Chapter Text
Chapter One:
I'll be right back, Sam. Pinky swear.
“Ok, so get this. Three young women were kidnapped from the small town of Freedersville just a few days ago. Two of them were hiking or jogging close to the huge wooded area to the north of town and the third was taken when she was passing through in her car. The car was found abandoned by the side of the road, apparently it crashed into a tree and she was nowhere to be found.”
“Disappeared without a trace in the woods? Could be anything, Sam.” Dean shrugged, sniffing a shirt to see how many more days he could wear it before washing it. Two.
“Yeah, but they found a few tracks, huge clawed feet. The locals are calling it a hoax.”
“That sounds like something Tom, Dick and or Harry would come up with. Anything about the vics that they have in common besides doing the mamba with bigfoot?”
“Well, all were mothers, but not pregnant. Young, healthy, between the ages of 23 and 30.” Sam scrolled down further on the page. “The police have no leads and no witnesses and only a thin theory that a serial killer did it and his calling card is large clawed tracks.”
“Any pictures of the footprints?”
“No such luck, the police said if they release the photos then copycats are gonna go out and plant more of them everywhere. So far it's the only lead they have to catch the kidnapper. Or murderer.” Sam grimaced.
“Alright so Feds? Wildlife?”
“Uhhh, dealer's choice.”
“Bikini inspectors it is.” Dean gave his younger but taller brother a lopsided smirk as Sam went to his suitcase for the Fed suit.
A full day of interviews and 3 tearful families later, they finally have an idea what they're up against.
“Man I hate Vellum's. Not the parchment paper crap, the monster. Always killing first, eating second, with more killing later. We'll be lucky if anyone in this town is left alive a year from now. And they are damned hard to catch too! Give me a Windigo over these bastards.”
“So far, Bobby and I think it's just the one. But it's probably gonna start going after anyone leaving the town going north. They are viciously territorial.”
“Yeah, I hear ya. Alright, you got the ram's blood and coral?”
“Not yet, gotta find out the closest sheep farm.” Sam sighed heavily. In this area, sheep weren't all that common. “Or a slaughterhouse I guess.”
“Bleck. Why can't these things just die by the normal things? No it's always gotta be, the golden tipped arrow from some Mesopotamian city, or my favorite, when we had to find a perfectly round stone with a hole in the center that was not carved by human hands or cut using sharp things. I mean, are you kidding me?! Nothing in nature is perfectly anything!”
“Just be glad we actually found one before any more kids were taken.”
“Heh, yeah, from Ebay of all places.” Dean scoffed.
“I just thank God there are still some old Tibetan Monks are so patient they put stones in that circular contraption that made water and sediment carve out the center with individual drops of water, and the edges ground down into a round shape with a swirling bowl, forcing sediment heavy water around it until it made a perfect circle. It takes them 10 years to make one round rock with a hole in the center. They use it in some ancient practices for concentrating the Earth's energy. Historians found the links to the stones found from Tibet. Middle or Late Phase of Neolithic age -”
“Alright, alright Mr. Peabody. We gonna go hunting tonight or you just wanna wag that college education at me? You went to Law school, you didn't study under Professor Indiana Jones.”
Sam sent a bitchface at him that could melt steel, his studies weren't so limited to only Law and his older brother knew it. Hell, they both needed to know enough history to deal with some monsters whose origins came from prehistory. “Jerk.”
“That is not a Vellum track.”
“Uhhh.... yeah. I got nothin'.” Sam shrugged.
They stood around the few huge four toed tracks in the mud where the mystery monster took a drink from a small stream. The woods looming overhead and swaying slightly in a breeze that filtered through the trees.
“So we got ram's blood tipped coral bullets, which, might I add, was a complete BITCH to make into bullets without the coral crumbling. And the thing we are currently ass deep in the woods looking for is definitely NOT a Vellum.”
Sam shrugged again weakly. “Sorry?” he caught up to Dean who strode angrily away. “Hey! Bobby said it reeked of Vellum too! Three healthy mothers, the woods. No bodies.”
“Ok alright. But now what are we gonna do, besides the bear rifles, my gun, couple of knives and the coral bullet gun you've got, we don't have a whole hell of a lot to defend ourselves against that!” He motioned to the huge prints again. Whatever made them must be at least over 15 feet tall. Massively huge and heavy judging by the depth and the claws must have been long and curved for just the ends to be in the mud.
“Ok, I'm gonna get some photos, send them to Bobby and we will figure out what this is. We can come back later with, I dunno, a hunter army.” Sam said, taking some snapshots. “Put your hand next to it so I have a frame of reference for size.”
Dean sighed but stuck his hand down. His whole hand was only as big as the last thumb joint. “Damn.”
On their way back towards the car they decided to walk towards the spot where the car accident was again, looking for more clues. Since they were heading towards the lone road via woods, they noticed burn marks on the trees high up off the ground and when they got closer noticed the burnt remains of a woman's cloths. An obvious scuffle happened around the area and the brothers were surprised that the police hadn’t seen this before.
“This was the last victim's. She was wearing this. No blood though. What burns tree's and cloths?” Sam asked, poking around the area with a stick. “Usually monsters just eat and run, not bother burning evidence. Maybe that's why we haven’t heard of this thing. It covers its tracks.”
“Yeah right, not very well since we found them all over that stream and the around her car.”
Sam only half heard what Dean was saying, since they had assumed it was a Vellum Sam hadn't bothered seeing if this was a pattern. Vellum attacks were nearly always random, no schedule or pattern. Just that they were territorial as all hell and if one had claimed these woods anyone going into them would die if they were alone. He stopped in a clearing to get a slightly better signal and searched the web for reports of missing people in the past in this area.
“Got its name-o?” Dean came back over from scouting out the area, making sure that Bigfoot didn’t attack his Sasquatch.
