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Ignis comforts young Noctis during a thunderstorm.

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Ignis had been expecting the storm. He heard about it on the morning weather report. He likes to listen to the radio while he’s brushing his teeth so he can always be prepared in case Noctis needs an umbrella, a sun hat, or anything else. Ignis prides himself on always being prepared, and it never fails to impress the grown-ups when Ignis produces a coat for Noctis when the night gets unexpectedly chilly. 

However, there’s one thing young Ignis is never quite prepared for himself. The summer thunderstorms that pass over Insomnia can be frightening, and Ignis does not appreciate the flashing lights or loud noises. He wishes he were as brave as Gladio who reports having the gall to play in the rain with his sister Iris. 

Ignis doesn’t like his clothes getting wet, nor water seeping into his shoes, but the crashes of lighting and thunder are the very worst.

It’s keeping him up tonight well past his preferred bedtime of 8 o’clock. Ignis is hiding under his blanket with his flashlight trying to distract himself with a favorite book, but he’s more apt to shudder whenever the thunder booms above.

He shouldn’t have let Gladio tell him those ghost stories about the Citadel earlier, but Ignis likes Gladio to think he’s brave, so he’d listened with a stoic face and racing imagination. He can easily picture a ghost floating past the safety of his sheets.


He wouldn’t dare peek out of his covers for anyone else, but it’s not uncommon for Noctis to wake him in the night, even though it seems to happen less as they grow older.

Noctis must be especially frightened because he has his teddy bear clasped under one arm and a worried expression on his face. Ignis wonders what brought him here until more lighting flashes, and Noctis scurries closer. 

Ignis pulls up the covers, and Noctis runs under them, curling up at his side.

“I don’t like the storms,” he says, clinging to Ignis’s nightshirt. 

“Me either,” Ignis admits.

“I thought you wouldn’t be scared. Gladio’s never scared.”

“He’s scared of some things, but not thunder. How’s Mr. Bear?”

Noctis considers, examining his teddy bear at arm’s length before hugging him to his chest. “Think he’s okay. What about Mr. Owl?”

Ignis produces his own favorite toy and allows Noctis to stuff him into his already full arms.

“How much longer do you think it’ll last?” Noctis asks.

“The weather report said the storms will last until morning.”

He can tell Noctis isn’t taking the news well. 

“We can pass the time by reading,” Ignis suggests.

“You won’t make me go back to my room?”

“No,” Ignis shakes his head. “We can read until the sun rises, or we fall asleep. I don’t want to be alone either.”

“Cool,” Noctis says, peering at the book in Ignis’s hands. “What story is this?”

“The one about the caterpillar. You like this one, right?”

Noctis nods into his chest, and Ignis begins reading. 

Sometimes it surprises him how brave he can be when Noctis is afraid, as if the prince’s fears make him bolder. He promised King Regis he would always take care of him, and seeing as Ignis is older and wiser, it’s a job he has all the skills to perform.

In fact, he finds he doesn’t mind the storm so much with Noctis here. When Noctis drifts off to sleep, it’s not at all difficult for Ignis to do the same, letting his book fall from his hands and stretching his arms wide enough to accommodate Noctis and his toys, the pattering rain turning from a nuisance to a comfort as he closes his eyes.