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Part 4 of The Ghost of The Talking Cricket- Disney Style, Part 9 of Geppetto's A+ Parenting ...*NOT*

-*Then OUT OF THE BLUE* Comes This *GROOVY* Young Man...!


They were due to Be Married, though they'd *never before met*... Their parents were *THRILLED*- but both young grooms, for different yet similar reasons, were filled with REGRET...

Then, in a moment of panic and despair, 'Carlo' (*OOPS*!! Sorry- I mean, *Pinocchio*) desperately fled- and by a *GRAVE misunderstanding*, ...married the CORPSE groom instead. On first glance, he was 'awful' frightening, but on second and third, both quite handsome and charming as well as kind- he would *NEVER* be False! All that he seemed to lack was, well- *the beat of a pulse*...

THIS is a tale of wit, charm, and strife about a sweet timid young man and The Love of His Life- the *OTHER tale* of 'The Ghost of the Talking Cricket'.


I *HEART* Tim Burton's 'Corpse Bride' as much as 'The Phantom of the Opera', and have read the *ORIGINAL story* of 'Pinocchio' same as seen the Disney version of aforementioned tale... which means that I have *Plot Bunnies out the wazoo* once more, and have ever since first seeing CB. But I wasn't quite sure how to truly write it out until the release of 'When You Wish Upon a Star' by Elizabeth Lim and 'Lies of P'...

You all remember how *HORRIBLE* Victor-our-beloved's mother was and is in either canon or fanfiction, right?? Well, in WYWUAS, Pinocchio's actual mother *the SISTER* of the Blue Fairy was something of a bloody bitch herself- and more often than not, when it comes to 'Lies of P', Geppetto is a *BAD father* rather than good (not that he's exactly an angel during half of either Disney's 'Geppetto' or Guillermo del Toro's 'Pinocchio', either). -Which meant that I *FINALLY* had my emotionally neglectful/abusive social-climbing William and Nell Van Dort, and could AT LAST crack my knuckles and get to work!

I'd wanted to write this during Spooky Season alongside my 'Phantom' fics, but unfortunately both Writer's Block and Real Life stopped me from doing so- *damnit*. (Excuse my language.) Ah, well- at least NOW I'm able to get to it! (Do I have a *Beetlejuice* AU planned as well, you ask??? -Yes. Yes, I do...)

I myself own *NOTHING* save for the *story IDEA*- everything else belongs to Disney, Collodi, Hamilton, Luske, del Toro, Lim, 'Lies of P' creators, Schwartz, Burton, Johnson, August, Thompson, Oretega and de la Cruz (in the case of 'Descendants'), Elfman, etc.! Song lyrics included save for possible tweaks here and there! *WARNINGS* are in the Tags!
Also- don't like, don't click, don't read. Meaning NO SPAM, please and thank you!! Kudos and Comment after reading if you like, but please be nice about it- thank you again.

All that said... please sit back, relax, and enjoy, my fellow freaks, geeks/nerds, and crossover lovers!


Cast List:

Pinocchio | 'P'- Victor Van Dort

Il Grillo Parlente | Jiminy H. Cricket- Emily Merrimack the Corpse Bride

Lampwick | Romeo- Victoria Everglot

Geppetto- William Van Dort

Ilaria Belmagio | Scarlet Fairy- Nell Van Dort

Podesta from Guillermo del Toro's 'Pinocchio'- Lord Finis Everglot

Lamp | Candlewick's Mother- Lady Maudeline Everglot

Medoro (from Carlo Collodi's 'The Adventures of Pinocchio')- Mayhew, the Van Dorts' coachman with a bad cough for some reason or other

Count Volpe- 'Lord' Barkis Bittern

Evie from Disney's and Melissa de la Cruz's 'Descendants'- Bonejangles

Spring from 'Lies of P' and Carlo Geppetto from both LOP and GDT'S P- dual role of Scraps (you'll see what I mean)

Chiara Belmagio | The Blue Fairy- Pastor Galswells (sans the 'Gall' bit; meaning she'll be a priestess, but FAR FROM 'horrid' as he is)

La Muerte and Xibalba- dual role of Elder Gutchknect (with Evie as their adopted daughter Just Because)

Jiji from 'Kiki's Delivery Service'- Maggot

Tiny!Judy Hopps- Black Widow

Various Disney Characters from Animated Movies and Shorts (Pixar included, possibly), the Haunted Mansion, and 'Descendants'- Residents of The Land of the Living and The Dead

Lorenzini Venigni, Giango, and Eugenie from 'Lies of P'- SHHHH*It'sASURPRISE*!!!*NoSpoilers* Characters

Chapter 1: 'Secondo Il Piano... *NO*'- Or, You're Not And *Never Will Be* CARLO


"It's a *BEAUTIFUL* day!
(It's a rather nice day)
A day for a *GLORIOUS wedding*...!"