“Yeah. About every 50 years or so 6 people go missing. Three females and three males. All under the age of 35 or so, but past their teens. Let's see... fifty years ago in the late 60's, lots of young men were dodging the draft and they assumed that the missing women were the girlfriends. That’s why they weren’t reported as missing. Everyone assumed they just moved to Canada or Mexico. If they tried finding them again they'd be shipped overseas. It was best to stay hidden, the families figured.” More clicks of the phone.
Dean took another assessing look around quickly. “So what, this thing is how old?”
“Uhhh.... very. First records indicate a Thunderbird like beast.”
“Thunderbird? Really? But they are like spirits more then flesh and blood.” Dean said, looking upwards anyway.
“Not a literal Thunderbird. Uhh. Something huge with wings and likes to eat people whole.”
Dean and Sam looked at each other. “No. Can't be. They only go after virgins and gold. No jewelry store robberies around here. The only thing the locals reported wrong was the three missing baby momma's and some large helicopters in the area. Seems like big brother is doing something close-by but they aren’t in the sharing and caring mood to throw us a bone.”
“Come on. Let's get back before it gets too dark. I don't want to meet up with whatever this is at night.”
They set off back towards the impala but see a massive black shape fly over the tree tops. After a few moments of heated eye conversation, they decide to follow on foot. Just to get a look at what they’re gonna have to come back and kill. They heard an animal screech to their left and a mighty roar following that and immediately shot off in that direction, finding a blaze in a clearing with presumably the same huge mass of black creature, hunched nearby. It seemed to be the cause of the fire and whatever had died was at the center of it. On their way over to the blaze Sam had accidentally stumbled upon a thick nest of brambles sheltered by a rocky overhang. He nearly fell off of the small cliff into the nest himself where three rather large leathery oval shapes were nestled in soft grasses and small twigs. Each one about three feet long and their rough shells perfectly camouflaged them in the nest.
“I think we found its nest.” Sam whispered to Dean so as not to alert the thing that was presumably the mother or father of the eggs. It was still roughly 400 feet away and not paying attention to the brothers at all at the nest site.
Dean grimaced at it. The eggs were huge! And one was actually starting to twitch.
“Oh shit. Sammy! You scramble the eggs, I'll get big momma over there.”
“What?! No! These can wait, no way in hell am I letting you go after her alone. She's huge! And we don’t even know what she is!”
“Her back..., is that her back? Yeah her back is turned and she's dealing with Bambi over there. I'll just empty a clip into her melon and I'll be right back, Sam. Pinky swear.”
“No! These can wai....” Sam gestured to the eggs as two were twitching and the third was probably soon to follow. He had no idea if the babies would be self sufficient or not but having one mobile enemy to deal with at a time was enough. Dean, meanwhile, slunk off into the woods, making a large arch around the nearly black beast that was still preoccupied with apparently cooking its meal. He found a good spot to hunker down to take his shot, away from the nest and Sam should it try to chase after him.
He readied his rifle and fired at the back of her head in quick succession 4 times. The bullets ricocheted off of her horns and thick skull and holy hell those are fucking wicked looking horns! Shit! Worst idea in the history of his worst ideas. By far, hands down. Fuck! Her head spun around and she immediately unfolded her massive black bat-like wings.
“Oh shit.” Dean muttered quietly as it scanned the area and he readied his bear rifle again. Heart hammering in his chest and breathing far from calm and controlled.
The thing suddenly crouched down and lowered its head to the ground and stayed deathly still. Dean was impressed that it could crouch so low, almost under 5 feet and hidden behind the undergrowth of the woods. When it was standing upright on four tree trunk sized legs, it must have been at least 20 feet tall at the shoulder and its neck was even longer. The eyes glinted in the firelight off to its right and Dean aimed for the space between, putting the next round in the chamber which it expelled almost immediately along with several others.
She heard the first click and saw the flash from the dead fall. There.
After the last report of the rifle's now emptied clip, Dean had no chance of reloading before the night got even darker around him and the wind picked up suddenly in gusts that pulsed all around him. He had just enough time to shoot his head up to see huge hand shove him down backwards. He felt his handgun dig into his lower back as she ground him into the dirt for a few seconds. When her clawed fingers tightened around him he couldn’t breath or call out a warning. She flipped her hand around to inspect her catch and Dean saw the ground some 5 feet down as she sniffed at his head and back, then feet and returned to his head again. He was dizzy from the twisting and flipping she was doing to him as she smelled him all over. “Sa-hamm!” He barely called as one digit loosened just enough to give him a gasp before gripping him again. The next thing he saw was massive yellow fangs descend all around him.
The ground fell away further and he was tossed into the air for a brief moment as the jaw got even wider. He yelped as gravity found him once more and the teeth closed around him again, almost gently, and held him tight but not yet puncturing his skin. She swiveled her head towards her nest and a surprised cry left her mouth, around the obstruction that was Dean, towards her nest.
Sam wasted no time when he saw Dean's position being made. He had been working with his machete, silently hacking away at the egg shells but now quickly switched to his gun to shoot the insides until faint cries were heard and blood ran down the sides. Sam quickly reloaded as the sound of an incredibly loud distressed roar came from Dean's position.
“SAMMY! Run!” Dean screamed as the beast raised its head and growled around Dean. But, instead of going after Sam like Dean had feared, it took off towards the sky, taking Dean with it. Two wing flaps, three, all the while clawed feet scramble up the huge trees, trying to find purchase to get enough height for flight.
Vertigo set in immediately for Dean who was still surprisingly mostly unhurt inside the thing's mouth. His arm hurt like a bitch though because it was pinned behind its front canines in an awkward angle, forcing him to lay on his side, aimed outwards as it climbed clumsily into the air. His fear of heights was screaming at him as he was lifted higher and higher. Jolted around every second until the thing finally found clear air and leveled out into the dark night sky.
