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A drabble for Hen Wilson Week 2025.

Written for Day One: Passion and Healing


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"Hurry, we've got a sixteen year old with a gunshot wound."

She hurries out of the ambulance, and exchanges worried glances with her partner, the other paramedic.

The teenager lies face down on the sidewalk, with a stray bullet lodged in her back. 

It's a familiar case of wrong time, wrong place.

They work as quickly as they can to save her before it's too late.

"I've got a pulse," Chim shouts.

"Stay with me," Hen says, repeating the words she recalls from years ago.

This time she's in the right place.

Now it's her turn to save the girl.


Thanks for reading.

Series this work belongs to: