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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Nora O'Donnell
Co-Anchor of CBS This Morning
KPIX 08/16/2013
Nora O'Donnell: This is nearly 3,000 violations, over a one-year period. We should point out the NSA says, though, in a statement,
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KYW 08/03/2014
Chambliss: They went to the department of justice and said OK, what can we do? What legally can we do? They were given legal opinions as to what they could do and in their opinion they didn’t violate that. There will be some allegations of going above and beyond. O’Donnell: But your minority report, you say will show evidence where some of these enhance interrogation techniques or torture, did yield useful intelligence? Chambliss: Absolutely. And the term torture is being used by the critics of the program. I think that term is going to be disputed – both by the O’Donnell: Is water boarding torture? Chambliss: Water boarding is one of the specific issues that was investigated by the department of justice from the standpoint of does it comply with the Geneva convention and they made a determination that it is authorized, that it is not torture.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KYW 08/03/2014
Chambliss: He called Senator Feinstein and me and came to us and he sat down and said here is what happened. Well, the fact is we now know he didn’t have all the facts. Once he got all the facts he came back and he did apologize. He was wrong. Senator Feinstein was right. O’Donnell: But when you hear that the C.I.A. is spying on Senate computers? Chambliss: These are their computers that were on their premises but they were being dedicated to Senate staff. And I‘m going to tell you, this is very, very serious. If I thought John Brennan knew about this, then it would be, certainly we’d be calling for his resignation. But the OIG made a specific finding that he did not. But I will tell you these five staffers that did this, if they worked for me they would be gone now but the accountability board has been convened and they will be looking into this and they will be dealt with accordingly.
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