Bulletin board ideas

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Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour 2018-2019 | Learning In Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour 2018-2019 | Learning In Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour 2018-2019 | Learning In Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour 2018-2019 | Learning In Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour 2018-2019 | Learning In Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland Classroom Tour - Learning in Wonderland
Learning in Wonderland // A teaching blog featuring time saving resources, beautiful & functional classroom décor, and teaching inspiration!
This is on the whiteboard in my classroom where I write our daily schedule. I found giant 8" Googly eyes and used my Cricut to cut vinyl letters from the Sesame Street Font cartridge. Made by Carrie Freeman
Dr. Seuss Inspired B2S Bulletin Board Idea
Checkout this great post on Bulletin Board Ideas! I can see I am gonna be using my cricut so much this year!