Work Text:
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’Twas the night before Yule, when all through the Castleship
Not a creature was stirring, even the mice were asleep;
They had been running all day
Messing with the decorations Lance would lay;
The entire ship was shimmering and glowing,
Coran had even made it so inside it was snowing…
The Blue paladin had almost started crying,
So much was he moved, his big heart flying…
All the gang had gathered for the celebration,
Even their friends had not passed up the invitation…
Matt and Rolo had spiked the punch,
Nyma, Plaxum and Acxa ate a bunch…
Hunk cooked for an entire galactic army,
All amazing dishes, some alien ones a bit wormy…
He wanted to make everyone happy and satisfied,
His cooking bringing smiles so merry and bright…
Allura had shared stories and traditions from the Altea of old,
That made Kolivan and Krolia smile, misting their eyes of gold…
Shiro sang and sang every single festive song he knew,
Remembering everyone home they were travelling to…
Pidge and Hunk had rigged a giant projection screen,
Connecting through all of space to that planet of blue and green…
Though a little shy and unsure at first,
Keith had played some holiday tunes till his heart nearly burst…
They sang, ate, drank, danced, celebrated without a care,
For a moment there was no war, no struggle, only joy in the air…
They exchanged small gifts from the heart each had made by hand,
And quizznack if those were not the best gifts in any land…
And now after the hour is late, two paladins are making the rounds,
Making sure everyone is tucked in and smiling at their sleepy sounds…
On the way to their room, Keith and Lance stumble on some Galra mistletoe,
It clutches them firmly in its grasp but they do not mind at all…
As all they had been planning for this celebration any way,
Was to kiss and snuggle the night away…
As for this exhausted weaver of tales, she hugs you all a lot
She dives back in between the letters, inspiration caught
And then heard the paladins yell, before vanishing out of sight,
“Blessed Yule to all, and to all a good night!”
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