"A REHEARSAL, my dear, to be perfectly clear..."

"*A REHEARSAL* for a Glorious Wedding...!"
-"According to Plan", Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

Hmm... maybe so, but things don't *ALWAYS go according to plan*, Nell Van Dort; and your son's just-as-sweet-and-shy-and-nervous counterpart is about to find that out QUICK-SMART. Before and after The Rehearsal...!


Just a couple things to say Before We Begin: the tune that PINOCCHIO plays on the piano is the Prologue from 'Edward Scissorhands' instead of "Victor's Theme". And 'Secondo Il Piano' is 'According to Plan' in Italian. That's all...

Chapter Text

Just *one more*- one last final dip and stroke of the paintbrush, and... THERE.

Soft sweet expressive semi-delicate pale pink lips curved upward into a small slight yet genuinely happy smile. Large bright blue eyes that already naturally sparkled like the stars in the night sky fair DANCED with joy. Both just faintly lit up the roseate doll-like face of their owner from underneath a thick raven-dark silken-soft flop/swirl of bangs, who then turned to his best and almost only friend and laughed softly in a timbre clear as crystal, sweet as honey or chocolate, warm as sunshine, and light as a dove's feather, "S-*See*?? Heh! That- That makes an AWFUL BIG difference, d-doesn't it, Spring?"

Aforementioned lovely orange-and-cream tabby cat with brilliant green eyes raised her elegant head from her small 'gloved' paws- seemed to smile both fondly and agreeably and then meow and purr in the same tone rather than staring blankly or yawning as most cats are wont to do in response to a question that doesn't concern him or her.

"Uh- Uh-huh! I- I thought so, too. What- What *d' YOU* think, Mr. Cricket and M-Miss Butterfly??"

Both insects contained but *NOT* TRAPPED in a bell-jar on Spring's ownee's window-sill either fluttered their wings or chirped in delight and agreement- which was good enough for 'giovane signor' Pinocchio Edward Benjamin Belmagio-Tommaso, creation/son of Geppetto Giuseppe Tommaso and Ilaria Alberta Belmagio. (-*PUPPET of 'good' Geppetto and former opera star Ilaria AKA 'Dama Cleo del Mar the Crimson Nightingale of Esperia'*, actually. Both ironically and not.)

"Well... it took just a little more ink 'n paint, but now *I'm all finished*! -Which means that YOU, 'il mio buon signore e signora', are- are more than free t- t' go. Let- Lemme just, um..."

Thankfully, BLESSEDLY, neither his newest acquaintances nor best most closest friend *DIDN'T mind* that he occasionally stammered and stuttered or spoke *too* softly. AT ALL. -Heck, the Lady Spring *MUCH PREFERRED* quieter voices to awful loud ones! (Which Pinocchio did not blame her for in the least, and more than sympathized and agreed with.)

Slowly, carefully, gently, Pinocchio lifted the bell-jar once he'd put his paintbrush into a small jar of water in order to clean it, smiling still while observing the greeny-brown cricket and blue, purple, pink, and orange butterfly flying around his bedroom twice before either fluttering or hopping out and away- either over or across the small colorful semi-quiet town of Krat. Where he'd lived all his life... as in, ever since he'd been awoken by both Faerie magic and a toymaker's genius half a year ago. Not *as HIMSELF*, but as *a flippin' darn replacement*. For- For- *HIM*.

Pinocchio sighed heavily and leaned on the sill of his bedroom window like a princess or heroine either simply pining and love-lorn, captive, or both. The sparkle faded from his eyes and smile wilted from his lips- the latter of which he bit while running the tip of his tongue over his palate so as *not to cry*. He would be BEATEN -*WHIPPED, even*- if there was evidence of so much as one single little tear shed! And he was a Good Boy, so therefore he would behave-
But 'ih, ih, ih'- HOW *he WISHED* he could disobey and cry at least *a little*...!!

For today was-

"HEAR YE- HEAR YE!! *Ten minutes to go until Baldini's and Tommaso-Belmagio's wedding-rehearsal*!"

...Which meant that TOMORROW, his *ACTUAL wedding* would be taking place. (And WHY THE HECK did they have a *town crier*??? *TALK ABOUT 'old-fashioned'*...!) And for all that Pinocchio was admittedly a romantic and *ADORED* fairy-tales, he was *not at all* looking forward to walking down the aisle himself either in a bride's white silken lacy gown and veil plus big pretty bouquet or a near-matching dark groom's suit and boutonniere.

Because he would not be marrying his One True Love. No- no, no, no. Sadly, unfortunately, *NO*. He would be first rehearsing and then truly exchanging vows and rings with R-

"*Where is that useless heartless little puppet*??! If *we're LATE*, I'll BEAT him!"

Pinocchio squeaked, started, and went even paler than usual underneath his star-dusting of freckles on hearing the strident colorful rich musical *irritated* tones of Signora Ilaria Belmagio-Tommaso- Prima Donna still in both demeanor and voice. No- ANGRY. Not just 'irritated'. Which meant that he *NEEDED to move*. Like, *RIGHT NOW*. OR ELSE.

"'*RAGAZZO*!! *Come along now if you please*!"

EEP- and *that* was Father. Patient enough, but not for long ifPinocchiodidn'tMOVEITALREADY...

"C-Come- *Coming, Mamma! C-Coming, Father*!" he called down, thanking both his lucky stars and God that he'd already brushed and tied half his hair back as well as gotten all 'squeaky-clean' and 'spiffed up'. Which meant that he could just run down the stairs, out the door, and into the carriage on which was still displayed colorful posters of 'Geppetto's' (Toy, Clock, Music-Box, and Oddment Shop) and immediately sit right across from his semi-elderly still-beautiful yet *COLD* 'parents'- trying his very best to *NOT blush* and I-G-N-O-R-E the usual disapproving once-over of his freckles, nose, long less messy hair, voice, and demeanor/personality. (Sweet sweet *OTHER 'Prima Donna'* as semi-per their plan was hitching a ride both on and under the carriage. Because even if she had to stay *QUIET*, she WOULD be there for her good boy one way or another- and *that was that*!)


A smile- an *ACTUAL smile*. Huh; that was new! He also would have said 'awful nice' ...but that would have been a Lie, because it still left him feeling *cold, dark, and lonely* inside. Like a haunted house in England or an abandoned cave in either of the Poles. He didn't feel the least little bit WARM anymore than when he had Woken Up...

"You've certainly hooked *a WINNER* this time, puppet-boy. Now all you have to do is *reel him in* and KEEP him reeled in!"

"I'm- I'm *ALREADY reelin'*, Mamma." 'Via MY HEAD.' "But, should- Sh-Shouldn't Signore Romeo be married to a- *a LORD* or s-something??" 'Rath- Rather than a *nouveaux-riche nobody* like me, I mean.'

"*Oh, NONSENSE*, 'suono'! We're EVERY BIT AS GOOD as 'le famiglie Baldini'!"

"'Si'! -Besides, I always deserved *MUCH BETTER* than being a mere woodcarver's wife..."

"But- But- I've- *I've never even SPOKEN TO HIM*, Mamma- Father! What- Wh- What if we d-don't like each other??!"

"*Tch*!! Well, at least we have THAT in our favor! And as if THAT has *ANYTHING* to do with an *ARRANGED marriage*!"

'But- But don't *you 'n Father* like ea-??? -Nevermind. You- You two CHOSE t' marry each other. "*Sciocco me*"...'

"Don't try to *be FUNNY* after saying 'Hello' and 'How do you do?', 'giovane uomo'- don't try to be quick! Don't try to be SLICK- clever, certainly, but NOT *a smart-aleck*. *NOT TODAY*- do you hear??"

"So- I should just... *be myself*???"

"-You haven't been hearing *at ALL*, 'ragazzo mio'; *you haven't been hearing AT ALL*! P- Carlo, this is our ONE CHANCE to buy what money can't: *RESPECTABILITY*. HONOR. *A title to a point*. If we play our cards right, then we won't just be rubbing elbows with the finest and Be Seen- *we'll be HAVING TEA WITH THE QUEEN HERSELF*! *The queen*! *Think of THAT*...!"

