #silverandgoldnecklace #togglebracelet #togglenecklace #silverchain #silverboxchain #silverbracelet #silvernecklace
Patrona Medusa Ring by NightRider Jewelry
Medusa is as enchanting as she is terrifying. Both a goddess and a monster, the destroyer, and the creator. She is a dichotomy that embodies the extremes–and everything in between. Medusa the Protectress | NightRider Jewelry
NEW CHAIN!! Introducing our new Avery Toggle Box Chain. The epitome of less is more. It's uncomplicated, it's sleek, and it goes with everything. The new 3mm Box Chain is available as a bracelet or necklace. Crafted in America with a lifetime guarantee, this piece comes in both Silver and Luxe editions. #NightRiderJewelry #boxchain #womensnecklace #silverandgoldnecklace #togglebracelet #togglenecklace #silverchain #silverboxchain #silverbracelet #silvernecklace