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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator (R-SC),
CSPAN2 08/01/2014
Graham: So number one, let’s let the dust settle and find out how in March the CIA Director said it was just beyond the pale to believe this would happen. A few months later, I guess it did. That's not a vote of confidence in the CIA Director. If you tell the public that something, an accusation against your agency is beyond the pale and some independent groups says, by the way you actually did what you were charged with and you don't know. That makes me wonder else doesn't he know. I’ve long since believed we need a new CIA Director. This is just the last in a string of events. this CIA has brought the proposition forwarded if you could kill the five top al-Qaeda leaders, that would be the end of al-Qaeda. So I just don't really have a lot of confidence in the CIA Director.
Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator (R-SC),
CSPAN2 08/01/2014
Graham: Now, the average American is wondering, why do we care, or why should we care about how you treat a detainee, particularly a radical Islamist? You have ISIS cutting people's heads off who are attending church and putting them on a power line. You’ve got all kinds of barbaric things going on in Syria and Iraq. That's not the standard for America. I’ve been a military lawyer for over 31 years. This man has actually been held by a vicious enemy, who could care less about any rules. The goal of Senator McCain and myself is to make sure that we don't compare ourselves to them. That we compare ourselves to who we are and the Geneva convention that we all adhere to (and actually lead the way.)
Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator (R-SC),
CSPAN2 08/01/2014
Graham: So when this report comes out, if it suggests that gaining good information made everything all right, I reject that because in the effort of gaining information you violated, I think, the spirit of who we are. As to the individuals involved, they should be protected because this came from the top level of the government. And to the people in the bush administration, I understand being under siege not wanting another 9/11. We all make mistakes but America is a great place because we air our dirty laundry.
Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator (R-SC),
CSPAN2 08/01/2014
Graham: If you want to reform the NSA program to make it more transparent and to protect privacy, that makes sense to me. But what the CIA did is not equivalent. The CIA tried to protect itself. The CIA apparently tried to gain information from a Congressional investigation to mold the outcome to protect itself. Where is the outrage on Capitol Hill?
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