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Fairy Tail Ask/Promptbox Series


I love Fairy Tail so I decided to create an ask/prompt box that solely focuses on that series.

Chapter Text

Hello and welcome to my Fairy Tail askbox. You should know the premise by now, ask a question, mainly related around Fairy Tail, and I'll answer it to the best of my abilities. You can ask nearly everything like a how did it feel for Asuka when she fucked both Mirajane and Lisanna at the same time, or how does it feel Gray to end your rivalry with Natsu by fucking him in the middle of the guild, etc. But I do have a couple of limits so if your comment includes any one of these I will either not do it or ask you to alter it. Same applies for the soft limits but it solely depends on how I feel.

Hard Limits

- Gore

- Vore

- Hairy Bodies

- Snuff

- Toilet Play

- Pregnancy


Soft Limits

- Filth

- Cumflation