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They all deserve help


Everyone on the team is struggling with some sort of addiction, it all comes crashing down on them with Rossi's first day coming back to work since retirement. They all have to face their compounding problems and decide for themselves if they are willing to get help or not.

Chapter 1: Derek Morgan

Chapter Text

Usually the first thing to come to mind when heading back from tough case was grabbing a drink at a club and seeing if any woman was willing to spend some time with him. At that point in his life that was all he ever thought about. No matter the circumstance. 

It was more necessary. In fact he'd been having so much sex it was distracting him. Getting caught in his own cobweb of thoughts. Sure he had the occasional thought about how perhaps Prentiss was looking good that day, or wow Garcia is wearing another beautiful outfit. It was a whole lot more intense or just different than that. 

It was hard to deal with and he hated it. The more sex, or porn he went through the more he craved it. He'd never felt so dependent on it. He couldn't pin point a trigger. In fact if anything it should have been going on for a lot longer than that. There was no reason for it to suddenly be a problem, but it was. 

He ended up blacking out at a woman's apartment with no knowledge on how he'd gotten there. Alcohol and sex often went hand and hand for him, but he hardly at all if ever reached a point of drunkenness that he couldn't recall the events of the night prior. 

His head pulsed as his eyes darted to her alarm clock on the beside table. 

9:45 AM


He was about to exit quietly, something he never did. He always thought it was a cowardly move, but at that point he did not wanna have any conversation with someone he knew zero, absolutely nothing about besides the fact that she had a gorgeous apartment and that she looked conventionally attractive. 

He was close to being ready to head out, as he had successfully gotten his underwear and pants on. As he threw his shirt over his head he saw her shift around in the sheets. 

"Derek?..." she smiled lazily, and got herself up from off the bed. 

"H-hey, sorry I really have to go. I was supposed to be at work at eight… it's almost been two hours." 

"Hold up." She clung to his arm and he stopped in his tracks. "You don't remember me do you?" 

"No. I'm sorry- I really don't." 

"You do this a lot? Sleep around-" She asked, even though she knew his response. 

"Yes, I do," he answered honestly with a sigh, as he fumbled around for his wallet and phone on the floor. He should call Hotch and let him know he's still coming in. 

"Do you need a ride?" 

"No thanks, I'll call a cab." 

He felt bad, she was rather nice. "What's your name?" He looked back at her, he hadn't even received any messages or calls about his lateness yet. 

"Jordan," she replied, and got up to put on some more appropriate clothing. 

"I am sorry, it's kinda hard to have a relationship with my type of job. I assumed you knew what this was…" 

"That's not what the Derek I was talking to said last night," her smiled turned to a slight frown, and she looked up at him knowingly. 

"What did I say?" 

"You said you can't stop having sex, that this is your way of dealing with things It's been taking over your life..." she drew out the last bit, her eyes empathetic. 

Morgan paused, and looked at her earnestly. "If you knew that, then why'd you have sex with me in the first place?" 

"I was lonely Derek, drunk and lonely and I had just moved a few months ago. I really shouldn't have brought you back and I'm sorry, but I do think you need some sort of help." 

"Look I really do have to leave, but thanks." He dismissed and walked out of her bedroom. She followed and stood in her doorway. 

"Just please, try to think about it. You can't keep going like this, Derek. You have a problem." 

"Enough. Okay, plenty of people live like I do. It's fine." 

He bit back, and finally stormed his way out of there and called up Hotch. He was surprised to find that he didn't answer, he then called a cab, and made his way to the office to try and find out what the hell was going on there.