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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
CNNW 09/01/2013
Jefferson warned 250 years ago that those who most fear investigations of their actions are always the first to attack a free press. Obviously the idea of trying to criminalize investigative journalism; the idea that if you have classified information that you're responsibly reported on that means you can be detained under terrorism statutes, or even declared a criminal; is exactly what Jefferson was warning about.
Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
CNNW 09/01/2013
What I would say is that to me what journalism is about, is providing an adversarial force against those who wield the greatest power, to shine light on what it is they're doing to inform people in democracies about what political leaders are doing in the dark. And everything that we've done and will continue to do on this NSA story has been to inform people about what those in power are doing. Obviously people appreciate it as you see in the massive shifts of public opinion about how they think about surveillance,…
Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
CNNW 09/01/2013
And sometimes these issues can be complicated. Sometimes Americans think that well, there's probably good reason why my privacy is being invaded. And so sometimes these stories don't resonate. As you just suggested, not only has it resonated incredibly in the United States but around the world. There's huge debates taking place for the first time about the value of privacy and internet freedom and other dangers of the U.S. surveillance state here in Brazil in Latin America, in Asia all throughout the world. I think the reason for it is that people understand we're at this crossroads.
Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
CNNW 09/01/2013
The internet can either be what it was always intended to be which is an incredible weapon of democratization and liberation and those working against those in power OR alternatively it can be history’s worst instrument of control. If we allow the government to use the internet to destroy privacy and monitor everything that we're doing, it really radically changes our relationship to the governments around the world and the (kind of life we can live)
Mike Emmanuel
Chief Congressional Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/01/2013
Emmanuel continued: Snowden reveals some details which insiders say could provide damaging insight for foreign intelligence services. Among the revelations, U.S. intelligence agencies have made slow progress trying to address key questions about chemical and biological weapons and intelligence collection related to them. On Syria, the National Security Agency was able to monitored unencrypted communications among the leading military officials at the start of the civil war until President Assad's forces discovered it was taking place.
Mike Emmanuel
Chief Congressional Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/01/2013
(The budget document also reveals new details about the intelligence community's tracking) of Osama bin Laden. The raid it says was guided by a group of satellites in space which pointed dozens of separate receivers over Pakistan to collect a vast amount of data as the mission took place. The document also notes the United States watches both allies and enemies. Pakistan is mentioned as a, quote, “intractable target and counterintelligence operations are strategically focused against the priority targets of China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and Israel.“
Mike Emmanuel
Chief Congressional Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/01/2013
Emmanuel: North Korea it says may be the most difficult to read with what are described as five critical gaps in U.S. intelligence about the nuclear and missal programs and analysts knowing almost nothing about the intentions of new leader Kim Jong-un. The document revealed that the NSA planned to investigate some 4,000 possible insider threats this year. Interesting that it was revealed in a story leaked by former contract employee Snowden, one of their own.
Harris Faulkner
News Anchor for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner: (broke the story of NSA leaker Edward Snowden.) The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald gave an interview on Brazilian television. He said the feds intercepted e-mails and telephone calls of the people you see here, the Presidents of Mexico and Brazil. Some of the Mexican president's e-mails from before his election, we understand, were accessed. The head of the Brazilian Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee telling reports, quote, “It seems like there are no limits. When the phone of the President of the Republic is monitored. It's hard to imagine what else might be happening.” It's not yet
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner continued: clear if the spying is still ongoing, though. Catherine Herridge has the news live here in Washington, Catherine. Herridge: according to Greenwald the NSA program relied on a tool called DNI Presenter which allows for the reading of stored e-mails and the content of social media sites and chat rooms, by the NSA. Analysts say tracking communications, in this case, who the Brazilian president was talking to and in turn the third parties her contacts are communicating with in an effort to map out her network, which can be far me revealing than
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Herridge continued: the content of e-mails themselves. Brazil's Justice Minister also speaking to Vice President Joe Biden recently broadly about the NSA leaks and now issuing a scathing statement quote, “If the facts of the report are confirmed, they would be considered very serious and would constitute a clear violation of Brazil's sovereignty. This is completely outside the standard of confidence expected of a strategic partnership, as the U.S. and Brazil have.” Those who support the nsa mission of foreign
Showing 621 through 630 of 1708