Find Your Soulmate - a free 15-day challenge

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Inner work + action = manifestation

And today is action time aka time to put yourself out there.

1) Ask yourself: 

What would be the most ENJOYABLE way to meet your man? List at least 3 ways.

2) Take action!

Commit to doing these 3 things and put yourself out there.

👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished.

👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course.

Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course that takes you step-by-step from single to your dream man

Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only).

Details + Sign up 👉
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 14 (how to manifest what you want)
Inner work + action = manifestation And today is action time aka time to put yourself out there. 1) Ask yourself: What would be the most ENJOYABLE way to meet your man? List at least 3 ways. 2) Take action! Commit to doing these 3 things and put yourself out there. 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course that takes you step-by-step from single to your dream man Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). Details + Sign up 👉
This may contain: a woman making a face with the words find your soulmate day 11 on it
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 11 (get the relationship you want)
Sometimes we need real examples to show us it's possible for us to have what we desire. Who are the couples out there who inspire you and you wish to have a relationship like them? They can be someone you know, celebrities or just people from social media. List 3 couples and write down what about them inspires you. 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 11. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course that takes you step-by-step from single to your dream man Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). Details + Sign up 👉
This may contain: a woman with her arms in the air and texting, final day 15 of find your soulmate challenge
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 15 (selflove building)
Celebrate yourself! Celebrate yourself for completing the challenge and showing up for your soulmate every single day. 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you complete the challenge. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course that takes you step-by-step from single to your dream man Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). See what I'm talking about 👉
This may contain: a woman is smiling with the text free 13 - day challenge find your soulmate day 13
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 13 (mindset shift)
A miracle is a shift in perception - as per A Course In Miracles. Put yourself in the shoes of your dream man and ask: How will your dream man FEEL when he meets you? 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 13. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course that takes you step-by-step from single to your dream man Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). Check it out 👉

Joy attracts love and today we're putting you in a joyful environment.

1. Remove things from your environment that don'tvbring you joy anymore.

2. Add things to your environment that bring you joy.

👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 12.

👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course.

Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course to take you step-by-step from single to your dream man

Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only).

Check it out 👉
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 12 (how to manifest what you want)
Joy attracts love and today we're putting you in a joyful environment. 1. Remove things from your environment that don'tvbring you joy anymore. 2. Add things to your environment that bring you joy. 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 12. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. Attract Your Soulmate is a 4-week course to take you step-by-step from single to your dream man Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). Check it out 👉

Love attracts love and the easiest way to get on the vibration of love is self-love.

What are 5 things you can do for yourself on a weekly basis? It can be as simple as having a bath, time for meditation, mani-pedi, exercise,...

Write them down in your workbook and commit to doing them.

👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 10.

👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course.

This course takes you in-depth through my Love Attraction Method and paves the path from single to your dream man.

Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only).

Details + Sign up 👉
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 10 (self love building)
Love attracts love and the easiest way to get on the vibration of love is self-love. What are 5 things you can do for yourself on a weekly basis? It can be as simple as having a bath, time for meditation, mani-pedi, exercise,... Write them down in your workbook and commit to doing them. 👇 Comment 'DONE' when you're finished Day 10. 👉 If you're ready to take your journey to your soulmate to the next level, I invite you to join us in Attract Your Soulmate course. This course takes you in-depth through my Love Attraction Method and paves the path from single to your dream man. Plus, you can get in now at 60% OFF (for a limited time only). Details + Sign up 👉
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 15 (celebrate yourself)
Celebrate yourself! Celebrate yourself for completing the challenge and showing up for your soulmate every single day.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 14 (how to manifest what you want)
Inner work + action = manifestation And today is action time aka time to put yourself out there.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 13 (mindset shift)
A miracle is a shift in perception - sd per A Course In Miracles. Today we'll shift your perspective so that you can attract love.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 12 (joy attracts love)
Joy attracts love and today we're putting you in a joyful environment. Today we will remove what doens't serve you and add what brings you joy.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 11 (find the inspiration)
Sometimes we need real examples to show us it's possible for us to have what we desire. Who are the couples out there who inspire...
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 10 (selflove building)
Love attracts love and the easiest way to get on the vibration of love is self-love. Today we step into self love so that you can get the relationship you desire.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 9 (mindset is everything)
Reprogramming your mind is simple (but not always easy). The second step in shifting your mindset into empowering one is changing limiting beliefs with empowering ones.
Find Your Soulmate challenge DAY 8 (mindset is everything)
Your thoughts create your reality. Today we start reprograming your mind so that you can attract the love that you desire.
Find Your Soulmate challenge - DAY 7 (you are worthy of the love you desire)
You are worthy of the love that you desire and today you're connecting with that feeling. In your workbook answer the question...