Fear got the better of him and he didn’t know if he preferred looking into the panting maw behind him or the tree tops that flew by at breakneck speeds in front. Before they got too far he could hear Sam's calls and a few shots taken in his direction. One landed on the thing's hind leg and it only managed a grunt as its teeth bit down on Dean harder, drawing blood. He cried out in pain and hated being in such a vulnerable position. He reached for his knife that was still tucked into his boot but said boot was hanging over into the air hopelessly out of reach. The maw loosened around him for a second and Dean didn’t know if he'd prefer the security of a tight hold versus falling to his death. He grabbed two teeth as long as his hands and maneuvered a little in the space, quickly bringing up his left boot and scrabbling at the pocket knife. Too bad it wasn’t silver or anything special. The gun in his waistband was completely missing. Probably when he was smushed into the dirt. The knife was quickly opened and he started slashing at the gums and underside of the tongue at the more tender spots of the mouth.
The reaction was immediate and the jaw dropped open, letting go completely of Dean, he grabbed onto the lower teeth for fear of falling. The mouth angled downward as it still flew on, but at a much slower pace. It jerked its mouth to the side and he lost his grip entirely. Going into a free fall nearly half a mile above ground.
Dean finally saw the entirety of the beast and his brain had a hard time catching up around the thoughts of 'ohshitohshitohshit' of falling through such incredible heights to see that it was a fuckin dragon that had nearly made him lunch. It did a spiral downwards and flapped just twice to match Dean's speed. The air rushing past both of them howled in his ears as he kicked and clawed at the air uselessly as the ground was fast approaching. Then he saw movement in front of him and he looked into the monster's face not more then 5 feet away. The damned thing looked like it was giving Dean an ultimatum.
It nodded at the ground and then cocked its head to the side, studying Dean's face.
It must have seen it in his eyes, the abject terror of the ground and heights over being carried around, which wasn’t much better, but at least he had a chance of surviving the next 20 seconds or so. His hands betrayed him as he reached out for the thing's massive face.
The damned dragon actually smirked!
“What the hell?!” Dean shouted bewilderingly as it opened up its mouth, paused, snorted and then dipped lower into the fall so that Dean was level with its front paws. It reached out, easily snagging Dean's body from the air as an eagle would snag a fish from the water and eased out of the fall with a huge swoop of its wings.
Dean was surprised as hell he wasn’t dead from the change of direction but the thing must know enough about fragile human bodies to bring it out of the fall without snapping Dean's neck, or spine, or sanity for that matter. Dean's torso and arms were gripped tight in one forepaw while the other held onto his legs. He was far more secured in its tight but oddly gentle grip. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but the mythical beast just kept on flying. Apparently giving up hope that its nest would be salvageable, it seemed to be searching for a different location nearby. It circled around and actually started to head back towards where Dean thought Sam was. He let out a relieved breath but chocked on it when the dragon dropped from the sky again towards a small ledge hanging off of a cliff. It hovered more or less around it, and Dean could see the gears turning inside its head.
“Oh great, a smart monster.” he muttered angrily as it clearly inspected the 10 foot deep ledge before nodding its approval and unceremoniously dumping Dean off onto it. It scrambled a little on the rocks as it clung to the side of the cliff, dipping its head down to glare at Dean. It suddenly dropped down 20 feet, leaping sideways from the cliff to daintily perch near the tops of two huge nearby trees. The trees groaned and limbs snapped at the unexpected weight of the massive beast that clung to the both of them, trying to distribute its weight so the trees wouldn't fall.
It sat and stared at Dean as he got to his feet unsteadily and glared right back. A full minute passed by as he mentally went over what he had on hand to get him out of this mess. 'Pocket knife. Salt. Lighter. Vial of holy water. Wallet. Phone, feels like it's busted in my pocket, pretty sure phones aren't supposed to make crunching noises. Sam must be shitting bricks right now. There's rocks, could throw them. Probably wont even make a dent. I could wait till it leaves and try climbing down...' a quick glance downward had his heart hammering in his chest. Too high, way too high. He swallowed around the acidic lump and the dragon perched across the way chuffed at him.
“Are you.. are you fuckin laughing at me?” he said incredulously at the thing. It chuffed louder and nodded its approval at the spot Dean occupied. Its head swooped forward suddenly in Dean's space and sniffed at him. He stumbled backwards and tripped over the rocky platform, landing on his ass. Its head was massive! It opened its mouth and a dim light was seen inside, sparking. Dean only had a second to realize what was going to happen before a small fire burst from its mouth, engulfing Dean's body in heat and flames. It stopped as soon as it started and Dean tore off his jacket and flaming jeans, tossing them to the side and even his undershirt was smoldering. He grudgingly tore that off as well and used his feet to stomp out the flames quickly as his ledge wasn’t big enough to escape them. His shoes caught on fire too! Damnitall! There goes his hopes of dying with at least his boots on. This stuff was like the acid for blood aliens that Ripley had to deal with. Whatever it touches burns. Sam would probably know what this crap was called.
The dragon just sat and watched it all. Once the fires were out he jerked his head up again to see if his skin would be fried next. Remembering the burning buck in the woods Dean dreaded that the dragon just brought him hear to cook in a naturally formed stone oven. It didn’t move for a moment and merely looked downwards to Dean's undershorts. Apparently with distaste.
“Whoa, whoa whoa, hey... I don’t think so Puff the pervy dragon. Not on the first date.” He covered up his boxers with both hands and shuffled awkwardly to the back wall of the covered ledge. “Winchester luck. I get the horny dragon. Can't just have a simple hunting case.. no... I have to get a real live fire breathing dragon that wants to get into my shorts without even buying me dinner first.” he grumbled to himself as the dragon simply looked on.
He sat down behind the largest rocks he could find which weren’t that high and waited for it to make a move. It did, but not the one he was expecting. It lifted its huge wings and climbed into the air as quick as 3 tons of muscle and scales could, and headed out over the treetops, barely skimming them in places, Dean could just make out the glint of scale reflected in the crescent moon overhead. It blended in perfectly and soon he couldn’t see it at all.
