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The Longest Surviving Intern at Night Vale Community Radio


A boy with red eyes and white hair walked into town today. He was carrying a long, sharp sword, which, according to some reports, was dripping with fresh blood. He wore a pair of dark glasses over his eyes.

So how do I know his eyes are red? Well, listeners, because he’s in the studio right now, staring at me.

He wants to know if I have a DJ position available.

This being a talk show with absolutely no music of any kind, I'm afraid I do not have such a position. internship has just opened up.


(See the end of the work for notes and other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: The Boy With Red Eyes


NEW! I made a playlist for this fic. You can listen to it here:

Chapter Text

A boy with red eyes and white hair walked into town today. He was carrying a long, sharp sword, which, according to some reports, was dripping with fresh blood. He wore a pair of dark glasses over his eyes.

So how do I know his eyes are red? Well, listeners, because he’s in the studio right now, staring at me.

He wants to know if I have a DJ position available.

This being a talk show with absolutely no music of any kind, I'm afraid I do not have such a position. internship has just opened up.