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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Saxby Chambliss
U.S.Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 07/28/2013
Stephanopoulos: You're the vice chair of the intelligence committee right now. Would it surprise you if it turns out what he's reporting there is true? That low-level officials have the capability to read e-mails, net traffic, listen to phone calls? Chambliss: George, it wouldn't just surprise me, shock me. I was at the NSA just last week. Spent a couple hours out there with high and low level NSA officials. What I have been assured of is there is no capability
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator (R-Georgia), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 07/28/2013
Chambliss continued: And at NSA for anyone without a court order to listen to any telephone conversation or to monitor any e-mail. In fact we don't monitor e-mails. That's what kind of assures me that what the reporting is not correct. Because no e-mails are monitored now. They used to be, but that stopped two or three years ago. So I feel confident that -- that there may have been some abuse,
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator (R-Georgia), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 07/28/2013
Chambliss continued 2: but if it was, it was pure accidental. Stephanopoulos: Senator Durbin, do you believe that, and second, we also want to talk about the vote referenced by Glenn Greenwald. That close vote in the house this week where the NSA bulk collection program did survive. But some of your democratic colleagues you’re going to be pushing to end it in the Senate as well, where do you stand on that? Durbin: this was an amazing vote. It came within six votes of challenging an intelligence operation. That doesn't happen very often. Hardly at all. it's an indication of a healthy democracy where the oversight
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator (R-Georgia), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 07/28/2013
Chambliss continued 1A: well, certainly it's good to have a healthy debate on this issue, George. I agree with Dick that the right kind of oversight is absolutely necessary. We have got oversight of this program. Both by the department of Justice, by NSA, by the FISA court, by the Intelligence committees, by the Judiciary committee. There is no other program in the intelligence community that has as much oversight as this one, because people deserve to have their privacy protected.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator (R-Georgia), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 07/28/2013
Chambliss continued 2A: I do think that we're going to have to make some changes to make things more transparent. Whether we should go as far as what dick's alluded to, I'm not sure but what that jeopardizes a program. And let's don't forget, we have got to reach the right kind of balance between protecting Americans and giving 100% protection on the privacy side. We should never invade any American citizen's privacy.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia
CSPAN2 04/03/2014
Chambliss: We just concluded the vote on the declassification of the executive summary the findings and conclusions as well as the minority views. I voted in favor of the declassification for this reason. We need to get this behind us. This committee’s got important work that needs to be done. I was never in favor of this report being done. I think it was a waste of time. We had already had a report done by the armed services committee on this issue and this is a chapter in our past that should have already been closed. However, the general public has the right to now know what was done and what’s in the report from the standpoint of the executive summary, the findings and conclusions and as well as the way the minority feels about it. So I voted to declassify that and then the general public and make up their minds
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia
CSPAN2 04/03/2014
Chambliss: So I voted to declassify that (the executive summary findings on the CIA interrogation and detention policies) and then the general public can make up their minds about whether or not this was done properly and whether or not in fact as we point out specifically in the minority report, that there was information gleaned from this program which led not only to the take down of bin laden, but to the interruption and disruption of other terrorist plots over a period of years.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KYW 08/03/2014
Chambliss: They went to the department of justice and said OK, what can we do? What legally can we do? They were given legal opinions as to what they could do and in their opinion they didn’t violate that. There will be some allegations of going above and beyond. O’Donnell: But your minority report, you say will show evidence where some of these enhance interrogation techniques or torture, did yield useful intelligence? Chambliss: Absolutely. And the term torture is being used by the critics of the program. I think that term is going to be disputed – both by the O’Donnell: Is water boarding torture? Chambliss: Water boarding is one of the specific issues that was investigated by the department of justice from the standpoint of does it comply with the Geneva convention and they made a determination that it is authorized, that it is not torture.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S. Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KYW 08/03/2014
Chambliss: He called Senator Feinstein and me and came to us and he sat down and said here is what happened. Well, the fact is we now know he didn’t have all the facts. Once he got all the facts he came back and he did apologize. He was wrong. Senator Feinstein was right. O’Donnell: But when you hear that the C.I.A. is spying on Senate computers? Chambliss: These are their computers that were on their premises but they were being dedicated to Senate staff. And I‘m going to tell you, this is very, very serious. If I thought John Brennan knew about this, then it would be, certainly we’d be calling for his resignation. But the OIG made a specific finding that he did not. But I will tell you these five staffers that did this, if they worked for me they would be gone now but the accountability board has been convened and they will be looking into this and they will be dealt with accordingly.
Saxby Chambliss
U.S.Senator R-Georgia, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 11/18/2014
Chambliss: There are any number of reasons why the substance of this bill is totally flawed. We live in a dangerous world today. We all know and understand that. and while this bill, the provisions in this bill wouldn't have prohibited ISIL from being formed, it didn't, but what it does do, the provisions in the underlying FISA bill gives our intelligence community all the tools they need to make sure that when ISIL recruits individuals to go to Syria to fight, if it's Americans there trying to recruit, we can find out about that and we have under surveillance today any number of individuals who we think have been committed to jihad who live in America.
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