Dean wasted no time at all trying to find a way down or up from the ledge.
Sam, meanwhile, had been searching the woods for any sign of the huge black thing in the sky. He'd lost sight of it soon after it took off but got to a clearing just as it dropped Dean from its mouth. His heart stopped as his brother fell to the earth. “No...” he whispered.
The dragon spun and headed down after him and Sam wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He couldn’t see what happened next behind the trees but figured that at some point it would come back to the nest. It was his only hope of ever finding his brother again. There was no way in hell he could keep up with it as it flew maybe 60, 70 miles per hour away from him over the trees and cliffs. Gritting his teeth he forced himself to turn around and make his way back to the nest to finish the job. There was still evidence to get rid of and if any of the things had survived somehow they'd have more then just one fire breathing monster on their hands. The eggs were still and unmoving, blood seeping out of all three as he gathered more tinder for the nest. He had no desire to pull them out to inspect exactly what the hell they were. But, if they, or other hunters ran across their kind again he couldn't stand the guilt of missing the chance to learn all about them if it could save a life.
That thing that took off sure looked like a dragon but that was impossible. He stood at the edge of the nest. Debating. Winchesters were no stranger to gore and entrails but that doesn’t mean that they particularly enjoyed sticking their hands elbow deep in the crap. After a heavy sigh he used his machete to cut open the third egg that had not been twitching. It was riddled with bullet holes like the others but remained otherwise intact. He let the creamy filling spill out, back stepping quickly to avoid wet jeans and let it drain as the figure inside was more visible. After a minute he glanced skyward again, keeping an eye out for the monster or Dean. Hoping his brother would come stumbling out of the woods with a smirk on his face and a story to tell.
Nope. That's why it's Luck of the Dragon and not Luck of the Winchester.
Sam grimaced as he reached into the deep brown leathery egg sack and grabbed a firm hold of an appendage. He pulled it out slowly and got a better grip as another limb was visible. He laid it out on a flat part of the ground and stood back from it. It was roughly human sized with 6 limbs including the wings, the hind legs a bit longer then the forelegs, and wings resembling raw chicken wings. No doubt they would have somehow formed those bat like wings later. Or perhaps feathers? Could that even be possible? A long thin tail ended with a tuft of spikes that were soft to the touch and as he broke one open his suspicions were confirmed that they were new feathers that hadn’t come out of the sheaths yet. It had a two foot long neck attached to an oversized head ending in a beak-like protrusion. It had a thick torso and narrow hips. The long head was proportional to a babies head to body ratio. It resembled a cross between a bird and that dragon and something else. But, since it wasn’t fully formed yet, there was no way of knowing what it would have looked like after it hatched.
He himself had a thin line of pursed lips that hid his distaste for seeing a deceased baby laid out before him. Never mind how monstrous it looked, it had never seen the sky or breathed air.
Sam shook his head and flipped his brain over to look at it more critically. Scientifically. Detached. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures of it. Intending on sending them to Bobby to see if he could identify their mystery creature. Because no way in hell is he standing in front of a baby frickin' dragon. They'd fought dragons before. They were human shaped most of the time and they'd never really gotten a good look at them as they flew. That large one didn’t seem to be able to shape shift at all. The brothers had met their fair share of monsters and generally they tried to hide themselves by pretending to be human. A defense mechanism. This one didn’t even try. It probably couldn’t.
It also didn't fit the lore on Dragons. And there was almost too much lore. No virgin sacrifices, no gold hoard, no deep dark cave. Maybe it just didn't find any around here... but surely there were better places to put a nest then on the ground with just a little rocky overhang? Any predator could come by... course, even the newborns were bigger then wolves, cougars... and their mother close at hand. It would be dumb as hell to attack the nest. Dean ended up paying for the lack of planning.
Sam shook his head to clear it and wiped his face off with a sleeve of his flannel overshirt. Focus. That is how you save lives. Research. If they'd done better research, known what they were really up against. Dean would still be here. Posing for a victory photo standing one foot on the bitch's horned head.
No. That's not really his style. His older brother doesn't like to gloat or take trophies of his kills. Just doing a job. And they really screwed up this job. No! Focus! She could be back any second. This new info he's gathering is very important on the unidentified beast it could save Dean's life and others.
As he dissected the specimen he had to keep himself from vomiting at the smell that escaped from behind its jaw. Some kind of chemical reaction spilled out onto the twigs and tinder and suddenly Sam found he was standing in the middle of a smoldering fire. The fire spread through the body of the thing and soon the whole thing was alight and the fire spread through the twigs and dried grass to the other eggs. Sam had just enough presence of mind to run his ass away from there as the whole thing was engulfed in flames quicker then he thought was possible.
So much for taking home a sample. Even though the evidence was mostly gone, he was grateful that it did his job for him. He couldn’t just leave it for the locals to find. He kicked a dirt ring around the edges of the fire, trying to contain it before the whole forest was alight.
No more then one minute later he felt a huge rush of air move past him and he ducked for cover as the massive beast descended onto the area. It actually stuck its nose into the fire and made a long pitiful moan before removing its head and sighing heavily. Sam almost felt pity for it but shoved that aside because the fact that it had returned without his brother was first and foremost his concern. Dean wasn’t visible but it didn’t mean he wasn’t there.
Rage fueled him as he whipped both of his guns out and started opening fire at its head. “Where's my brother?!” He shouted as round after round dug into her head. At such close range each bullet hit and imbedded into her skin. She roared at him but couldn’t make him stop. The bullets struck but sadly not deep enough as she barreled forward with her forehead and horns, shoving him to the ground and pinning him there as she stood on the remains of her nest. A low threatening rumble shook his very body into the dirt and grass as he struggled to breathe.
