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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Mark Udall
Senator (D-Colorado) Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 08/06/2014
Kornacki: Colorado Senator Mark Udall, another democrat on the intelligence committee, vowed today to hold president Obama to his promise to declassify the report. Quote, “The CIA should not face its past with a redaction pen, and the white house must not allow it to do so.” The White House, for its part, defended the redactions this week, from that democratic criticism. Josh Earnest: There was a good faith effort that was made by the administration and by national security officials to evaluate this information and make redactions that are consistent with the need to protect national security, but also consistent with the president's clearly stated desire to be as transparent as possible about this. Kornacki: The President has said that we tortured some folks. He's also said that part of our national reckoning with that history is to make that history as transparent as possible in the hopes that putting it out on the public record will help ensure that it never happens again.
James Mitchell
CIA Contractor and Architect of the CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
FOXNEWSW 12/10/2014
Henry: A psychologist known as the architect of the CIA's enhanced interrogations told Vice News, using those tactics on 39 detainees pales to using drones to kill thousands Mitchell: To me it seems completely insensible that slapping KSM is bad but send in a hell fire missile into a family’s picnic and killing all the children, killing Granny, and killing everyone is Ok for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons is, what about that collateral loss of life. And the other one is if you kill them, you can’t question them. Henry: Earnest insisted otherwise. Earnest: We’ve seen many cases around the world where U.S. drones have killed innocent civilians, despite those safeguards. So how do you have a moral authority. Earnest: What I'm saying is that is a stark difference than the tactics that are employed by our enemies who seek to use car bombs to actually target innocent civilians.
Ariane Mohr
Reporter, DW News
KCSM 10/06/2015
Mohr: Data privacy advocates in Europe welcomed the ruling but the White House expressed concerns about its economic consequences. Earnest: We are aware of that ruling and while we are reviewing that ruling, we are disappointed the court has struck down an agreement that since 2000 has proved to be critical in protecting both privacy and fostering economic growth in the United States and European union. Mohr: 15 years ago, Brussels and Washington signed an agreement governing data transfers. But revelations made by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden in 2013 aroused suspicions that U.S. spy agencies gained access to massive troves of personal information. Jourova: The remaining thing that concerns our national security but we still have something to do there. Now after the court ruling, we have a very strong arguments in continuing the negotiations and achieving that results.
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