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For this GOetry Monday prompt.

Form: Espinela
Word: Speechless

The espinela is a Spanish form of poetry, often used for political, philosophical or religious commentary. What would Crowley say, if he wrote one to challenge God?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The text of the poem in flame colours on a charcoal background

I only ever asked questions.

Didn't think they would be smothered, 

that I'd leave you speechless, Mother, 

with my innocent suggestions.


Failure to conform: transgressions

that would never be forgiven.

Rather let your Host be riven –

cast us from your loving presence, 

rip your grace out of our essence –

than allow us to be shriven.


I am only four months late to the mark, posting this. I had the first stanza sitting in my drafts for ages, but the second part kept fighting me.

Also posted on Tumblr

Series this work belongs to: