
1,347 Pins
All About Spring - FREE ACTIVITIES - Reading and Enrichment — Keeping My Kiddo Busy
All About Spring - FREE ACTIVITIES - Reading and Enrichment — Keeping My Kiddo Busy
End of the Year Teacher Letter to Students and Parents {Editable}
End of the Year Teacher Letter to Students and... by Adventures and Teaching | Teachers Pay Teachers
Painting with Peeps Easter Art
Make my Peeps Easter Art with your child today. A super easy kid-friendly Easter painting craft that uses sugary Bunny Peeps! #passion4savings #craft #easter #kidfriendly #forkids #painting #holiday #fun #peepcraft
Nose Blowing Routine & Visuals 👃
Maddie emotion cards and mirror (to learn to identify emotions) velcro buiding sticks (to learn about the geometric shapes) (to go out and learn colors and textures)  to train motor coordination  learn about vegetables and fruits  learn about numbers  learn about shapes  learn about five senses  learn the letters