Film Directors

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Edward Steichen - Wikipedia
Luxembourgian American photographer Edward Steichen. Born Éduard Jean Steichen 27 March 1879, Bivange, Luxembourg. Died 25 March 1973, West Redding, Connecticut
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - Movie stills and photos
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger(The Terminator) & Director James Cameron on Location for Terminator 2:Judgement Day(1991)
34 Behind The Scenes Photos That Will Change The Way You Look At Classic Movies
The water the Titanic sank in doesn’t look so bad: | 34 Behind The Scenes Photos That Will Change The Way You Look At Classic Movies
40 Behind The Scenes of Your Favourite Movies -
Titanic behind the scenes. See there was room for two.
Titanic (1997); behind the scenes with director James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet
Titanic Photo: kate
Behind the scenes of Titanic- the jump scene. It took about two months to make this scene because director James Cameron wanted things to be "just so." No matter, it turned out AMAZING, am I right? I think it was just because this scene was so important, everything had to be just right, you know what I mean?(:
Titanic - Behind the Scenes