
192 Pins
The Banded Back Extension Over Squat Rack
No specialty machines in your gym? No problem. Here are the top 5 simple machine movement modifications to upgrade your specialty training, minus the specialty equipment.
Cardio Workouts For Firefighters - Fire Rescue Fitness
Cardiovascular fitness is obviously a very important concern for the fire rescue athlete (firefighters, paramedics and EMTs). Lately I've been researching…
15 Ideas on WALRUS Training
I jokingly call this WALRUS training because it is the fat, gross cousin of the Navy SEAL. This is for the Suburban Commando; able to mow any lawn, shovel any driveway or clean out any amount of gutters. Obviously, this is very tongue in cheek. If you can rip off 200 squats, 100 push-ups and 50 chin-up/pull-ups with an 80lbs vest in 30 minutes, you are going to be in pretty good shape (and strong) for just about anything.
Giant Sets for Size and Strength
Skimping out on accessory work because you don't have enough time? Get a nasty pump with giant sets and kiss your time constraints goodbye.
6 Weeks to a Bigger Squat
This 6-week cycle is for the beginner and intermediate lifter who has reached a plateau. You'll rely on core, plyometrics, and squats to achieve a new max.
Top-55 Prowler® Workouts
Buddy Runs, Death Rallies, Prowler® Mile, Prowler® Suicide, Prowler® Marathon... with this list, your Prowler® options are endless.
T Nation Content
Time to go outside and get ugly. Revive your inner warrior and do these three nasty strength and stamina drills once a week.
T Nation Content
3 Brutal Challenges for Strength & Stamina | T Nation
BarBend - Strength Training, Nutrition, News, & Reviews
Switch up your next workout with these joint-friendly, full body finishers that help both strength and conditioning.
Bodyweight Training--Upper Body Strength and Power
This split is customizable, flexible, and effective in helping to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Not to mention, you don’t have to have a pricey gym membership in order to see results.
Increase Maximum Strength with Low-Intensity Training
Increase Maximum Strength with Low-Intensity Training / Elite FTS
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Increase Maximum Strength with Low-Intensity Training / Elite FTS
SSB Back Raises
Training to get Instagram-worthy glutes is just as much for the guys as it is the girls. Not only will your backside look better, but working on your glutes might help out with knee and back pain, too.
Conjugate Powerbuilding 3-Week Split
What do powerlifters and bodybuilders have in common?