"You really should be *GRATEFUL* for *everything we've done*, 'piccolo marionetta'! WHO ELSE would sacrifice *SO MUCH* for the good of their own... sort-of other son???! *Hump- herm- hmm*??"

"I- ...I AM grateful, Mamma. I *REALLY AM*! I- *I promise*!"

"Well, you'd best better sh- *YOU DAMN DOG*!!! *Silence that 'maledetto' coughing if you know what's good for you*!!"

"You know he can't really help it, 'il mio usignolo'..."

"*I don't care*, Geppetto; it's ANNOYING. *And DISTRACTING*!"

'That's not fair *OR right*!! "Povere" Medoro; I hope he gets better sooner rather than later! At- At least he stopped smokin'- so- so that should help...'

"Everything MUST BE *PERFECT*. *Everything*- every *LAST LITTLE thing*- every SINGLE TINY MICROSCOPIC THING *must go ACCORDING TO PLAN*! Our son *FINALLY* married, our family elevated to the Heights of Society- to *the costumed balls in the hallowed halls and cakes and tea with Her Highness*...!"

"'*Secondo. Il. Piano*'. *OR ELSE*, Carlo's Replacement..."

(Pinocchio *freakin' HATED* being called that. Even more than 'puppet' or 'puppet-boy' or '[little] doll' with a sniff, glare, and sneer. Even more than *'Carlo' itself*. And he WELL KNEW what exactly 'or else' in all big blaring crimson capital letters meant... so he would do *HIS VERY BEST* to still be a Good Boy, even if he didn't want to at the moment.)


*Something ELSE* that he really disliked i.e. Hated/Loathed??? Mamma casting a Glamour so that he *looked and sounded like* Carlo. Meaning *telling a big fat shiny golden LIE* while smiling sweetbrightfriendly and exchanging pleasantries. Same as oh-so-good-and-honest Father. Same as HE HIMSELF, which was the worst of all despite him not once opening his own mouth to speak...

Just barely, 'P' bit back another deep heavy sigh as he blinked hard and swept his tongue over his palate yet again while forcing himself to follow after his so-called parents and his (eekeekEEEK*gulp*) inlaws-to-be to the west drawing-room in the Baldini mansion where tea would be taken before The Rehearsal. Had he been *Carlo*, he was sure he would have *ROLLED his eyes* alongside blinking back and swallowing down (angry) tears. *Biting back and swallowing down a curse or two*, as well-

Just then, the very softest faintest *sweet friendly* sound didn't so much as brush his ears as *CARESS OR KISS them* as he passed by and accidentally brushed his fingers against... A PIANO. A truly grand piano that looked well-cared for even if not *LOVINGLY played*...

Should he-???? No- NO. Of course *he SHOULDN'T*! For one thing, he was supposed to follow Mamma and Father into the drawing-room for tea- for another, this wasn't *HIS piano* anymore than the bread and cheese and fruit on seven little plates belonged to Princess Snowdrop. He himself shouldn't even so much as *nibble* much less take a good deep juicy bite...

But he was *so very TEMPTED*- enough that he played a small simple scale. Once, then twice...

His conscience was saying 'No', that was true ...but not very loudly or even insistently- as though he-or-she too was awful reluctant about this sham/scam of a True Love Marriage. And music had always calmed and soothed and comforted him as much as art... T'was *the ONE* thing he had in common with his mother and father, as a matter of fact (even though his voice was too high-pitched and clear and sweet for either of their liking)...!

He *should NOT*- But *he was going to*. Just for a few minutes. Five at least, ten at the most. THEN he would head to the tea-room himself for a hopefully also-bracing 'cuppa and biscuit', as the British said over in England...

With that decided, Pinocchio sat right down, loosened his fingers, ...and began to play a tune both melancholy and sweet. Something that caressed one's heartstrings and tugged them to the point of wrenching at the same time...

Soon he was *SO soothed and even happy again* that he let his eyes flutter closed as a smile shyly danced over his lips. Let himself slightly sway to the music every now and then, even if he didn't allow himself to hum or vocalize let alone sing...