“Dean... “ he groaned out, hoping that somehow his brother heard him inside the belly of the monster. His answer was the head lifting and the dragon squinting at him. A continuous growl emanated from it as he slowly slid his machete out from under his legs. He lifted it up and cut the side of her cheek with it before she lifted completely away. The cut was far too shallow so he swung his arm back for another blow. Cutting the underside of her jaw he swung back again and again, raging at the beast as she growled and whined. The cuts were still too shallow but bleed over his legs as he tried to squirm away while still hacking away at the thinner scales. She had had enough of this and lifted her head entirely out of his reach and angled it downwards. He could see the same kinds of sparks from the smaller ones ignite in the back of her throat. From this close up view he saw that it was two of her teeth grinding in the back that caused the sparks and a spray of something flammable coming from just behind it like an aerosol can. Before he could study the anatomy further, his instincts kicked in, thankfully, and he rolled out from under the blaze that lit the ground and very dirt underneath where he was seconds before.
She looked down again and rumbled agitation at him and tried to shoot the flames again but they were no longer as strong.
“You’re out?” he said bewildered at her as he easily sidestepped the 8 foot stream that dripped more then shot out of her mouth.
She growled at him again as he held up his machete. He would not go quietly and she'd have to get close to kill him or eat him.
Sam hoped that it was the former before the latter. His stomach dropped when he thought of that, still not seeing or hearing Dean anywhere. It didn’t stop him from calling out for his older brother over and over. He spotted something on her front foreleg claws and his heart stopped. It was a piece of Dean's shirt, just a scrap of it, but it had blood on it. “You Bitch!” he shouted and lunged forward with his blade, hacking at her forelegs and underbelly. The move was so unexpected to her that she backed up from the blade and wild man that wielded it. A small part of Sam's mind registered that no human would ever attack a fuckin' dragon with the equivalent of a kitchen knife, so she didn't know how to react. Sam prided himself on this knee jerk reaction as he focused on cutting her throat, or at least the part he could reach. He was too close to her for her to angle her head to bite him. She lifted her wings, beat them twice to get height and brought her forelegs down square on his chest and waist.
He felt like he was crushed like a bug under her weight. But, oddly enough, she might want him alive because although he must have cracked a rib or two, he could still breathe under both of her forepaws. Each one at least 3 feet long base of the palm to tip of claws. He struggled and wiggled under her, hoping in vain to loosen her grip on him but she just chuffed at him and pressed harder downwards until he wheezed for air for a minute. She eyed him carefully and when it looked like he was going to pass out, she let up and stepped away from his prone form. She took several steps back and angled her head down to look him in the face. Sniffing at his long hair and grumbling low in her throat as if she simply disapproved of him rather then wanted him dead.
He felt the weight lift from his chest but his eyes were still half closed. Fighting to breathe but too weak to move. He was vaguely aware of a soft breeze by his face and a vibration surrounding him. One eye seemed to wanna cooperate and gazed at her snout no more then 6 inches from his chin. The analytical part of his brain happily cataloged away that her jaw must have the unlocking ability that snakes have and could easily fit his whole body inside her mouth with just his ankles and feet hanging out. His brain also noted that it was the perfect size for Dean's body. That woke up the rest of his brain and his eyes shot open and glared ferociously at her.
She hummed back and lifted her head from him completely. There was an odd sound then, almost like a coughing bark from her before she backed up a few more steps to mourn the loss of her nest. She sat by it as Sam struggled to his elbows, still laying nearly flat on his back with his feet towards her. His head felt like it weighed 50 lbs but he still managed to roll it forward to see where she was and what she was doing. She lifted her right fore paw and brought over a few handfuls of dirt and ashes to cover the former nest. She shifted her weight to the other side and repeated the motion. He could hear faint coo's and chirps between the sorrowful moans. It reminded him of baby birds chirping for their parents. Noises that she wouldn't hear.
Sam's jaw dropped and he felt sick to his stomach. She was burying her dead offspring. Through the whole silent moment, Sam felt tears prickling at his eyes but he dared not move. He was frozen stock still, staring at her as she continued to pile dirt and grasses over the place until every part that was burned was covered with foliage. One huge clawed paw rested on the mound before she looked up at Sam again. There was no hatred this time. Just sadness. She then turned and started to walk away.
It took Sam at least a full minute of trying to process the event for him to get shakily to his feet. Stumbling after her. Guilt flooding his senses. She looked like a monster but she was clearly intelligent, with damn near human feelings and empathy. “Wait!” he called out, his left side was bruised and he would be sporting some interesting black, purple, and blue bruises all along that side where he felt his ribs shifting a little. He winced in pain but tried to ignore it as he shambled after her.
“Wait! Where's my brother? Where's Dean? What the hell did you do to him?” he shouted to her retreating form. Her strides were far longer then his and she was quickly disappearing into the woods. Sam realized that she was probably too tired or emotionally drained to fly. He had a chance if only he could make his body listen to him and run after her. He looked back and cursed his stupidity for forgetting his machete back where he dropped it. He shook his head and made sure his cell was still in his pants. “Yes!” he cheered to himself and speed dialed Bobby.
“Sergeant Hicks.” A familiar gruff voice answered.
“Bobby! Bobby, we're in trouble. I need you to get a GPS location on my phone right the fuck now. I'm gonna loose her again in a minute.”
“What? Loose who? I thought you were chasing a Vellum?”
“No. No it's not a Vellum, its a fuckin medieval dragon and it had kidnapped Dean!”
“What? Ok, deep breath. Where are you?”
“That’s why I called, my phone is a little banged up right now, the screen is too hard to read 'cause it's so cracked. I need you to trace my GPS location and Dean's.”
“I’ll do Dean's first.”
