
Old and new...metal, wood, paper, road, and neon...signs, everywhere signs.... I try my best to give credit to the person/persons for photos if I know...some are just found on other sites and I have no knowledge of who they belong to...I only claim what is rightfully mine, which are very few. The rest are just because I love old, neon, funny signs. Thank you for letting me share them.
821 Pins
Intersection of old 25 from Morristown, TN and Lee Hwy. In old Bean Station, TN before the lake. Can you imagine some the drivers we have today trying to read those road signs?? Lol
Welcome to OnStar | Safety and Evolving In-Vehicle Tech
Road sign seen in San Diego – “Cruise Ships Use Airport Road” (and other funny road signs) | | #funny #road #signs #humor #onstar
V101.1 - V101.1 - Sacramento's #1 For Throwbacks
Funny Street Signs - Sacramento's Old School
20 Challenging Unusual Road Signs
which way?
silly and stupid street signs
silly and stupid street signs - Yahoo Search Results
Still have to think hard to tell the difference and even then I usually get it wrong! Sad but true! ;)