How long he either danced in the snow or flew among the stars on silver wings, he didn't really know. -What *he DID* know was that he came not just bumping but CRASHING back down to Earth at the sound of a rough deep-ish masculine "*Ahem*". To the point of squeaking, yelping, and jerking as his eyes flew wide open- the latter so much so that he disturbed and almost sent a small jar of forget-me-nots and violets and lilies-of-the-valley flying and crashing as well, *just barely* putting it right again! (Another thing that Geppetto didn't at all like anymore than Ilaria: that 'P' was so very easy to startle and surprise ...and make cry.)

"O-Oh! *Oh*! I'm- I'm awful sorry! D-*Do forgive me*! I- I know I shouldn't have- but- but..."

"Wouldja CALM DOWN already, Slats? '*Per favore'*? I'm not gonna *FLOG ya* or anythin'; geez Louise...! If *I* were musical, and this *WASN'T my house*, I'd be either plinkin' or poundin' away at the 'pianoforte' m'self."

Pinocchio immediately calmed down. Somewhat. He was still jumpy- still apologetic, because he was *a good boy*, and Good Boys APOLOGIZED for doing wrong when they'd been either merely naughty or very very bad. "I- I *REALLY DO apologize*, sig- b-'buono signore'! How- How RUDE 'f me to- um, well... E-Excuse- M-'Mi scusi, per favore'...!"

"'Scuse you for wh-?? Ohhh. Heh- yeah. *Puttin' THE BENCH* right 's much as the flowers would be a pretty good idea."

His cheeks were. *SO*. RED. *Hejustknewit*, given the heat he could feel emenating from his face from hairline to chin and jawline...!! *To NOSE*, even-!

'*BRILLIANT, little Pine-Eye*. Just BRILLIANT! -*NOT*.'

"You're not half-bad, y' know. On th' piano, I mean. ...But I STILL don't know why ol' man Geppetto and Miss Scarlet Nightingale thought that could *EVER* fool me. *Carlo's GONE*. D-E-A-D *DEAD*. *As DUST*. As *a doornail*. Same as mean old mister Jacob Marley Scrooge's business partner from 'A Christmas Carol'. -*FUCKIN' DEAD*, you bastard an' bitch!"

Pinocchio flinched, swallowed hard, and backed up and away from his husband-to-be. He was handsome enough, 'si'- in a rough rugged type of way: tousled-on-purpose hair both red and gold- vibrant green eyes more emerald than jade- the very lightest dusting of freckles himself- tall, lean, and lanky yet muscled beneath his fine(ish) clothes of brown, black, and green topped off with a smart jaunty newsboy cap with a feather stuck in it. Seemed like he could be a nice-enough guy, if a little loose, sharp, and blue-or-purple with his tongue...
But right now- currently?? Those usually seemingly merry devil-may-care eyes were COLD. Hard. Filled with *PAIN*- with *heartbreak*. Raw as a just-'earned' wound both bleeding and oozing pus due to an infected weapon rather than a literally clean cut. Those laughing quipping fullish lips were firmed and tight- sparkling shining white-as-white teeth clenched and grinding from behind them. Those large long-fingered hands were balled into rock-solid fists, and that 'toothsome' body was trembling from ...Rage. Fury.

"Carlo was *PERFECT*. In *his own* way. FUCK what Geppetto wanted an' expected! *You*???! You're not 'ugly' much less *UG-LY*, but you're, well- *you're WEIRD-LOOKIN'*. Weird little wooden puppet sans strings t' Carlo bein' a porcelain doll."

Pinocchio flinched again at that. Bit both his lip and his tongue. *Held the words back* and a POSSIBLE SPELL/CURSE as his eyes stung, quivered, and watered and heart and soul *HURT* all over again.

"I mean, you've got *a GIRL'S* lips, eyes, an' skin, but *a dwarf's nose*! Don't mind dwarfs, but I practically HATE girls... And freckles look *WEIRD* on a *NON-redhead*! An' you look *so SHY*- so timid. So QUIET... Bet you're *a FRICKIN' BORE* in bed, huh??! -Unless you're actually a pure lily-white virgin..."

"I'm- I'm a- *I'm a virgin*," Pinocchio tried his hardest not to *BITE out* as his own body trembled from Anger and Upset and Embarrassment/Humiliation and his big blue orbs for eyes spat out sparks of wildfire despite being cold as ice and hard as diamond. "And- And my name's P- P- *'Pinocchio'*, by th' way! U-USE IT 'f you please 'n th-thank you!"