“Right. Yeah.” Sam's brain was running a mile a minute, almost as fast as his conversation with Bobby, telling him what happened. Somewhere in his rambling, he jolted to the fact that if Dean still had his phone he would have definitely called him up to say where he was. “No. Wait, that'll take too long, Bobby, do mine and I’ll figure out a way to get it on her before she takes off again.” He tried to jog faster and it became slightly easier but his ribs were screaming at him to stop.
She actually stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder at him as he took that opportunity to catch up a little. She huffed at him in annoyance and looked skyward, it look like she was considering flying to loose this pest.
“No wait! Don't fly off uhh err dragon-ette?” he said lamely as he looked up at her form as it paused to stare at him. He tried to seem as harmless as possible as he kept his pace, struggling to catch up. She huffed again and grumbled something at him. Was she actually trying to talk to him? Was that what all the vocalizations were?
“I can't understand you.” he said nearing her tail now, almost there. He looked at it suddenly whip back and forth in front of him. Warning to stay back. He stopped just shy and reached his empty hand out as it passed within inches of him. The other hand holding the phone firmly. On its return path she slowed it down so that it actually brushed his fingers lightly. Sam still winced, waiting for the lash, but nothing. The tail slowed to a stop and she furrowed her brow. She allowed him to get closer after an awkward moment of them standing silently in the woods, Sam facing her and she was facing forward towards where the woods would drop off into cliffs and deep trenches. Sam would have no hope of scaling any of them without climbing gear.
Thankfully, Sam heard Bobby say, “Got you secured. Trying Dean's now.” through the phones tiny speaker. He left it on but put it in sleep mode. The tracking would still run so long as it wasn’t shut completely off but he didn’t want the dragon to do the dragon equivalent of butt dialing.
He held it out in front of himself to show that it wasn’t large or intimidating. She cautiously walked forward two steps until she was right in front of him. He didn’t breathe for a moment, or dare move. She waited for him to do something and just when it looked like she was bored and about to turn away he raised his eyebrows and moved the phone closer to her nose.
He reached out his other hand and brushed it along her muzzle when she dipped down to smell the metal and plastic thing. Any other time he would be in awe at the trust she was giving him, knowing full well that he could wield things that could cut her thick hide. He didn’t have it on him now, but she wasn’t going to be fooled that he didn’t have some other weapon. She slowly breathed out through her nose at him, gauging his reaction. He wanted to sneeze a little or cough because her breath still contained lingering traces of that flammable accelerate. He settled for exhaling himself heavily. She seemed satisfied with this. Sam wondered if this was how her kind communicate. Growls and breaths. She dipped a few inches lower, as he reached up again to brush his fingers along her mouth. She pulled back for a second quizzically but leaned forward again, his touch didn't hurt this time like she was half expecting. Trying to figure him out the same time he was trying to figure her out.
This bonding was all well and good but Dean was still missing and this thing is the only one who knows where he is, and she probably isn't in the talking mood. He dipped his empty hand into her mouth for a second and pulled it out again quickly, she opened it up wider, tonguing the inside of her mouth where he touched. Trying to figure out what he did. He had one goal in mind. He quickly pulled down her loose jaw, shoving his other hand deep inside and threw the phone to the back of her throat. She coughed, gagged and reeled back from him. He shoved off of her nose and fell back to the ground in the same moment so she wouldn't bite him on accident. He grunted in pain as his ribs were jostled into breaking fully. He couldn’t keep back the moan of white hot pain slicing its way down his chest and curled onto his side on the ground.
Meanwhile the dragon's head shook back and forth and she gagged again, trying to bring up that rock he threw into her mouth but ended up swallowing it instead. It wasn’t big by any means but it puzzled her to no end why the hell he would feed her a rock. Maybe his kind ate rocks and that was a peace offering. She briefly wondered if she should feed him a rock as well. She startled back to the present as the biped was in apparent pain. She leaned forward and nuzzled his elbow, causing him to writhe around for a moment. She snorted at him and decided to just let it be. She had other things that needed attention now that her nest was truly a loss. With one last lingering look at that odd animal, she kept walking towards the edge of the cliff. Maybe she'll come back for this one later. She has his scent now so it shouldn’t be hard to find him again. Especially since he could only manage a hobble at best. He was still in her territory so therefore he belonged to her. Her claim was absolute.
She got to the edge, gripped the rocks and stretched her wings out, giving a few test flaps before taking off. She swooped low into her valley, skimming just above the tree tops so as not to be seen by those noisy large metal things that have been flying around in her territory. Their wings were like a dragonfly’s but spun around so quickly they turned into a blur. Their bodies were huge compared to their dragonfly counterparts and made too much noise and sometimes glowed like lightning bugs. Too strange for words as she once saw them eat a few bipeds on the ground and then vomit them back again once it landed. She wanted to see more but they were too unknown and therefore dangerous. They invaded her territory often, looking at, but ignoring the burn marks she laid out to mark her lands' boarders. She wouldn’t leave her lands but they invaded her's regularly. She will just have to take one down to show she meant to defend what was her's. She just needed to study them, find out their weakness before attacking, like that moving blue shell beast that had a biped trapped in it. She had watched it growl continuously in her lands along that line of white rocks. That kind of challenge wont go unforgiven. She killed the blue shell beast and took the biped that was rightfully her's. But, perhaps, the other bipeds didn't know that they were trespassing too? Too low to the ground to see her burn marks? They should have known to look around for ownership marks though. Stupid things. They needed to be taken care of.
She hated those growling shell beasts, but especially the loud metal dragonfly things with a passion. She hoped they left her biped alone.
Dean had tried several times to assess how high up he was and if there was any way down. Nearly each time his vertigo and fear of heights kept his time at the edge to a few seconds of heart stopping terror. But, he did manage to make out that it was indeed hopeless. Unless he had suddenly sprouted wings, he was definitively not getting off of this ledge under his own power. He tried for the millionth time to get his busted phone to suddenly start working. Pleading to all manner of deity for the pieces to fit back together and bing back into life.
