conscious creation success stories

I LOVE to hear how others are creating love, money, magic and successes of all kinds--be it a little sign or a full blown miracle.
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- It Happens So Quickly... - | Live a Life You Love
IT HAPPENS SO QUICKLY… I woke yesterday with a feeling of trepidation. My finances are a mess. My business is failing. I have nothing left in the bank and only 10 days until my rent is due...
- Attracted money magically! - | Live a Life You Love
ATTRACTED MONEY MAGICALLY! I have been consciously creating for a couple of months now and recently have started to focus all my thoughts, energy and time on creating money. So I decided to set my wallpaper as this: “Today is a delightful day. I am attracting money in expected and unexpected ways.” Now, here’s where the magic happened...
- How I attracted love in my life - | Live a Life You Love
HOW I ATTRACTED LOVE IN MY LIFE It is so true that what we think about and FEEL about most comes back to us. Of late I had been feeling the romance and excitement in my relationship had come down. After all, its hard to maintain the same level of passion and excitement we feel when first falling in love ...
- Hope - | Live a Life You Love
HOPE! I am very strong person and I believe all words you said in the website. It all about mind state. Knowing that when things are going bad in life I don’t have anyone to make me feel better reason is people think I am happy and strong...
- My Health Shield - | Live a Life You Love
MY HEALTH SHIELD! It is the season of sickness. I am surrounded by it. As I entered into this season of the usual illnesses that float around, I have held my intention of health strong. “I intend to stay in great health keeping my body, mind and spirit strong with grace and ease to allow freedom to care for those who need it.” And boy, is it working...
- Manifesting intentions - | Live a Life You Love
MANIFESTING INTENTIONS I had been a struggling business owner for exactly a year at the beginning of this past January...
- My Unseen Friends Responded! - | Live a Life You Love
MY UNSEEN FRIENDS RESPONDED! I started reading “The Map” yesterday and wanted to share something…
- I Manifested Money! - | Live a Life You Love
I MANIFESTED MONEY! One of my biggest challenges is my debt right now. I have started to apply the techniques and gifts plus I just started reading “The Map”. Well I received...
- Creating - | Live a Life You Love
CREATING! One of my biggest challenges is my financial situation right now. (Debts) Well I can tell you that I am really excited and very happy because I have been receiving signs from our beautiful Universe...
- My Higher Self - | Live a Life You Love
MY HIGHER SELF! I purchased “The Map” last week and during my first reading I was intrigued by the “Blending With Your Higher Self” technique. I absolutely believe we create our reality and I’ve been working with angels for about a year now, but I’ve never considered a “higher self”. Before going to sleep that evening...
- You only need to feel the feeling - | Live a Life You Love
YOU ONLY NEED TO FEEL THE FEELING! After a prolonged period of puttering, the creative magical juices began to stir. I had been in the same career for over half my life and needed to reinvent my world to fit in with my present circumstances, wants, needs, and dreams! Where did I begin? What did it look like? How could I earn enough money...
- Magic is all around me! - | Live a Life You Love
MAGIC IS ALL AROUND ME! We came to the hill country June 3 to look for a new home. We have already manifested a beautiful home and studio while literally living in the desert for the last 40 years. Since arriving here, while reading The Map and my belief and intentions lists twice a day...
- My life has been showered with Abundance! - | Live a Life You Love
SHOWERED WITH ABUNDANCE! I have been working really hard on creating Abundance! And guess what...
- Manifesting Money - | Live a Life You Love
MANIFESTING MONEY I have yet again seen money being brought to me through using the techniques on this website and in The Map...