In response??? Romeo Baldini laughed a harsh ugly barking cawing laugh before glaring, snarling, lunging forward, taking hold of Pinocchio's face, and *stealing his very first ever kiss*. And not the least little gently or playfully *much less TENDERLY*, either. Ohhhhh-ho-ho-ho, *NO*!!
It was *ROUGH*. It was HARD. Lips harshly pressed against lips before a hot wet near-slimy tongue didn't just push but *SHOVED through* and teeth *bit* more than nibbled or nipped. All for a whole minute while Pinocchio muffledly cried out and gasped for breath and struggled to get away but couldn't...

Then, afterwards, as he gulped down sweet sweet lungfuls of air while tears welled and brimmed afresh in his eyes and he scrubbed at his mouth, his face was slapped, *his NIPPLES* were grasped and pinched through his gold-trimmed sapphire-blue jacket, cream waistcoat, and snowy shirt, and his- his- *his MEMBER* was ground and rubbed via knee before practically being STEPPED ON. Then callused fingertips reached around and further down- brushed over hisspecialprivateplace *THERE*... and then 'twas given a good hard slap as well.

'I *will NOT* cry- *I will not cry*- Iwillnotcry- NOTINFRONTOFHIM...!!' Pinocchio choked out in his head, heart, and soul. 'No- No matter *HOW much* I want t' sob 'n scream...!'

(LATER, however- *LATER*, either in the woods or his bedroom, he would break down completely and utterly. [No pun or joke intended.])

The boy oft called 'Lampwick' rather than 'Romeo' sneered. *Nastily*. "Like I said. *NOTHIN' like him*, SLATS. *Doll-face*. Nasty useless worthless little puppet who I'll only fuck when I'm desperate with a capital 'T' but *NEVER* make love to or with..."

Pinocchio's eyes and heart BURNED as he was then *MOCKINGLY-sweetly* kissed on his other cheek and given a forget-me-not, violet, and Thumbelina-sized lily each. *Slapped* a just-as-soppy shiny faux-golden lielielie on his face when his mother-in-law-to-be gasped in and scolded in mock-surprise and admonishment while justbarely hiding a happy happy sparkly-eyed smile herself, "What IMPROPRIETY *is THIS*??! You two shouldn't be ALONE together- *not yet*! Why, here it is, one minute before five, and you're *NOT AT the rehearsal*!
"*Come at once*, if you please, 'ragazzi'- Priestess Belmagio is waiting. Patiently, but not for long...!"

"Yeah, okay- comin', Ma!"

"C-Come- Comin', M-Mrs. Mother-In-Law! Right- *Right now*..."

She laughed and smiled sweet and hap- no. Joyful. Gently tenderly patted his slapped-rather-than-kissed cheek in a way that his own actual mother *NEVER* had and never would. Tousled his dark dark hair in the same manner. "Shy, Carlo sweetheart?? Nervous? -That's alright. *So was I*..."

('I'm not just "nervous" or "bashful", Mrs. Mary... I'm *FLIPPIN' FRIGHTENED*. TERRIFIED-!! *IDON'Twantt'getmarried*- not to someone who doesn't love me! And I'm. *NOT*. *Carlo*...!'

But 'P' | Pinocchio of course couldn't say that aloud. Only deep deep down inside to both himself and a sympathetic fuming hidden Spring as he forced his [*HA*] cold feet to move to where he and *CARLO'S Romeo* were supposed to go...)


&Three hours later...&

"Signorino Belmagio-Tommaso, *from THE BEGINNING*. ONCE MORE, if you please."

(Forget 'fumbling' and 'messing this up'. He was *FUCKING this up*- meaning that once he got 'home', he was going to be not just spanked or slapped but *lashed into a blubbing bloody mess*. -That, or after either the wedding or when he got back from the honeymoon. Hedidn'twantomessthisup*yetDID*...!!

-'DIO', *it wasn't fair*! *Wasn't RIGHT*, d'spite what Father and Mamma Dearest thought and said! *NOT. AT. ALL*...! Not to him, not to Romeo- and *DEFINITELY NOT to dear dead beloved CARLO* whom 'Lampwick' had loved and still did!! [Not even to *Zia Chiara*, who was being as patient as an angel and kind as a mother's kiss as always... who had *ALWAYS* loved PINOCCHIO and not ever once 'Carlo's Replacement'.])