He was interrupted from his task as a huge gust of air passed by his cliff face. Damn, she looked even bigger then before.
“Stay back!” He warned, throwing a rock at her face. She opened her mouth and caught it in mid air. And then ate it.
“What the hell?” he muttered as she seemed to show that she enjoyed eating that rock. Rolling around in her mouth in full view of him, and then swallowing with emphasized movements. Like a mother that enjoyed eating her children's kitchen concoction. She flapped twice more before landing awkwardly on the cliff face just below his ledge so that they were more or less eye to eye.
She then picked up a smaller rock gingerly with her forked tongue and lifted her head to his. He backpedaled quickly, falling onto his ass as the head and tongue shoved the small rock at his mouth. He pursed his lips closed as the rock was shoved gently for her but bruisingly for him against his lips. It forced his head back till he was practically laying down, shaking it side to side as she finally stopped shoving and withdrew from his personal space. She looked sad.
“What the hell are you doing? I don't eat rocks! Why the fuck are you trying to feed me rocks?” Dean asked, flabbergasted. Of all the things he expected a dragon to do, feed him rocks was far far from that list. “Do you eat rocks?”
She ignored him and was searching for, of all things, a different rock.
“No, its not the type of rock that I don't eat! How the hell do I explain this...” he muttered to himself. He looked around and picked one up, getting back to his feet he waved it at her to get her attention. She looked up as she held a smaller pebble in her forked tongue. It was black and had some dirt clinging to it. She was looking hopeful. How the hell is this dragon able to look 'hopeful'.
He waved it again, she nodded acknowledgment that he had her attention. He sighed, resigned, and put it in his mouth, then made a show of spitting it back up, and rubbing his 'sore' stomach. “See? I don't like rocks. Now if you had a cheeseburger or some pie hidden somewhere. I'm all ears.”
She looked down at his discarded rock and then back at him. She dropped the black rock next to it and cocked her head at him. “That's right, no rocks for the human.” he smiled at her. Maybe he was getting through to her and she'd suddenly decide to let him go. “So uh, since I'm pretty sure you don't have any people food, can you uh, get me somewhere where I can get some? Like say, oh I dunno, take me back to my brother?” He added after another head tilt, “please?”
She snorted at him and looked around for a moment more all around his ledge. She took another considering look at him and climbed up. He nearly had a heart attack as her sheer mass scaled the cliff with ease, past his ledge and up and up till all he could see was the ends of her wings and tail drooping down. It waved back and forth and he pondered briefly if his fear of heights would allow him to cling to it like a rope as she climbed up to freedom.
No such luck. She was apparently long enough that she didn’t have to go further to reach the top of the cliff to bring back some grasses and a sapling. She dropped down again to her previous spot, flapping occasionally for balance and spat out the plants at his feet. He gaped at them. “Uh, thanks? Getting closer I guess. But I don't eat grass or trees either.”
When her biped refused to eat the plants as well, she was frustrated. What the hell did it eat? It didn’t have the natural weapons of claws and fangs to take down animals, and this male outright refused the peace offering of rocks that it and its litter mate had gifted her with. Maybe they don’t need to eat? Oh, well, that takes care of that then. Probably just lives on rainwater and sunshine like plants do. Such weird things. The other bipeds just screamed and wailed until she gave up trying to understand them. Soon shutting them up easily enough. At least these two were more reasonable. If a little odd and contrary. Still, they are plenty good for her offspring.
Her whole demeanor changed. He could tell she was frustrated at his lack of eating but he couldn’t just eat grass and tree leaves. He needed to get the hell out of here and find his brother before Sam was caught too. She seemed to be thinking about something then suddenly came to a stop. She opened up her mouth and came closer to him. His arms shot out in front of him trying to ward her back but she just clamped her snake like lips down on his hands up to his forearms and dragged him closer. He yelped in pain and she let go briefly as she climbed a little higher to get her hands or at least one hand into the action. She grabbed him carefully around his midsection and flipped her hand with him in it, lifted him up so that his feet were aimed towards her muzzle. He was on his back in her hand and she angled her neck and head backwards to line him up with her opened mouth. Giving him a straight shot into her mouth, no detours, deflections, or distractions.
“No! Nononno! You do not want to eat me! Not a deer! I'm poisonous! Stop! No! I'll eat the plants if you want! I'll eat the fuckin' rocks too! Just put me down!” he cried and grunted, trying to squirm out from her tight grip of his midsection. Ropes, handcuffs, chains, choke holds, he could slip them all but how do you get out of a huge single hand? Suspending you helplessly over the ground and headed for certain death? He only had one arm free and he was punching lips, teeth, gums, tongue, anything to keep her from pushing him further into her gaping mouth. Saliva and thick ropes of drool looped and dangled down like spider web string all throughout the living cavern.
Her thumb and first finger had his legs pinned together as they went in first and he could feel the slick wet squish of tongue slid up his toes, to his calves to his thighs, disappearing around his ass because of her fingers and his boxers but reappearing beneath his back as he was pushed further in. The warmth of her breath was all around him as the arch of teeth came up around his chest and then up over his head. She let go of his legs once they were firmly gripped into her throat by the back of her tongue and several other things that Dean had no hope of identifying, something was gripping him tight enough that he couldn’t move his feet at all and wondered how the hell she was still breathing and not gagging on his body intruding her mouth like that. Must be through her nose or something.
