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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
It was becoming impossible to report from London. There are a different set of media laws in London. There is a concept of prior restraint, i.e. the government can interfere to try and stop you for from publishing which just simply doesn't exist in the U.S. There came a point where it made more sense to move the reporting to America (and to do it collaboratively.)
Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
This is a story which on one level is being governed by the old rules to do with spying. And, on another level, is about the mass surveillance of entire populations using the internet, which is a civilian network. And these two things have collided and the state is playing it by old rules, trying to use criminalization of this kind of reporting and using an injunctions or threatening to use injunctions…
Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
The penny is beginning to drop among ordinary citizens business people journalists, that you can’t weaken the structure of the internet itself, just on behalf of the NSA. This will let criminals Chinese, Russians and other people in as well.
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