
Reconciliation is one of the greatest gifts God has given us and he died so that we could receive it. When Jesus died on the cross he saved all people from original sin, but even now we continuously sin and need forgiveness when that happens. When we sin, it means that we have distanced ourselves from God and disrupted our relationship with him. We go to confession because through our sin we have separated ourselves from our church community and must restituite the situation, by confessing our sins and joining back into the communion of the church. Making a confession is actually quite simple. First, you go into the confessional and choose whether or not you want the priest to see who you are. The priest says hello and then asks how long it has been since your last confession. You respond and then continue on to tell your sins. When you are done you say your act of contrition and the priest tells you what your penance will be (what you have to do to make up for your sins). After that, the priest gives a blessing and dismisses you, and you have just made a confession. There are four elements to reconciliation are contrition, confession, satisfaction by penance, and Absolution. Contrition is the heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sins that you committed. Confession is the external expression of sorrow and willingness to accept the consequences. Satisfaction by penance is offering recompense for the injustices that you caused. Lastly, absolution is forgiveness of the guilt associated with the action.
36 Pins
This is BRILLIANT. ...and it's a pretty good short-hand form for the basis of an examination of conscience. My favorite: "Are you perfect already? -> Yes -> Get Real."
i have nine lives, you have one go to confession and mass - The Most Interesting Cat in the World
Joey Skaggs, Notorious Artist and Satirist, to Launch Web site on April 1, 2007
Portable Confessional. This makes me laugh. " "For the sinner on the go." I suppose I would why you would need this if I was catholic and did not believe I can just tell God what I need to whenever.: )
Many times I bowed beneath the heavy load. On bended knee to God a prayer I prayed. He'd remind me just once more, that the answer was already on the way.
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The Confessor is not the master of God's forgiveness but its servant. Catechism of the Catholic Church
Sacraments 101: Penance (why we confess) - Busted Halo
"Sacraments 101: Penance" - Why do we have to confess our sins to a priest? Can't we just pray to God for forgiveness? If I sin but no one is affected then can I say, "no harm, no foul?" The Sacrament of Penance (aka Reconciliation) is one of the healing sacraments, and celebrates the loving embrace of God when we turn toward him and away form our sins.
4 Reasons For Traditional Catholic Confession Behind Screen And Kneeling | Traditional Catholic Priest
4 Reasons For Traditional Catholic Confession Behind Screen And Kneeling.
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
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I asked Jeff if he truly believed in God. He firmly said, "Yes I do." As a CHRISTIAN, he was nowhere near perfect, and messed up alot. I mess up, you mess up, we all mess up. But God’s grace is bigger than all sins.