The claws slipped out of the mouth, leaving Dean squirming and wriggling on her tongue. She didn’t close her mouth all the way just yet, leaving about 6 inches, which gave him a glimmer of hope. She then moved, the scenery outside of the maw changed and dropped down as she climbed up the rest of the way and settled on top of the cliff. He felt her grunts of exertion and sigh of content as she laid out and Dean could see tall grass just outside of the mouth. So freaking close but he couldn’t reach it at all, her muzzle was huge and he fit perfectly inside of it. The dragon must be laying down now, settling on the grass, the mouth closed a little bit more from gravity, tiredness or what, Dean didn't know. All the while a string of “nonono's” left his own mouth as he pushed up on the roof of her mouth with both hands. Trying to brace himself against his tongue platform that just now relaxed too so he could no longer touch the top unless he sat upright and brushed it with his fingers. Not exactly like a hard palate like a humans, slightly more soft, flexible and ribbed. Her tongue lifted him up abruptly and forced him flat against the slightly curved roof of her mouth, bending him backwards into it as his soft flesh pressed along those ribs and the tongue rubbed him back and forth. It felt like he was being being dragged on a soft version of road bumps alerting drivers to an impeding stop sign. He switched from 'no's to 'stop's as his word of the day as she hummed with pleasure. Her hot tongue flattened wide and the sides curled up around his sides to cup him fully like a tight canoe. He could feel the undulating muscles underneath and the slimy finger sized tastebuds that were dragged along his bare skin. She was fuckin' tasting him!
Suddenly all those times he told fugly's 'eat me' just came crashing back on him and he regretted every single one. Saliva, or the dragon equivalent of saliva was seeping from the sides of her cheeks, the small holes in the roof of her mouth, dripping just about everywhere as she barely moved her head. Content to just rest it on the ground and savor her meal. Dean was grateful that at least she hadn't started chewing yet. She kept him more or less laying down instead of tumbling all over her mouth like a clothes dryer. He could feel those huge canines and front teeth graze by his spit slick hair every once in awhile. Forked tongue somehow flat at the back and tapering off towards the front to wrap itself around his neck. Not choking, but still heavy on his throat. The ends of the forked tongue licking small streaks against his neck and cheek up to his temple, tickling his ear before slipping one end inside. That got a reaction and he struggled harder. He did not giggle. He did not. It left his ear soon enough as he kept punched the sides of those sharp teeth on either side of him, then clawed at the gums and tried digging his fingers into the spot between the gums to irritate her into spitting him out like a corn kernel stuck in the molars. She grunted, air forced over him and he gagged on it. It was awful! Like rotting meat and sulfur.
“You sure you're not a demon?” he yelled at her and then followed it with a “Christo!” just for good measure. No reaction. Shit. At least with demons he could exorcise it, cause it pain with some Latin words. But a mythical fire beast that's currently suckling him like a candy cane? Nope.
After at least a minute of wriggling and struggling to free his feet from her throat, he stopped. He was tired and the fumes were getting to him. All he wanted to do was rest. She wasn’t gonna let go. But maybe she would just spit him back out again. After all, she didn’t eat him fully yet. Maybe she was just keeping him warm overnight? Like some fish keep their babies in their mouths to protect from predators. Yeah, that’s it. That’s what dragons do right? Maybe he's just over reacting to this and she's just making sure he's safely tucked in for the night. Not tasting him... protecting him...
The other part of Dean's weary brain supplied him with the image of her nest of eggs and how wrong that theory was. Or maybe, (and really the maybe's were gonna kill him first before the dragon had a chance), but maybe she did this mouth holding thing to her babies after they were born and she was just following through with her motherly instincts. Like she thought Dean was her baby and was acting accordingly. “You eat all your kids, or is it just me?”
And really, for last words, even Dean could see how stupid that was. But, oddly enough, it was not inaccurate.
Her mouth was closing, lips pursing together slowly, cutting off his air supply so gradually that he didn’t even notice. The fumes she surrounded him with did their job and he felt himself drifting off.
Movement around his feet got a glimmer of attention from him as he felt more then saw that his calves were also held tight. Then his thighs. He was slipping, slowly, gradually down deeper into her mouth. He couldn’t feel her canines at his head anymore. Everything was warm and squishy soft and tight. He was barely breathing but that was no concern anymore. Talking was too much work, and he was too tired to fight anymore. Really, the most disturbing thing about it was the sounds. The slick spit swallow that lubricated his passage. The moan of pleasure from all around him. Like the best tasting meal she ever had. 'At least someone is enjoying this.' He thought dryly. The heartbeat that wasn’t his own got louder and louder, the sounds of the thing breathing through a different air canal pissed him off a little because it meant that she didn’t have to stop swallowing him to breathe. She was taking her sweet time killing him.
His chest was now unseen through the throat muscles, constricting all around him. He couldn’t feel his feet anymore. Blood flow cut off for too long. Everything below his waist went numb. He wasn’t even sure if it was there anymore. Maybe it was digested already. He was just a head now. Oh and a hand. Nope. There it goes. Those weird muscles just sucked it down, he could feel it being pushed and moved to his chest. The other side mirroring the action. Like a mummy. Or a corpse. Thoughts became harder to comprehend, and he drifted down to blackness as one last push of the end of her tongue had him completely inside her throat.
He could feel all of those neck muscles constricting and moving, like a snake but he was moving down instead of a snake being moved forwards. Once his neck was no longer gripped as tight, he could feel his body again. At least it was whole for now. Then his whole world shifted. His feet felt gravity again and he was no longer laying down but upright, sliding a little faster downwards. She had her head and neck stretched up as straight as it could be into the sky, so he had no hope of climbing out again. Not that he had much hope to begin with. The warm body around him shifted again and he felt pressure from the outside. Pushing him down. He felt it around his head, then chest to his waist and legs then feet. Then repeating again at his head. He was dimly aware of the fact that she was forcing him down faster with her hand around her neck. Some strangled cries were heard far above him as she opened her mouth again and air leaked in for just a moment. He took his final breath before the light dimmed and he was plunged through an opening to his left. It was a small space, like a sack, no bigger then a small bathtub but he somehow fit inside it, curled up, once the rest of his body joined his feet. One final shove was the last thing he felt as the opening closed again. The very last human thing he thought was that he was sorry he left his Sammy alone.
Then nothing.